【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《happen的同义词》,欢迎阅读!

happen表发生; 碰巧; 出现的意思,那么你知道happen的同义词有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了happen的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!
happen, occur, chance, take place 这些词语都可表示"发生"之意。
happen : 普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。
occur : 较正式用词,可指意外地发生,也可指意料中的发生。 chance : 侧重事前无安排或无准备而发生的事,特指巧合。 take place : 多指通过人为安排的发生。 词组习语: as it happens 1. 实际上,事实上 实际上我们有一间房空着。
we've got a room vacant, as it happens. happen的例句:
1. Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.
2. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.
3. This is such an unforeseeable situation that anything could happen.
4. I go all tingly when I think of what might happen. 我一想到可能发生的事就满心欢喜。
5. He couldn't help worrying obsessively about what would happen.
6. When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control.
当一些事情的发生动摇这些信念时,恐惧就会占据我们的心灵。 7. Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn't see it happen. 露西闭上了眼睛,这样就不会看到它发生了。
8. Deep inside the awareness was stirring that something was about to happen.
9. She wondered what would happen if her parents found her. 她不知道如果父母找到自己会有什么结果。
10. To start with, where and when did it happen? 首先,这事发生在何时何地?
11. "So what do you think will happen?" he asked eagerly. “那么你觉得会发生什么?”他急切地问道。
12. I'm trying to cope. These things happen. You have to cope.
13. When sound travels through water, strange things can happen.
14. Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen. 不要坐等事情发生。要创造条件让它们发生。
15. A lot of the city's buildings are accidents waiting to happen.