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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《一百个英语小品词》,欢迎阅读!

Rome was not built in one day. 1. answer

vt. 1.回答回复

The president answered the reporters' questions. 2.答辩

How would you answer the criticism that your government has increased the leve of taxation? 3.满足

The new government just didn't answer our hopes. vi. answer sb. back a. 顶嘴 b.为自己辩解,辩白 answer to ...有反应 answer for ...而负责

1. a.Don't answer your grandmother back; it's not polite.

b.The press is attacking the Queeen when she cannot answer back. 2. The dog answers to his name.

3. I will answer to you for his safety.我将对他的安全向你负责. 1. 要求,请求

eg: If you need any help,just ask.

2. ask after sb . 问候某人的健康,问安

eg: A:Do you ask after your parents in your letters? B: Never.

3. ask sth. for sth. 要价,讨价

eg: A:What are they asking for this house? B:they're asking $15,000 for that flat. 4.ask sb to sth.邀请;请某人

eg:1A:Shall we ask the neighbours to our house? B:No problem.

2I've asked some friends to tea.

3 I've asked some friends for dinner. 5. ask sb about sth.询问,打听

eg: A:Ask him about the ring you lost. B:Right,he may have found it. 以上的ask都为不及物动词

back vt. 1.后退

She backed the car through the gate. 她开倒车驶出大门。 2.支持,鼓励

The bank refused to back the scheme. 银行拒绝资助这个计划 vi.

1.back up 支持

1)The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up. 如果你当时不支持我,警察是不会相信我的。 2)A:Can you help me lift this?

B:Sure,I'm always there to back you up. 2.back out 食言,未能履行

1)I hope i can depend on you not to back out at the last moment. 我希望能依赖你不致于最后关头撒手不干。 2)AAre you coming to the party? B:No,I will have to back out. 3.back away 逐渐后退

1)A:Are you going to keep your promise?

B:Yes,I would never back away from a commitment. (一定,我决不会失信的)

2)The dog backed away as the man raised his stick. 当那个人举起了棍子,狗便退缩了。 4.back onto 背对着,与„„相连 1)A:Where is your house?

B:It backs onto the river over there. 5.back down放弃,打退堂鼓

1)A:Why didn't you back down from that fight? B:I was drunk at the time.

2)I saw that she was right,so I had to back down the original opinion. 我发现她是正确的,所以我只好放弃原来的主张。 be

1.be at 在„„

1A:Why are you unhappy?

B:I don't want to be here. I want to be at my girlfriend's house. 2My mother is always at me about my behavior at meals. 我妈妈总是责骂我吃相不好。

2.be about to 即将,正要,正准备,正打算 1A:Where are you going?

B:I am about to go outside and rank some leaves. (我将要出去扫落叶)

2I was just about to leave when you telephoned. 3.be used to doing sth./sth. 习惯于,适应„„ 1AAre you used to living in Beijing ?

B:Yes,It took a while,but I am now used to living here.

2I am used to studying in the library .So it is difficult for me to study at home now. 4.be over 完了,完成,结束 1)A:Is it over with her?

B:Yes,I dumped her yesterday.(是的,我昨天甩了她) 2)After the dance was over, we all went to a restaurant. 5.be with 支持,同意;被„„雇佣,在工作

1)A:I want to be with her. B:She'll be back tomorrow.

2)Although others thought that I shouldn't go along with Jerry, I told Jerry that I was with him on his proposal for reorganizing the staff.

尽管有人认为我不应该和Jerry保持练习,但是我告诉Jerry我支持他重新组织职工的意见。 6.be up to 胜任,达到,由„„负责

1)A:What have you been up to lately?(你后来负了什么责任) B:Not all that much.(并没有那样多)

2)I don't care whether we go to the reception or not. It's up to you. 7.be in 流行 be out过时

1These days, jeans are in and long skirts are out.



The storm has blew over. 暴风雨已经停了

The plane blow up in mid-air. 那架飞机在半空中爆炸了 I blow the candle out. 我吹灭了蜡烛 吹气..吹倒

The wind blow my hat off. 见晚风很大

The born blew loudly. 风把我的帽子刮走了

He blow a beautiful glass animal. 他吹出一个漂亮的玻璃动物 Blow out

The weather forecast says that the storm will blow out tor morning. 天气预报说风暴明天早上就停了 I hope so. 但愿吧 Blow over

This controversy isn’t going away. 这个争论还没有结束

It will blow over eventually .Don;t worry. 不用担心 最终会平息的 Blow up大发脾气

Why don’t you just leave me alone ? 你为什么不让我单独待一会

I’m sorry. But you didn’t need to blow up at me. 抱歉,但你没必要冲我大发脾气


She broke with her former friends. 她与老朋友们断绝了来往。

The prisoner broke away from the two policemen who were holding him. 囚犯从两个警察手中挣脱逃掉了。

I broke out in a cold sweat when I realized there was a burglar downstairs. 当我知道楼下有人正在行窃时,当时我出了一身冷汗。 The police broke the door down. 警察把门撞开了。 Their marriage broke up. 他们的婚姻破裂了。

The two countries have broken off diplornatic relations with each other. 这两个国家突然中断了外交关系。 The horse broke into a gallop. 马突然开始一阵飞跑。

Yes,we're breaking with traclition. 是的,我们结束了以往的传统。 break away 突然离开

Don't you work for that company anymore? 你不在那家单位工作了?

That's right .I've broken away and started my own company. 是的,我脱离了出去,并且开始经营我自己的公司。 break out 爆发,突然发生

When did the world war II break out 第二次世界大战时是何时爆发的? In 1939 1939

break off 突然中断或停止 what is the problem? 出了什么事?

I'm going to break off my marriage. 我要离婚了。 break into 侵占 what is your pian 你是怎么计划的?

I'm going to break into the office and steal the file. 我打算破门进入办公室并偷走文件。 break up 使焦虑,痛苦 What's wrong with George? 乔治怎么了?

He's breaking up under the pressure of his new job. 由于新工作的压力,他很痛苦。 break up 阻止

Did you hear about the fight in the street last night?


Yeah,someone told me you were the one who broke it up.goodjob. 是的,有人告诉我你是劝阻者之一,干得好。 break up 终止,结束 We broke up. 我们分手了。 How come? 怎么了?

break down 感情崩溃

Did you hear what happened to peter? 你听说彼得发生什么事了吗?

Yes, I heard he broke down and started screaming at his boss yesterday. 是的,我听说昨天他崩溃了,并且开始冲老板尖叫。 break down 失败

My car broke down,can you help me push it ? 我的车坏了,你能帮我推车吗? I'll be glad to. 我很乐意。

break through 突出重围

Have you figured out a way to get out of this cave? 你能找到走出山洞的路吗?

There'r a patch of light over there, with a little work I think we can break through. 那边可以看到一缕光线,我想稍微努力一下我们就能突出重围。 break your back 累坏了

man,this is hard work . 这是个难活儿。 Hey,don't break your back .I'll help you. 嗨,别累坏了,我来帮你。 break free 成功逃脱

How did you get away from the police? 你是如何从警察那儿逃跑的?

Using a piece of metal ,I was able to break free from my handcuffs. 用一根金属我就能从手铐中逃掉。 break out of 逃跑

When do you want to do it? 你们想何时做着事?

We break out of jail tonight at ten o'clock. 我们今晚十点越狱。 break one's fall 阻止摔倒

I heard you saved sally yesterday. 听说昨天你救了莎莉。

yeah, she tripped and I broke her fall. 是的,她绊了一下,我阻止她摔倒。 break one's heart 使某人心碎 Did your wife leave you ?


Yes,she really broke my heart ,I'm very sad about it . 是的,她真让我心碎,我很伤心。 break off the back 完成主要问题。 It seems to get this job done . 看起来工作完成了。

If you finish all the writing ,you'll break off the back of it and the rest will be very easy. 如果你完成所有写作,就完成了主要部分,剩下的就简单了。

build vt.


they're building in that area now 他们现在在那个地区建房子 2.树立,培养

hard work builds character 艰苦的工作可以磨炼个性 vi.

1.build up 建立,鼓足

A:are you going to talk to her 你要和她谈谈?

Byes,i've built up my courage and i'm ready to do it. 是的,我鼓足了勇气并且已经做好了准备. 2.build on 建立在..的基础上 A:what is your plan for this year? 你今年的计划是什么?

B:i'm going to build on my English level and continue studying. 我想在我原来英语的基础上继续学习 3.build up one's hopes 让人抱有幻想

A:don't lie to her like that. you 'll only build up her hopes. 别那样对她撒谎,你只会让她心存幻想.

B:i was just trying to help. i didn't think it would hurt her. 我只是想帮她,我没有想到会伤害她. 4.build a bridge 建立关系

A:how are you and your wife doing after your fight? 你和你的妻子打完架之后现在关系如何?

B:we were able to build a bridge between each other and everything is going well! 我们能够互相建立联系,一切都在好转!


Her grandmother brought her up after her parents were killed in an accident. 她父母在事故中去世以后,她祖母把她抚养成人。 All library books must be brought book before june20. 图书馆的所有图书必须在六月二十日之前收回。

A special issue of the magazine was brought out to commemorate the occasion. 为纪念这个节日,这家破了专利。

I'm sure we'll be able to bring him around to our point of view. 必须要让他们能接受我们的观点。

The good harvest brought down the price of strawberries. 大年收获草莓的价格降了下来。

They brought experienced peple in to help. 他们很有经验的来帮忙。

Her fever was brought on by going out in the rain. 她的发烧是受到下雨引起的。

She brought some things for the children. 她带了一些东西给孩子们。

The long drought brought great hartship for the farmers. 长久以来干旱引起的灾难给农民们带来了许多困难。 His sad letter brought many offers of help. 他的信给很多人提供了帮助。 bring on 指导

I can't seem to figure out my computer. 看起来我不太清楚我的电脑

If you read the manual it will bring on your understanding. 如果你看一些手册,它会指导你,让你明白一些。 I think it was brought on by working at hosipital last work. 我认为是上周在医院工作时引起的。 bring back 归还

May I use your earphone? 我可以用你的耳机吗?

Sure but don't forget to bring it back. 当然可以,但是别忘了还。 bring in 提出

The goverment is bringing in a bill designed to reduce taxes. 政府正提出一项减税的法案。 We all hope it will pass. 我们都希望会通过。 bring in 引进

I think you're too dependent on your parents.you're a little spoiled. 我认为你太依靠你的父母了,你有点被宠坏了。

Listen,don't bring in things that have nothing to do with the matter. 听着,不要扯如何此时毫无关系的话题。 bring in 产生(利益)

He has a part time job that brings in one million dollars a year. 他有一份年收入百万元的工作 What on earth is he doing? 他究竟是做什么的? bring out 使出现

How was your date with him? 你跟他的约会怎么样?

I tried to bring out my best ,but I sure felt uncomfortable with him. 我努力表现我的优点,但是和他在一起我真的觉得很不自在。 bring out 将年轻女子引进社交界

My uncle's going to bring out his daughter at the Hilton Hotel tomorrow. 我叔叔明天将带她女儿出来参加希尔顿酒店的社交活动。 You all must be proud of her ,I bet . 我相信,你们一定都以她为荣。 bring out 生产

I'm going to bring out another book on computers . 我将要出版另一本有关电脑的书。 Good for you ! 好棒!

bring up 抚养

I was born in beijing .but I was brought up in NEWYORK. 我生在北京,却是在纽约长大的。

That's why you don't have a beijing accent. 那就是为何没有北京腔的原因。 bring up 带出

My father likes to bring up controwersial subjects for disecision. 我的父亲喜欢提出有争议性的主题来讨论。 Really?my father always brings up the energy crisis. 真的?我父亲总是提出能源危机的问题。 bring down the house 引起哄堂大笑 His jokes always bring down the house . 他的笑话总是引起哄堂大笑。

That's for sure .We just couldn't stop laughing. 确实是,我们简直笑得停不下来。 bring about 引起

Why do you bother volunteering to help the poor on sundays? 你为什么自找麻烦在周日志愿去帮助穷人?

I'm trying to bring about some changes in this world. 我再试着给这个世界带来些变化。 bring tears to one's eye's 热泪盈眶 Do you like the movie field of dream? 你喜欢《梦之野》这部电影吗? Yes, it always brings tears to my eyes. 是的,他总使我热泪盈眶。 bring forward 提出

What're you going to propose at our next meeting? 我们下次的会议,你要提议什么?

I intend to bring forward his plan for developing the city. 我打算提出他的城市发展计划

bring home the bacon.维持生计

I think you'd better quit working and take care of your children yourself. 我想你最好辞职,然后自己照顾孩子。

My husband's been sick for a long time, so I'm the one who has to bring home the bacon. 我的丈夫已经病了很久,所以我必须养家糊口。 bring into play 利用

You're such a workabolic.Don't you ever have any fun. 你真是个工作狂,难道你没有其他娱乐吗?

As a matter of fact, my work is fun. and I want to bring into play all the experience I've had. 事实上,我的工作就是娱乐。而且我要利用上我所有的经验 bring off 成功

My goodness!your job sounds difficult. 天啊!你的工作好像很困难。 I know, but I'll bring it off. 我知道,但是我会成功的。 bring someone out 使某人更自信 She seems a lot more comfortable now. 现在她看起来更舒服了些。

Yeah,you've really brought her out of her shell. 是的,你真的使她更自信了。 bring someone over 接某人来

My eg-roommate at college come over to see me today. 我大学时代的室友今天过来看我。

Why don't you bring him over to dinner? I'll send the car over to pick you guys up . 为何不带他来吃晚饭呢?我会开车去接你们。 bring through 救助

He was badly injured. 他伤得很重。

Yes,but teachnologieally advanced medical care brought him through. 是啊,但是科技型进步的医疗保健挽救了他。 bring to 使苏醒

She fainted! 她昏倒了!

The doctor managed to bring her to by artificial respiration. 医生设法用人工呼吸使她苏醒。 burst vt.


we drove over some glass and one of our tyres burst. 我们驶过一些玻璃碎片,汽车的一只轮胎就爆裂了. 2.突然打开,忽然出现 he burst free from the chains 他猛的一下挣脱了镣铐 3.胀满

i've had so much to eat that i'm bursting at the seams.

我吃得那么多,肚子都要胀破了. vi.

1.burst into 闯入,开入;突然出现 A:why did you burst into my room? 你为什么突然闯入我的房间? Bi had to tell you something 我要告诉你一些事情 2.burst in on 突然出现在..面前 A:are you going to burst in on them? 你打算突然出现在他们面前吗?

B:no,i'm going to give them some privacy 不,我打算给他们一些隐私 3.burst at the seams 太饱了

A:that was a great meal. i'm nearly bursting at the seams! 饭菜太丰盛了,我几乎吃撑着了! B:i'm glad to hear you got enough to eat. 听说你吃饱了,我很高兴 4.burst with 充满

A:how was your work today? 今天你工作状况如何?

B:horrible,it was almost bursting with paperwork. 很糟,几乎都是日常文书工作

burn vt. 1.燃烧

is the fire still burning? 火还在烧着吗?

2.焚烧,烧毁,烧起来 i burnt all his old letters 我把他的旧信付之一炬

3.(使)烧坏,伤,烤(鱼) i've burnt my hand 我烧伤了手 4.烧毁,腐蚀

the technician's overalls were burnt by acid 技术员的工作服被酸烧坏了 5.使发烧,感觉火辣

i'm afraid the ointment will burn a bit 恐怕这种药膏会使皮肤有点灼烧感 6.怒火中烧,产生强烈的欲火 she is burning to tell you the news.

她心急如焚的想要告诉你这条消息. vi.

1.burn out 使精疲力竭,使枯竭 A:why do you look so tired? 你为什么看上去如此疲劳 B:i'm totally burned out 我几乎精疲力尽了.

2.burn down 烧为平地,火力减弱 A:why did you burn down the house? 你为什么烧掉了这房子 B:i didn't 我没烧

3.burn away 烧干,烧毁 A:what was left of the car? 这个汽车还剩下什么

B:nothing.it was completely burnt away. 没有什么,几乎全都烧毁了 4.burn off 烧毁

A:i heard your son was playing with fire the other day is he okey? 我听说你儿子几天前玩火了,他还好吗? B:he's fine, but he burnt off his eyebrows. 他还好,但烧到眉毛了

5.burn the midnight oil 工作学习)到深夜

A:this paper is due tomorrow at 7:00a.m. i have to stay up all night long to finish. 这篇论文明天上午七点要交,我得熬一夜才能弄完 B:it looks like you're going to bu burning the midnight oil. 看起来你得学到深夜了 6.burn a hole in 烧了个洞 A:what happened to your couch? 你的沙发怎么了?

B:ted dropped his cigarette and it burned a hole in it! 特德把烟掉在上面,烧了个洞

call vt.


the teacher called the roll in the class 教师在班上高声点名 2.召唤,传唤

she has been called to give evidence to the inquiry 她被传唤去为该项调查作证 3.打电话

i called him this morning but he was out 我早晨大电话给他,但他出去了 4.短时间拜访

let's call on john for ten minutes.

我们花十分钟去约翰家拜访一下吧 5.宣布,命令

the president called an election 总统宣布举行选举 6.命名,取名,...叫做... we'll call the baby jane 我们要给婴儿取名为简 7.叫醒

please call me at 7 o'clock 请在七点钟叫醒我 vi.

1.call out 大声的喊,召集

i'm going to call you out. i need to know the truth. 我准时把你叫过来,我需要了解真相 don't do that. 不用了

2.call on 拜访,探望;号召

i'm going to call on all my skills to solvethis problem. 我将动用我所有的技能来解决这个问题 yes,you surely will. ,你确实应该这样. 3.call off 取消

i thought you had to work today 我认为今天的工作

i did, but i felt sick and called it off.

我也这么认为,但我觉得恶心,因而取消了 4.call for 给某人打电话 hello,did you call for me 你好,你打电话给我了

yes,i need some help with my computer 是的,我需要有人帮我修一下电脑 5.call in 宴请,叫进来 is dinner ready?,mon ,晚餐准备好了吗

yes,it's ready. call your friends in. 准备好了.请你的朋友进来吧

6.call on someone to do (for)求助;要求;请求 might i call on you to make a few remarks? 我可以请求你做些评论吗 sure,any time.


7.call one's bluff 诱使某人摊牌

how did you manage to win the card game? 你是如何设法赢了纸牌比赛的?

i called dave's bluff and figured out he was lying. 我诱使戴维摊牌,算出他在撒谎. 8.call it a day (非正式)工作结束 are you ready to go home, dave? 戴维,你准备回家吗

yeah,i'm tired.let's call it a day. 是的,我很累,结束工作

9.call a spade a spade 直言不讳;老实明言 he's a politician who tells the truth. 他是一位说真话的政治

i like the way he calls a spade a spade. 我喜欢他直言不讳的作风 10.call after .....之名而取名 what's your name 你叫什么名字

i'm called george after my great grandfather. 我随我曾爷爷取名为乔治

11.call someone back 回某人的电话 he just called. 他刚刚打电话来

ok.i'll call him right back. 好的,我会马上回他的电话 12.call back 回电话,召回来 shall i get him to call you back? 要我请他回电话给你吗 that's ok. i'll call back later. 没关系,我等会儿再打来

13.call down for 斥责;谴责;责骂

the teacher called us down for being late for school. 老师斥责我们上学迟到 you deserved punishment. 你们理应受罚

14.call one's own 宣称自己所有;属于自己的

my school has no tradition which it can call its own. 我的学校没有属于自己的传统 well,at least it's brand new. 但是,至少它是崭新的

15.call to account 责问;质问 what did the boss tell you 老板跟你说了些什么

i was just called to account for a few mistakes. 我只是因为几个错误被责问了一顿 17.call to mind (memory) 回想,记起

i'm sure i've met the man you're talking about,but i can't call him to mind.

我确信我见过你所谈论的那位男士,但是我记不起他了. i've already given you his phone number and address. 我已经给了你他的电话号码和住址 18.call up 打电话 my tooth aches 我牙痛

you must call up your dentist for an appointment. 你得打电话给你的牙科医生,预约个时间 19.a close call 千钧一发;死里逃生

did you see that?they almost had an accident. 你看到了吗他们差一点就发生意外事故了 yes.that really was a close call. 是啊,真是千钧一发

carry vt.


i carried the books in a strong paper bag 我把这些书装在厚纸袋里提着 2.传送,运送,搬送

pipes carry oil across the desert 输油管穿过沙漠把石油输送出去 3.传播,散布,传达

many serious diseases are carried by insects. 许多危险的疾病是由昆虫传播的 4.支撑,支持

these two pillars carry the whole roof. 这两根柱子支撑着整个屋顶 vi.

1.carry out 执行,履行

did you carry out his orders? 你执行了他的命令了吗 yes 是的

2.carry away 感动,使...忘乎所以 don't get carried away 别忘乎所以了

don't worry. i won't 别担心,我不会的

3.carry off 偷去,夺去,拐去

why did you carry off the computer. 你为什么偷这台电脑 it is mine! 这是我的

4.carry on 继续下去 please, carry on 继续努力 ok, thanks. 谢谢

5.carry back 唤醒,唤起记忆

seeing sally today really carried me back to the old days. 今天去看莎莉真的唤起我对过去岁月的记忆 didn't you use to be married 你过去一直没结婚? yeah, about 15 years ago. ,结过,大约15年前 6.carry through 完成

have you carried through with my plans yet? 你已经完成我的计划了吗

yes,the job you gave me has been done. 是的,你给我的工作我已经做完了

catch vt.


i threw the ball, and the dog caught it in its mouth. 我把球抛出去,这只狗用嘴接住了. 2.逮住,捉住,捕获

the cat caught a mouse 这只猫捉到了一只老鼠 3.撞见,当场抓住

i caught him in the act of reading my diary. 他在偷看我日记的时候,恰好让我撞见了 4.及时赶上

we had to run fast in order to catch the train. 我们为了赶上那趟火车只好快跑 5.(使)被钩住,被卡住 my skirt caught in the nail 我的裙子给钉子钩住了 vi.

1.catch up in 卷入

how did you get caught up in this mess? 你是怎样卷入这个乱摊子当中的 it started very innocently 开始时非常无辜的 2.catch onto

you need to work harder so that you can catch onto the details. 工作应该更努力一些才能懂得细节

i know i will 知道了,我会的

3.catch out 驱逐出去

you've been caught out. you need to make a confession. 你已经被驱逐出场,你应该做一下忏悔 no, i don't want to ,我不想这样

4.catch up 赶上,追上 are you ready to go yet? 你准备好要走了吗

no, you go on ahead and i'll catch up with you. 没有,你先走,我随后就到 5.catch on 流行

what do you think about green shoes? 你觉得绿鞋子怎么样

hmmmmm,i don't think they'll catch on. ,我认为她们不会流行 6.catch one's breath 喘口气 are you ready to go again? 你准备好再去一次了吗

just a second, i need to catch my breath. 等会儿,我得喘口气 7.catch fire

you should be careful with your cigarette the ground if dry. it could catch fire if you're not pay attention.

你得小心你的的香烟,地板很干燥,如果不小心会着火的 i just put my cigarette out then. 我刚刚把烟熄了

change vt.


in autumn the leaves change from green to brown 秋天树叶有绿色变为黄褐色 2.交换,更换

her new dress didin't fit, so she took it back to the shop and changed it 她的新裙子不合身,因此她拿回商店换了一件 3.(给自己)换衣服

i'm just going to change out of this suit 我正要换下这套衣服 vi.

1.change one's mind 改变主意

so you don't want this painting anymore? 你不再想要这幅画了?

no,i've changed my mind 是的,我已经改变主意了 2.change into 兑换 what are you doing? 你在干什么

i'm going to change into something nicer 我正使这些东西变得更好些 3.change over 完全改变 what are they doing 他们在干什么

it's time for changing over. they are changing the backgrounds for the new act. 现在是彻底改变的时候了,他们在为新的一幕更换背景.

charge vt.


The restaurant charged 20pounds for dinner 这家餐馆收了20英镑的餐费 赊账,.....记在某人的帐上

They charge the calls to their credit-card account 她们用信用卡账户支付电话费 进攻,冲锋,冲向

We charged at the enemy 我们向敌人发起冲锋 控告,指控

He was charged with the robbery 他被指控抢劫 公开指责

The shareholders charged that the directors had withheld vital information 使负责,委予

She charged me to look after her son 他要我负责照看她的儿子 vi.

charge to 支付

A.How much will you be paying for this B.I want you to charge it to my credit card charge sth for sth 要价

A.How much do you charge for mending shoes? 修鞋要多少钱?

B.It depends on yours shoes. 由你鞋子的损坏程度来决定。

charge sth. with sth.使某事物充满(情感)

AThe atmosphere was charged with excitement. 气氛中充满激情

B:I can feel about it. 我感觉到了

charge sth. up 将某人的欠款记在帐上

A:Please charge these goods up to my account. 请把这些东西记在我帐上。 BI'll do it 我会做的。

check vt.


Their bags were checked by security guards as they entered the building 她们进入大楼时,保安人员检查了他们的提包 查出,记下

She checked the temperature every morning before leaving home 她每天早晨出门前都查一下气温 抑制

More policemen have been recruited in an attempt to check the increase in crime 为了制止犯罪活动的增加,公安部门已招募了更多的警察 vi.

check in 办理登记手续 A:Can I help you,sir?

我可以帮助你吗,先生? B:I would like to check in 我想办理登记手续 check out 付账后离开

A:What time do I have to check out? 我该什么时候退房? B:Two o'clock,sir 两点钟,先生

check over检查,核对,校阅

A:Please check over your answers and make sure they are correct 请检查一下你的答案并保证它们是正确的 B:OK 好的

check on sth.检查

A:We regularly check on the quality of our products 我们对产品做例行质量检查 B:I hope so 希望如此

clean vt.


Your shoes need cleaning 你的鞋子该刷一刷了 vi.

clean up 打扫,清扫,清理 A:Please clean up your room 请打扫下你的房间 B:I don't want to 我不想打扫

clean out打扫,清洗

A:Are you ready to move your new home yet? 你已经准备好搬进新房子吗?

B:No ,wo're still working on cleaning out the old house 还没呢,我们仍在打扫老房子

close vt. 关闭

Close your eyes and go to sleep 闭上眼睛睡觉吧 打样,关门,使歇业

What time does the bank close? 银行什么时候关门 停业

The firm has decided to close its London branch 这家公司已确定关闭伦敦的分公司 解决,达成协议

The question is now closed and there will be no further discussion 问题已经解决,今后不再讨论了 围绕,闭合

His arms closed tightly round her 他的双臂紧紧环抱着她 vi.

close in包围,封闭,渐短

A:They're closing in on us.What are we going to do ? 他们将要包围我们了,我们该怎么办? B:Keep running 继续跑 close with

A:Are you close with her? 你和她走得近吗?

B:Yse ,we're very close friends 是的,我们是很亲密的朋友 close up

A:She snuggled close up to him


B:Maybe she loves him 也许她爱他 close on

A:She is close on sixty 他接近六十岁了 B:I can't believe it 我不相信 close by

A:Is there a good seafood restaurant close by? 这附近有没有不错的海鲜餐厅 B:Yse,it's called Fisherman's 有,叫做“渔人”


come vt.


He comes towards me 他朝我走来 到达,抵达

I've been waiting for hours and he still hasn't come ! 我已经等了他好几个小时了,可他还没有到! 达到,成为,开始,进入

The new law comes into effect next month 新的法律下个月生效 发生

No good will come from all this 这一切决不会有好结果的! vi.

come by

A:Hey,that's a nice shirt you got there 嘿,你是在那儿买的漂亮衬衫吧

B:Yeah,I was lucky to come by it .I heard they sold out them in an hour 是呀,我很幸运的偶然买到,听说一小时之内就卖光了 come in

A:Is that the mail you have there 那儿的邮件是你拿来的吗?

B:Yeah,and I think this is your parcel that just come in 是的,我还以为是你刚到的包裹 come in

A;Is there anybody here? 有人在吗?

B:I'm in the bathroom.Please come in .I'll be with you in a second


commit vt.


The government has committed itself to improving health education 政府决心毅力于改善健康教育 vi.

commit to保证

A:You need to commit to working harder 你需要保证工作更努力

B:I'm already working hard enough 我已经够努力了 commit oneself

A:I asked her what she thought, but she refused to commit herself

我问她是怎么想的,但她拒不表示意见 B:Maybe she needs help 也许她需要帮助

Her little finger was cut off in an accident at the factory. 在工厂的一次事故,她的小指倍割断了。 She cut the advertisment out of the newspaper. 她从报纸剪下广告

We oppose any plans to cut back the education budget. 我们反对一切消减教育预算的计划

Opinion on this issus cuts across traditional political boundaries. 人们对这个问题的看法超越了他们沿袭至今的政治界线。 If you cut down these trousers,they'll fit your daughter. 如果你把裤子改短,就能适合你的女儿穿。 I'm sorry to cut in on your conversation. 对不起,我打断你们的谈话。 划破,划伤,割破

Be careful not to cut your fingers on the broken glass. 当心别让玻璃划破了手指。 割下,剪下,切下

I cut the picture out of the newspaper. 我从报纸上剪下这张图片 减少,剪裁,消减

The new machine was introduced in an effort to cut labour costs. 引进新机器是为了减少劳动成本。 停止,中断

The electricity was cut off for two hours yesterday. 昨天停了两个小时电。

cut off 中断,隔离;切下,割下,切断

AI'm cutting off your allowance. B:Why?

A:我已经中断了你的零花钱。 B:为什么?

cut out 戒掉;停止

A:You need to cut out that bad behavior. B:Why should I?

A:你应该戒掉你的坏习惯 B:我为什么要这样做。 cut back 减少;减低

AYou should cut back on your drinking. B:I know but I can't,I'm an alcoholic. A:你应该戒酒。

B:我知道,但我不能,我是个爱好喝酒的人。 cur across 抄近路穿过,笔直穿过

AI'm going to cut across the street and go to the store. B:OK.

A:我打算抄近路穿过那个接到,走进商店。 B:好的。

cut down 砍倒,减少

AWhy did you cut down on your beer drinking? B:It was costing me too much money. A:你为什么减少啤酒的饮用量? B:那花了我很多钱。 cut in 干涉,插嘴

AI'm going to cut in on the action. B:OK

A:我准备干涉这一行动。 B:好的。

cut up 苛评,严评

ADid you read anything about that new movie?

B:Yes,but for the most part the critics really cut it up,I don't think it's worth seeing.

