【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《描述危险的英语口语表达》,欢迎阅读!

Don”t tell me...:我才不信…… 用法透视
这个句型用于表示惊异和不信任,相当于I can”t believe或I”m shocked。 支持范例
1. Don”t tell me! 我才不信呢!
2. Don”t tell me you failed the test! 我才不信你考试不及格!
3.Don”t tell me your car broke again. 别告知我说你的车又坏了,我才不信呢! 会话记忆
A: I”m back, buddy. 我回来了,老兄。
B: Did you get everything? 全部东西都买回来了吗?
A: Everything except the vegeburger. 除了素汉堡都买回来了。 B: Don”t tell me they had no vegeburgers! What sort of fast-food restaurant is it anyway!
别告知我说他们竟没有素汉堡!这算什么快餐店呀! 二
Get involved in...:被卷入…… 用法透视
这个句型可以用来表示某人“与......有牵连;卷入......”,也可以说“be involved in... ”。 支持范例
1. I got involved in the trouble. 我被卷入麻烦之中。
2. He was involved in a lawsuit because of his heedless remarks. 他因冒失的言论而卷入一场官司。
3.We”re all involved in it, whether we like it or not. 不管我们情愿不情愿,我们都卷进去了。 会话记忆
A: I”ll never ever work together with him! 我绝不再跟他共事! B: What happened? Quarrel again? 怎么了?又吵架了?
A: Will you take my materials back from him for me? Please!