【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《唱歌的声音英语拟声词》,欢迎阅读!

Oh yeah,in every language,we have“sounds”that can express how we feel.Like in Chinese,啊,呀,吧,嗯,and so on,all have Chinese characters,to represent that sound.We have those in English too.They’re called onomatopoeia.So today I want to teach you 10 of the most common“sounds”we use to express ourselves in English writing.
This means“yes”or“yeah,”just like how嗯means yes in Chinese.
它的意思是“是的”,就像中文里我们用“嗯”来表示同意。 Example:
Cleveland:You’re still thinking about your ex-girlfr iend,aren’t you?
克利夫兰:你是不是还在想着你的前女友? Cleveland Jr:Uh-huh… 小克利夫兰:嗯哼…