
2022-09-05 07:07:24   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《唯美英文短诗诗歌》,欢迎阅读!


晨读英文诗歌 晨读英文诗歌:神秘的妻子 Lie still, my newly married wife, Lie easy as you can. You’re young and ill accustomed yet To sleeping with a man. The snow lay thick, the moon was full And shone across the floor. The young wife went with never a word Barefooted to the door. He up and followed sure and fast, The moon shone clear and white. But before his coat was on his back His wife was out of sight. He trod the trail wherever it turned By many a mound and scree*, And till the barefoot track led on, And an angry man was he. He followed fast, he followed slow, And still he called her name, But only the dingoes* of the hills, Yowled back at him again. His hair stood up along his neck, His angry mind was gone, For the track of the two bare feet gave outAnd a four-foot track went on. Her nightgown lay upon the snow As it might upon the sheet, But the track that led from where it lay Was never of human feet. His heart turned over his chest, He looked from side to side, And he thought more of his gumwood fire Than he did of his griesly* bride. And first he started walking back And then began to run, And his quarry wheeled at the end of her track And hunted him in turn. O, long the fire may burn for him And open stand the door, And long the bed may wait empty He’ll not be back any more. “躺下吧, 我新婚的妻子, 自由自在, 安安静静;

与男人睡在一起, 你还太过年轻, 不大适应。外面的积雪已深, 屋里透进了满月的光明;年轻的妻子一声不吭, 光着脚丫走出家门。 他翻身起床随后紧跟, 月光辉耀皎洁明净;

可还没等他披好衣服, 妻子就消失得无综无影。 追过一座座山一面面坡, 他紧紧跟随那雪上的脚印; 那赤足的脚印不断往前, 他心中的怒火油然而生。

他在后面紧追慢赶, 大声呼喊着她的姓名, 但只有山中成群的野, 向他报以狂吠声声。

他不由寒毛倒竖, 胸中的怒火也荡然无存;

因为一双赤脚的足迹已经消失, 变成了四足的印痕继续前行。 她的睡衣脱在雪地, 像摆放在床上合于常情;

可那周围延伸开去的足迹,又绝不是人类留下的脚萤 他举目四周张望, 一阵恐怖使他失魄丧魂;

他忆起那橡胶木的炉火, 不敢再想他新婚的神秘女人。 他开始迈步返回, 紧接着就拔腿飞奔;

他追逐的脚印转过身来, 反倒把他作为猎物追寻。 , 那炉火会为他悠悠燃烧, 那新房开着门将他迟迟久等; 那张空床也将无尽地期待, 可他再也不会重返家门。

晨读英文诗歌:亲爱的莱丝比亚 My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love, And though the sager sort our deeds reprove, Let us not weigh them. Heaven“s great lamps do dive Into their west, and straight again revive, But soon as once set is our little light, Then must we sleep one ever-during night. If all would lead their lives in love like me,Then bloody swords and armor should not be;

No drum nor trumpet peaceful sleeps should move, Unless alarm came from the camp of love. But fools do live, and waste their little light, And seek with pain their ever-during night. When timely death my life and fortune ends, Let not my hearse be vexed with mourning friends, But let all lovers, rich in triumph, come And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb;

And Lesbia, close up thou my little light, And crown with love my ever-during night. 亲爱的莱丝比亚, 不要理会正人君子的责怪;

你我活在世上, 就是为了相爱。

照亮大地的太阳匆匆西坠, 夜晚过后总会重现光彩; 但是爱的微光一旦陨落, 我们将长夜永眠不再醒来。 如果世人都像我一样有爱, 那人间就不会遭受战火兵灾; 没有战鼓号角搅扰宁静的睡梦,只有爱的海洋涛声彭湃。 可是世上总有愚人, 宁愿将爱的微光毁坏; 他们苦苦追求, 想要长夜永眠不再醒来。

当我在人间的行程到时做好安排, 参加葬礼的朋友不必悲哀; 让充满爱心的人们来庆贺胜利, 让我的坟头只有休闲欢快; 还有莱丝比亚, 我心中的最爱, 将我的微光最后收起, 让爱伴我长夜永眠不再醒来。

