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都说17岁是女生最美好的花季,那你知道它的英文怎么写吗?下面是店铺给大家整理的17的英文怎么写,供大家参阅! 17的英文怎么写
英 [ˌsevnˈti:n] 美 [sev(ə)nˈtin] seventeen seventeen的英语用法
seventeen [,sevən'ti:n] n.
十七,十七个 十七个人(或物)
表示十七的符号(如17或ⅩⅦ等) 十七个(人或物)一组 十七岁
十七点,下午五点 第十七行(或节、章、部等)
十七的;十七个的;第十七个的 17的英语例句
1. At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war. 至少有17个非正规军部队参战。 2. The bridge has 17 arches. 这座桥有17个孔.
3. By the time the tests took place, the athletes had had a full 17 hours notice.
到检测开始时,离运动员得到通知已经整整17个小时了。 4. The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the
Government by 17 per cent.
5. I have 17 independent milk - producing units. 我拥有17个单独的产乳单位.
6. And yet Dad and Mother inspired each of their 17 children to seek a college degree.
7. All steroids contain a skeleton of 17 carbon atoms organized into four rings.
所有的类固醇都含有排列成四个环的17个碳原子的骨架. 8. The AsiaEurope summit has 17 Asian members and 28 European members.
9. The IB is governed by the 17 - member Council of Foundation.
10. You try eating after performing 17 rectal exams. The nazi hates me.
你怎能在做了17个直肠检验后去吃东西. “纳粹”讨厌我. 11. In Europe, since 1958 a total of 17 cases have been reported.
据悉, 自1958年来,欧洲共计有17个病例.
12. In terms of transportation, Hainan has 17 ports and 59 berths.
在交通方面, 海南已建成港口17个,泊位59个.
13. There were about 17 juvenile arowana in a small 3 foot tank.
14. Damon is hitless in 17 at - bats and batting an