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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《富兰克林名言英语》,欢迎阅读!


No one can seize knowledge without sacrificing it. Investing in knowledge will benefit the most.


No one can take away all the knowledge that has been pursued; the best return is to invest in knowledge.


Reading is my only entertainment. I don't waste my time in hotels, gambling or any other bad game.


Unmodest words can only have this excuse, that is, lack of modesty is lack of insight.

5、二十岁时支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。 At the age of 20, will dominates, at the age of 30, wit, and at the age of 40, judgment.


Honesty and diligence should be your permanent companion. 7、我从不到酒馆、赌场或任何其他娱乐场所去消磨时光。

I never spend time in pubs, casinos or any other entertainment. 8、闲暇是为了做出某种有益的事而有的时间。 Leisure is time to do something useful. 9、读书是我唯一的娱乐

Reading is my only entertainment.

10、切勿坐耗时光,须知每时每刻都有无穷的利息;日计不足,岁计有余。 Don't spend time sitting down. You should know that there is an infinite amount of interest at every moment; you have a deficiency in your daily plan and a surplus in your annual plan. 11、须左右事业,无为事业左右。

We must control our career, but not our career. 12、青年人的教育是国家的基石。

The education of young people is the cornerstone of the country. 13、懿行美德远胜于貌美。

Virtue is far better than beauty. 14、一个今天抵得上两个昨天。

One today is worth two yesterday.


Reading is easy, thinking is difficult, but without one, it is useless.



Arguing is a game played by people. But it's a strange game, and no one has ever won.


A slip can be made up quickly, but a slip of the tongue may never be made up.


Orderly: Everything is in order and everything should be done on time.


The change of fate is like the round and waning of the moon, which does no harm to the wise.


If a man can accomplish half of what he wants, his troubles will double.


Attention should be paid to small fees. The sinking of a large ship is sometimes caused by slight cracks. 22、勤劳的家庭,饥饿过其门而不入。

A diligent family is starved through its doors. 23与其说人类的幸福来自偶尔发生的鸿运,不如说来自每天都有的小实惠。 Human happiness comes not so much from the occasional good fortune as from the small benefits that occur every day. 24、恶习知道自己委实很丑陋,所以往往戴了假面具。 Habits know they are ugly, so they often wear masks. 25、珍惜一切时间,用于有益之事,不搞无谓之举。

Cherish all the time, use it for good things, and do nothing senseless.


Those who believe in truth will be blessed by heaven. 27、时间就是生命。时间就是金钱。 Time is life. Time is money. 28懒惰象生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体;经常用的钥匙,总是亮闪闪的。 Laziness, like rust, consumes more body than labour; the keys that are often used are always shining. 29、真话说一半常是弥天大谎。

Half the truth is always a big lie.


Spend your money on things that are good for you and others. Don't spend a penny by mistake.


Health is an obligation to oneself as well as to society. 32、诚实是最好的政策。

Honesty is the best policy. 33把自己的缺点告诉你的朋友是莫大的信任,把他的缺点告诉他是更大的



It is great trust to tell your friend your shortcomings, and greater trust to tell him his shortcomings.

34、忽视当前一刹那的人,等于虚掷了他所有的一切。 He who neglects the present moment loses all he has. 35、懿行美德远胜貌美。

Virtue is far better than beauty.


The greatest disadvantage of mediocre people is that they often feel superior to others.


Hope is the source of life. Without it, life will wither.


Laziness is like rust: it accelerates consumption more than labor. On the other hand, locks in use are often as bright as new ones. 39、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间构成生命的材料。

Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the material of life.


Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 41、钱财并不属于拥有它的人,而只属于享用它的人。

Money does not belong to those who own it, but to those who enjoy it.


Despair destroys some, while arrogance destroys many. 43、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。

Brothers may not be friends, but friends are often like brothers. 44、把别人对你的诋毁放在尘土中;而把别人对你的恩惠刻在大理石上。 Put others'slander on the dust; carve others' favor on the marble.


