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人教版八年级下册英语第六单元基础知识总结 短语归纳(学生必背内容)

l.work on从事 例句展示:The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching 例句展示:

12.the weak 弱者

例句展示:We should protect the weak.我们应该保护弱者。 outer space.

科学家们仍致力于发明到达外层空间的新方法。 2.as soon as…….. 例句展示:

I will tell him the news as soon as I see him. 我一见到他,我就就告诉他这个消息。 3.take away带走

例句展示:Please take away your clothes.请把你的衣服带走。 4.put on 穿上 例句展示:

Its cold outsideput on your coat at once.外面冷,马上穿上外套。 5.a little bit 有点儿; 稍微 例句展示:

The people in the room are new for himso he is a little shy. 房间里的人都是陌生人,所以他感觉有点害羞。 6.seem very possible似乎很可能 例句展示:

It seems very possible to rain tomorrow.似乎很可能明天下雨。 7.give up 放弃 例句展示:

Never give up your dream.永远不要放弃你的梦想。 8.because of因为 例句展示:

Because of the rainI was late for school.因为下雨,我上学迟到了. 9.once upon a time 从前 例句展示:

Once upon a timethere lived an unhappy king who slept badly and didnt feel like eating.从前,那里住着一位不开心的国王,他睡不好觉也不想吃东西。 10.turn.into....变成 例句展示:

His bad luck unexpectedly turned into a good thing.他的坏运气意外地变成了一件好事。

10.come out出现;出版;结果是

13.make a dress 做一条连衣裙

Sarahs mother made a dress for her yesterday. 沙拉的妈妈为她做了一条连衣裙。 14.fall in love 爱上; 喜欢上 例句展示:

He fell in love with that girl since last year.自从去年,他就爱上了那个女孩。15.get married 结婚 例句展示:

He got married last year.他去年结的婚。 16.think ofways 想出方法 例句展示:

He thought of ways to work out that math problem yesterday evening. 昨天晚上,他相出方法解决那道数学题。 17.all over the world 全世界 例句展示:

That funny picture is spread all over the world.那张搞笑的图片传遍了世界。18.in the forest 在森林里 例句展示:

He was almost lost in the forest last time.上次他差点在森林里迷路。 19.the whole family 全家 例句展示:

The whole family were astonished when they saw the funny actor. 看到那个滑稽的演员,全家都很惊奇。 20.make a plan 制订计划 例句展示:

You should make a plan to review your lessons. 你应该做计划复习你的功课。 21.be quiet 安静 例句展示:

You should be quiet in the library. 在图书馆你应该安静。 22.go to sleep 去睡觉 例句展示:

You should go to sleep before ten.你必须在十点前睡觉。

23.get up起床 例句展示:

As a studentyou should get up early every morning. 作为一名学生,你应该每天早起。 24.along the way 沿路 例句展示:

You may make mistakes along the way .一路上你们可能会犯错。 25.be lost 迷路 例句展示:

Dont be lost!不要迷路。 26.wake up 醒来 例句展示:

Dont wake up late in the morning.早上不要醒的那么晚。 27.go out 出去 例句展示:

You should remember not to go out alone at night. 你应该记住晚上不要一个人出去。 28.pieces of bread 面包屑

例句展示:Dont make pieces of bread on the ground.不要把面包屑弄在地上。29.never mind 不要紧 例句展示:

--I have made your clothes dirty. --Never mind.

30.find one's way out找到出路 例句展示:

When you are lost in the forestyou should think ways to find your way out. 当你在森林里迷路了,你应该想办法找到出路。 31.inside the house 在房子里面 例句展示:

You should put your things inside your house.你应该把东西放在房子里面。 32.learn about 了解 例句展示:

We should learn about the history.我们应该了解历史 33.a good way to solve his problem 解决他的间的好办法 例句展示:

You should find a good way to learn English well. 你应该想个好办法把英语学好。 34.for example例如


Hefor exampleis a good student.例如他是一个好学生。 35.neither of 两者都不 例句展示:

Neither of them made mistakes.他们两个都没有犯错。 36.for the first time 首次 例句展示:

I saw that for the first time in my life.我第一次见到那东西。 37.in fact 事实上 例句展示:

In facthe is a good girl.事实上,她是一个好女孩。 38.become interested in ...感兴趣 例句展示:

He has become interested in English recently.最近他对英语感兴趣。 39.instead of代替; 反而

He goes to school by bike instead of driving a car.他骑自行车而不是开车去上学。


1.try to do sth.尽力做某事 例句展示:

He tries not to make mistakes.他尽力不犯错。 2.finish doing sth.完成某事 例句展示:

He has finished reading the book.他读完了这本书。 3.continue to do sth.继续做某事 例句展示:

He continues to read the book.他继续读这本书。 4.make sb.do sth.让某人做某事 例句展示:

The boss makes him work late.老板让他工作到很晚。 5.keep doing sth.一直做某事 例句展示:

He keeps working.他一直工作 6.be able to do sth.能够做某事 例句展示:

He is able to finish the work.他能完成这项工作 7.love doing sth.喜欢做某事

