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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《关于低生育率的理论综述》,欢迎阅读!


【期刊名称】《福建行政学院学报》 【年(),期】2011(000)006

【摘 要】世界上很多国家已经进入很低生育率行列,中国的部分特大城市甚至已经进入超低生育率。低生育率事实呼唤低生育率理论。对与低生育率相关的七种理论进行分析,包括人口转变理论理论选择理论、班加茨的低生育率模型、低生育率陷阱理论、扩散理论、性别均衡理论文化视角。这些理论和模型从人口学、经济学、社会学、女性学、行为主义和文化等不同学科,从宏观、中观和微观等不同层面对生育率进行解读。人口学家不能依靠一个囊括所有方面的宏大理论来解释多样化的低生育率现实,而要从地区模式来理解发展中国家和发达国家不同的低生育率模式。%Many countries has been added into the list of low fertility in the world, a few large cities in China have the extreme low fertility. The phenomenon of widespread low fertility calls for the theories of low fertility. This paper analyzes seven theories related to the low

fertility,including demographic transition theory, rational choice theory, Bongaarts low fertility model, low fertility trap theory, diffusion theory, gender equity theory, and cultural explanations. These theories and models provided cross-disciplinary and muhi-level interpretations from the disciplines of demography, economics, sociology, womens studies, behavioral and cultural and from the levels of Macro, meso and micro. Demographers cannot rely on a grand theory which includes all theories

above to explain the various and complicate phenomena of the low fertility, but demographers can try to explain the parity of low fertility between the developed and developing countries from the regional model. 【总页数】7(P44-50) 【作 者】黄匡时;马小红

【作者单位】北京大学社会学系,北京100871;北京市人口研究,北京100044 【正文语种】 【中图分类】C913.15 【相关文献】

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