七年级下册英语单词表:Unit 1

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年级下册英语单词表:Unit 1 & Unit 2


pal 濂芥湅鍙?pen pal 绗斿弸 Canada 鍔犳嬁澶?France 娉曞浗 Japan 鏃ユ湰 the United States 缇庡浗 Australia 婢虫床;婢冲ぇ鍒╀簹 Singapore 鏂板姞?the United Kingdom 鑻卞浗 country

Sydney 鎮夊凹 New york 绾界

nit 1 & Unit 2

Paris 宸撮粠 Toronto 澶氫鸡澶?Tokyo 涓滀含 live 灞呬綇 language Japanese

;鏃ユ湰浜?would 涓栫晫 French 娉曞浗浜?

like 鐖卞ソ

dislike 璁ㄥ帉;涓嶅枩娆? Unit2 post


?office 鍔炲叕瀹?浜嬪姟鎵€ post office




句功棣?restaurant supermarket 瓒呯骇甯傚満 pay phone 鎶曞竵寮忓叕鐢ㄧ數

St.=street ?琛楅亾 pay 浠橀挶;?park ?mail

ave=avenue ц;

;鏋楄崼閬?center ; bridge


there 鍦ㄩ偅閲?mear ?--杩戞梺 across

?across from ?--瀵归潰 next ч---鐨勬梺杈?璐磋繎 next to ч---鐨勬梺杈?璐磋繎;鏈€鎺ヨ繎 between 浠嬩簬---涔嬮棿 front 鍓嶉潰;鍓嶈竟 in front of ?--鍓嶉潰 behind ?--涔嬪悗 neighborhood 闄勮繎;閭昏繎 just 鐩存帴鍦???浠呬粎 straight 涓€鐩?鐩存帴 turn


left 鍚戝乏;宸﹁竟 down 鍚戜笅;涓嬪幓;娌跨潃 right 鍚戝彸;鍙宠竟 on the right 鍦ㄥ彸杈?open 寮€鐫€鐨?娓呮磥鐨?骞插噣鐨?quiet 瀹侀潤鐨?dirty

market 甯傚満;甯傞泦 clean ?house 鎴垮瓙;浣忓畢


welcome 娆㈣繋 garden 鑿滃洯;鑺卞洯 district 鍖哄煙;鍦版柟 enjoy 鐨勪箰瓒?娆h祻 walk ?beginning 杩囧紑 tour


take a walk ;娓稿巻 visit


through 绌胯繃;

place 鍦版柟;


扮偣 fun 鎰夊揩;寮€蹇?have fun 鐜╁緱寮€蹇?if 濡傛灉 hungry 楗ラタ?arrive 鍒拌揪;鎶佃揪 way ?


?take ???taxi


鐨勫+;璁$▼杞?airport 绉佷汉椋炴満;灏忓瀷姘戠敤鏈哄満 pass 閫氳繃 hope 甯屾湜;鐩兼湜;鏈熷緟 yours 鐢ㄥ湪淇℃湯缃插悕鍓?

