
2023-02-25 00:54:13   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《零起点基础英语二翻译(3)》,欢迎阅读!
1. 那家邮局离我们学校很近步行几分钟就到了

That post office is very close to our school , it takes a few minutes to get there on foot 2. 如果你偶然装了别人,你得向别人道歉

If you knock into someone by accident ,you have to apologize to him 3. 请别在我工作时打扰我

Please dont interrupt me while I’m working 4. 路途很遥远,他们只好轮流开车

Its very far away , so they have to take their turns to drive 5. 别笑话我,我刚开始学日语,所以读不好

Dont laugh at me . I’ve just started to learn Japanese so I cant red well 6. 周末我邀请一些朋友一起去野餐

I’ll invite some friends to go for a picnic on weekends 7. 不论你是否喜欢你都得参加这个意识

Whether you like it or not , you have to take part in the ceremony 8. 我仍然记得他们结婚的那一天

I still remember the day when they got marride 9. 汤姆和他妹妹分享了夫人送的蛋糕

Tom and his sister shared the cake which mrs.jones gave 10. 关于这件事,医生好像什么都知道

The doctor seemed to know everything about the matter 11. 来自马路上的噪音影响了我学习,我没法忍受

The noise from the street affected may study .i couldnt stand it 12. 我很惊讶他能猜出我的年龄

I was surprised that he could guess my age

13. 我们能够从实践中学到书本上学不到的东西

We can learn the things from practice that we cant learn from books 14. 那个年轻人自从父母去世后经历了很多事

The young man has gone through many things since his parents died 15. 他不知道他考得怎么样,但他已经尽力了

He doesnt know how well he did , in the ex-am bat he tried his best 16. 安娜能胜任这项工作吗? Is anna qualified for the job

17. 我认为这样的好天气会持续两个多星期

I think the nice weather can last for more than two weeks 18. 他想这所学校申请一个职位,但是没有成功

She applied for a position to this school , but she didnt succeed 19. 你发烧了,不应该去上学,而应该去看病

Youve had a fever. You should see a doctor instead of going to school 20. 我的朋友霍布建议我不要搬到纽约去

My friend hob advised me not to move to new york

21. 史密斯太太的体重不断增加,她的丈夫告诉他要节食

Mrs.smith is getting heavier and heavier and heavier , her husband told her to go on a diet 22. 下次别再吃到了,否则你会被开除 Dont be late next time ,or youll be fired

