【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《关于春天的英语短文带翻译》,欢迎阅读!

Recovery of all things spring, spring rain Sasa it like a fluttering gently footsteps of the painter, a Buliu Shen it has to every corner of the earth printed on a color.
Field, flower garden, the forest have a girl left behind traces of the spring, she decorated in earth Huanran, a new, beautiful and peaceful
Lovely girl-chun, strode the world came to light steps, and that picture will be a very lively scene in all
directions then came, the whole world like a long sleep just wakened up.
可爱的春姑娘,迈着轻盈的步子来到人间,那一片生机的景象便随之来到四面八方,整个世界像刚从一个漫长的睡梦中苏醒过来。 fields confusing wheat green, I looked boundless, as if the green wave. That golden wild flowers, in the Green Wave in flash.
Spring makes everything young again except man. 春天使万物重返青春,除了人之外。
A single flower does not make a spring.
Spring returns to the earth. (或:Spring is here again.) 大地回春。
Spring makes everything young again except man. 春天使万物重返青春,除了人之外。