
2022-04-25 09:57:16   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语周记》,欢迎阅读!
43 第五周


Recent feel particularly busy, class activities with the activities of associations crowded together, plus a lot of this semester elective course, some class teachers need to find time to complete assignments, people say that college life is not busy, I think just the opposite . But some elective courses are frivolous, the teacher is talking about the professional knowledge, I can only learn about the number, in fact, like when listening to the divine book, do not understand the teacher's class, may be too esoteric, there is no basis for the sake of it, but I will not skip class, I have to learn well.

48 第六周


After training tonight cases, have reached 23 o'clock, I went back to quarters, lying in bed, the thought, since I entered the law school since the GB team, is the first time for a performance and training for so long, but I find it worthwhile, meaningful, because this benefit performance is to a large earthquake occurred in the disaster areas Yushu in Qinghai Province to raise money, so I am very serious about training for want to make a difference.

417 交谊舞大赛 第七周

今晚是校学生会举办的第七届交谊舞大赛决赛,我们的法学院国标队有一对选手进了决赛,现在已经七点十五分了,比赛在七点半就开始,而我还在宿舍做着作业,我看了下手机的时间后,赶紧换了件衣服,然后往决赛地点跑去,因为队友进了决赛,我们队里的其他人都有去帮他们加油,今晚的表演真的很精彩,我们拿了季军,实在是太令人高兴了。 Dance competition

Tonight is the student holding the 7th dance contest, our law school national team with a pair of players into the finals, now has seven and fifteen minutes, the game in it, and I also do the job in the dormitory, I looked at the time of the next phone, quickly changed his clothes, and then to the final location, because his teammates into the finals, our team of other people have to help them, tonight's show was really exciting, we took 2nd Runner-up, is too nice.

423 第八周



This week bustles about very much, because approaches 51 vacations quickly, therefore many disciplines have arranged some holiday task, moreover quickly to the semester time, will also have arranged except work some disciplines the midterm examination, examined the student semester the study achievement, also therefore supervised the student not to forget to study, this was a good deed, looked like my also push to review lessons.

430 第九周


Friday in the afternoon the last class is unendurable, because previous day was the weekend has a vacation. But this Friday afternoon's last class is more unendurable, because tomorrow will be 51 Labor Day, along with will finish class the bell sound, I flushed the dormitory, hurried to tidy up the thing to run toward the station, because I must go to Guangzhou friend there to pass my vacation. This 51 we have gone to the amusing place, has eaten many delicacy foods, has bought clothes which admires, watched the movie which just left "Leaf To ask 2", but also saw many beforehand friends, we crossed happily.

58 第十周 三水义演

这一天终于到来了,我们国标对的人都很兴奋,因为训练了两个月的成果,终于要在今晚发挥出来了。为了帮玉树灾区做点事情,我们校志愿者协会举办了三水义演,这一天,我们早早就来到了现场,因为要做好上台表演的准备,我们换上了礼服,化了妆,等待表演的到来。当晚的表演很精彩,我们的国标跳得很不错,义演圆满结束了,我们为青海玉树灾区献上了一点微薄之力,感觉很开心。 Sanshui Charity

The day finally arrived, the national standard of the people we are excited because the results of training for two months, finally came out to play tonight. In order to do something to help the disaster areas in Yushu, our school organized a Sanshui Charity Volunteers, this day, we arrived on the scene early on, because to do well prepared to perform on stage, we put a dress, dressed up, wait for the show arrival. The evening's performance was wonderful, our national standard jump very well, benefit performance ended, we offer a bit hit Yushu in Qinghai Province modest, feeling very happy.

514 第十一周



On May 14

in our team's people sang Kara OK tonight, because the social dancing big game has made the third good progress, moreover three water benefit performance complete success, because will teach the big two fellow apprentices female apprentices who we will dance to return to the collated and corrected copy department shortly afterward again to study, therefore we exit to get together tonight, everybody has drunk many liquor, several happy teammates have gotten drunk, but our these have not been drunk the human enough will bring back to them the school, returns the school will lie down after the bed, I sigh with emotion extremely, because we already had the very deep friendship.

五月20 第十二周 早上差点睡过头了,要是再晚一点到教室早读的话就要被记过了,幸好在军训的时候训练过,在紧急的情况下速度快了不少,及时赶到了教室。在上午上课的时候突然收到一条短信,关于今晚在行政办公室开班长会议的通知,想到这个就头痛,看来又要做汇报了。在晚上刚想前往办公室时,又收到了一条短信,是关于我们班DV作品获奖的通知,我兴奋得跳了起来,皇天不负有心人,我们成功了,大家的努力是有回报的,拿了个最佳人气奖。不过现在还是得先去把会议开完,再庆祝也不迟。

Almost overslept the morning, then come later to the classroom if the Morning Reading words would be a demerit, and fortunately, when trained in military training, in emergency situations a lot faster, in time the classroom. Classes in the morning when it suddenly received a text message, on the office opening tonight at the administration building monitor the meeting notice, think of the headaches, it appears to do, reported. In the evening just about to go to the office, they received a text message, work on our award-winning DV class notice, I jumped up excited, rewarded for work pays off, we made it, the hard work pays off, took a Best Choice Award. But now and have to go to the meeting is finished, and then be too late to celebrate.

