
2022-05-24 15:48:16   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《2013高考前作文复习》,欢迎阅读!

作文的标准:分段,层次清晰;应用较多的高级词汇和句型;有思想性; 书面干净,字迹工整!


一:高级词汇的使用(查看以前讲的高级词汇) 适当利用短语取代单词

使用短语的难度比单词要大一些,因此适当运用短语更能显出考生的功力。例如: 1Suddenly I had a good idea.

换作短语:Suddenly I came up with a good idea.

2Take a moment to see what is happening around you.

换作短语:Take a moment to see what is going on around you. 3Everyone should do his or her best.

换作短语:Everyone is supposed to do his or her best. 4I’m extremely busy now.

换作短语:I’m now as busy as a bee.




In a word(总之) we can draw the conclusion that....(我们能做出以下结论....) 2. 结尾万能公式二:写"个人的看法"常用的句型

in my opinion,=as far as I am concerned=in my view=personallyI prefer..=personally, I hold the view that From where I stand, I hold the view that….Hence,we are supposed to …. 同意某人的观点I am in favour of …’ 或者 I couldn’t agree more with… 不同意某人的观点I am not in favour of …’ 或者 I couldn’t agree with… 3.结尾万能公式三:写"提出建议,采取措施"常用的句型

Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.For example,(由此可见,该是我们采取措施解决问题的时候了。例如:….




Never will I forget 。。。我绝不会忘记..

Tired as I was, I felt delighted虽然我很累,但是我很开心。 what made sb +adj was that+句子:令某人...的是。 what sb should do is that +句子: 某人应该做的是……:

only in this way +can sb do...:只有通过这种方式某人才能做.... only by doing sth+can sb do....:只有通过....某人才能做.... For what he did 因为他做的事

He is highly praised for what he did 因为他做的事他被高度赞扬 On the hot afternoon of last Saturday 在上周六的那个炎热的下午


Deeply moved by her efforts 被她的努力所感动

With the joint efforts of A and B AB的共同努力下 Overcome barriers in life 克服生活坎坷。

处理问题:attend to the problem; 找到:find=put ones hands on .我相信:I believe that...=I am convinced that=I depend on it that

关于孩子成长的话题:Only in this way can kids grow up mentally and physically. 关于环境:Only in this way can we live in harmony with the environment. live in harmony with..和谐相处 ; .重要的是做..:what counts is to do ..

当谈到....:when it comes to +名词; 绝不:Under no circumstance will sb do 每个付出都有影响every effort makes a difference.

非常重要的:vital=be of vital importance.; 我认为:I think=I subscribe to the view that.. 因此:so=as a result=consequently ; 总之,简而言之:in a word=in brief

背诵3: 直到...某人才.:Not until ......did sb do sth

........:Hardly had I done…when… =No sooner had …done than… 我从这次经历中学到.....I learned from this experience that ... 甚至到今天,我仍然....even to this day I still......:


to one’s joy (令某人高兴的是)

to one’s surprise (令某人惊讶的是)

to one’s disappointment (令某人失望的是) to one’s satisfaction (令某人满意的是)

以上令某人...的是句型 都可以换成:what made sb +adj was that+句子

如:让我开心的是他通过了考试What made me delighted was that he passed the exam.


1 换句话说:in other words, that is to say,

2 实际上: in fact, actually, as a matter of fact 说实话,说真话:to tell the truth 3. 例如: for example, such as, take….for example

4.确信Sb’s sure that….., It’s certain that sb.….., Sb is certain that….. 5.糟糕的是: what’s worse, to make matters worse

另外,考生应养成规范书写的习惯。要点齐全,字数符合要求。字迹工整、卷面清洁、布局美观、 标点符号正确,能给阅卷者带来视觉美的感受, 自然就会给阅卷者留下良好的印象, 增加得高分的机会。

背诵5 6.记事开头部分常用句型:

1One Sunday morning, we went to…. 一个星期六的早晨,我们去... 2.A few days ago, I was on my way to school. 几天前,在我去学校的路上,

3Last week, my uncle had an unforgettable experience. …上周,我叔叔有一次不愉快的经历。

4Last week, when I was on my way homesomething terrible happened.上周,在我回家的路上,一件糟糕的事发生了。

5The event took place/happened/occurred in the early morning.这件事发生在早上。 6On March 23rd, a terrible accident happened on….323日,发生了一件交通事故


1. I was about to… when…我正要突然,

Hardly had I done…when… =No sooner had …done than…….... (2). There be +sb/sth +doing/done 有人/物在做.../被做.. There was an old man lying on the ground有一个老人躺在地上 There was a flower watered. Unfortunately不幸的是, 3. To our surprise令我们惊讶的是,

4. To tell the truth, we were frightened at that moment. 老实说,我们当时吓坏了 5 in the middle/ course of…的过程中

At the same time 同时,然而= in the mean time two hours later = after 2 hours 两小时后 after that = later (on) = then那以后;然后

in the end=finally最后 soon = before long很快,过不多久 It was/ will be + 一段时间+ before… :过多久就.. (6)作者心理活动的描写:

I could hardly believe my eyes我几乎不相信我的眼睛.

I was completely shocked我很震惊. I was bursting with joy我高兴地跳起来.


teach sb. a lesson ;帮助某人拜托困境:help sb out

从„在中吸取教训take a lesson from ;欣喜若狂 be mad with joy 1.Tired as I was , I was happy that I did a good deed.

2It was the most exciting moment that I have ever experienced.这是我经历过得最兴奋的时刻

. 有思想性




你校正在进行“英语读书周”活动,该活动要求学生摘录名言佳句(quote)并相互交流。以下是某同学摘录的句子:Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you。请按下列要求用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文: 针对摘录句中的观点谈谈你的看法;举例说明理由


第一段:首先说明“我是否同意这个观点”(如果同意,就用:I couldn't agree more with this view;如果不同意,就用:I couldn't agree with this view;)然后解释这句名言。

第二段:举例论证这句名言,举例要典型,可以用“Take ...for example”来开头, 可以用“Therefore/as a result/consequently , I firmly believe that ....."来结束这段话。 提示:如果写出来文章有点短,可以写第三段:”做个总结 范文背诵:

In the English Reading Week, one of m classmates recommended a quote to us which goes like this : "Your future depends on many things but mostly on you. " I can't agree more with this view. It's true that our future is determined by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, and hard work play a more important role. In other words, we are the master of our own future.

Take Abraham Lincoln for example. He was born in a poor family, and only received a limited education in his childhood. Yet through his painstaking efforts, he changed not only his own fate but also the history of America. Even to this day, Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world. Therefore, I firmly believe that our future is in our own hands.

