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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《阿拉丁神灯》,欢迎阅读!
A long time ago in China, there lived a poor boy, whose name was Aladdin. Aladdin lived with his mother. One day a rich and distinguished(卓越的;尊敬的) looking man came to their house and said to Aladdin's mother, "I am a merchant(商人) from Arabia(阿拉伯半岛) and I want your son to come with me. I will reward him handsomely(慷慨地)." Aladdin's mother instantly agreed. Little did she know that the man pretending to be a rich merchant was in reality a magician(魔术师).

Next day, Aladdin having packed his belongings(随身行李) left with the 'merchant'. After many hours of traveling the 'merchant' stopped. Aladdin too stopped, surprised that they should stop in such adesolate(荒凉的)spot. He looked around; there was nothing in sight for miles. The 'merchant' pulled out colored powder from his pocket and threw in the ground. The next instant the whole place was filled with smoke. As the smoke cleared, Aladdin saw a huge opening in the ground; it was a cave. The 'merchant' turned to Aladdin and said, "I want you to go inside this cave; there will be more gold than you have ever seen; take as much as you want. You will also see an old lamp; please bring that back to me. Here, take this ring; it will help you."Aladdin was very suspicious but he decided to do with he was told.

He lowered himself into the cave, thinking all the while that it would be difficult to climb out without help. Aladdin entered the cave and just like the 'merchant' had said he saw gold, jewelry, diamonds and other valuables. He filled his pockets. When this was done, he looked for the lamp; it was lying in the corner, full of dust and dirty. He picked it up and ran to the cave's opening, shouted to the 'merchant', "I have your lamp. Can you please pull me out?" "Give me the lamp," said the 'merchant'. Aladdin was not sure that he would be pulled out if he gave back the lamp; so he said, "First, please pull me out."

This angered the 'merchant'. With a loud cry, he pulled out the same colorful powder and threw it on the cave opening, sealing it with a huge boulder(大圆石). Aladdin was depressed. He thought,"That was no rich merchant; he was surely a magician. I wonder why this lamp was so

important to him." As he was thinking he rubbed the lamp. All of a sudden a strange mist() filled the room and from the mist emerged a strange looking man. He said, "My master, I am the genie(精灵) of the lamp, you have rescued me; what would your wish be?" Aladdin was scared but he said inquivering(颤抖的) voice, "Ta.. Take me back home."

And the next moment Aladdin was home hugging his mother. He told her of the magician and the lamp. Aladdin again summoned(召唤) the genie. This time when the genie appeared he was not scared. He said, "Genie, I want a palace, not an old hut(茅草屋). "Again to Aladdin and his mother's amazement in front of them was amagnificent(富丽堂皇的) palace.

Time passed.Aladdin married the Sultan's daughter and was very happy. It so happened that the evil magician got to know of Aladdin's good fortune. He came by Aladdin's palace pretending to exchange old lamps for new. The princes, Aladdin's wife,not knowing the value of the lamp to Aladdin, called out to the magician to wait.

As soon as the magician saw the lamp he grabbed it from the princess' hand and rubbed it. The genie appeared, "you are my master and your wish is my command," he said to the magician. "Take Aladdin's palace to the great desert far away from here," ordered the magician.

When Aladdin came home, there was no palace and no princess. He guessed it must be the evil magician who had come to take revenge(复仇) on him. All was not lost, Aladdin had a ring that the magician had given to him. Aladdin pulled out that ring, rubbed it. Another genie appeared. Aladdin said, "Take me to my princess."

Soon, Aladdin was in Arabia with his princess. He found his lamp lying on a table next to the magician. Before the magician could react, Aladdin jumped for the lamp and got hold of it. As soon as he had the lamp, Aladdin rubbed it.

The genie appeared again and said, "My master, Aladdin, it is indeed good to serve you again. What is it that you wish?" "I want you to send this magician to another world so that he never harms anybody," said Aladdin. Aladdin's wish was carried out(实现了); the evil magician

disappeared forever.

The genie carried Aladdin, the princess and the palace back to China. He stayed with Aladdin for the rest of his life.

很久以前,在中国,住着一个贫穷的男孩,名字叫阿拉丁。阿拉丁和他的母亲住在一起。有一天,一位富有而尊敬的男人来到他们家,对阿拉丁的母亲说:“我是来自阿拉伯半岛的商人,我希望你的儿子和我一起去做生意,我会给他丰厚的奖励的。“阿拉丁的母亲立即同意了。她根本不知道冒充富商的那个人实际上是一位魔术师。 第二天,阿拉丁收拾好他的行李,和“商人”一起离开了。经过数小时的旅行,“商人”停了下来。阿拉丁也停了下来,惊讶的发现他们竟然停在这样一个荒凉的地方。他看了看四周,几英里之外什么都看不见。





时间飞逝,阿拉丁非常高兴能与国王的女儿结婚。这位邪恶的魔术师碰巧知道阿拉丁的好运。于是他来到阿拉丁的宫殿,假装用旧灯换新的。阿拉丁的妻子不知道这盏神灯对阿拉丁有多大价值,于是就叫魔术师在外面等着。 魔术师一看到那盏灯,就从公主的手上抢走并擦了擦这个灯。这时精灵出现了,并对魔术师说:“你是我的主人,你的愿望是我的命令。”魔术师命令到:“把阿拉丁的宫殿带到远离这里的大沙漠。


不久,阿拉丁和他的公主在阿拉伯重逢。他发现他的灯躺在魔术师旁边的桌子上。于是在魔术师能做出反应之前,阿拉丁跳向了神灯并抓住了它。他一拿到灯,阿拉丁就擦了擦它 这时精灵又出现了,说:“我的主人阿拉丁,很高兴能再次为你服务。你希望我为你做什么呢?”阿拉丁说:“我要你把这个魔术师送到另一个世界,免得他伤害任何人。”阿拉丁的愿望得以实现;邪恶的魔术师永远消失了。 精灵把阿拉丁、公主和宫殿带回了中国。它一生都留在了阿拉丁的身边。

