
2023-02-18 01:06:11   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《动宾短语》,欢迎阅读!
1. 发表演讲deliver a speech 2. 开讲座deliver a lecture 3. 诉诸暴力resort to violence 4. 禁锢思想enslave the mind

5. 提高社会福利 enhance the social good 6. 保证生活secure a living

7. 重塑社会restructure the society 8. 传播知识extend knowledge 9. 增强实力increase power

10. 丰富文学财富enrich literature 11. 升华思想 elevate thought

12. 推翻政府overthrow government 13. 寄予很高期望place high hopes on 14. 激化矛盾intensify the conflicts 15. 提出要求impose demands on 16. 造紧张气氛build up tension 17. 恶意攻击bad-mouth someone 18. 耸肩square shoulders

19. 吵吵嚷嚷squabble over sth 20. 一意孤行follow one’s own mind 21. 维护自己意志assert one’s will

22. 令人失望fall short of one’s expectation 23. 如释重负remove a tremendous burden 24. 堵塞街道cramp the streets 25. 交通堵塞。Traffic crawls 26. 渴求理想aspire to some ideals 27. 摇呼啦圈 twirl Hula Hoops 28. 抚平皱纹flatten the crease

29. 进行商业文化交流 weave the commercial and cultural connection 30. 遭遇阻力encounter obstacles 31. 归功于take credit to someone 32. 环游世界roam the world 33. 值得关注deserve attention

34. 驳斥某人论断refute one’s argument 35. 某事出乎某人意料。 Something backfires on somebody 36. 在房间踱步pace the room 37. 情绪激动 excite the emotions 38. 情感战胜理智。Heart rules head 39. 促进事业further one’s career 40. 锻炼身体build the body 41. 看手表consult the watch 42. 绝食refuse one’s meals 43. 摇摇手指wag one’s finger 44. 弥补不足 supply the lack

45. 抓紧胳膊clutch the arm 46. 绷紧下巴、、咬紧牙关set the jaw 47. 摊开手掌extend the hand 48. 忽闪睫毛bat the lashes 49. 磨牙、、咬牙切齿grind the teeth 50. 眨眼睛 blink one’s eyes 51. 挠头 snatch one‘‘‘‘s head

52. 博同情appeal to one’s sympathy 53. 引经据典 cite instances 54. 交叉胳膊 fold arms 55. 挤出笑容force a smile

56. 调整音调 modulate one’s voice 57. 摸摸下巴stroke one’s chin 58. 探秘probe into the mystery 59. 推动give impetus to something

60. 秉持科学态度maintain a scientific attitude 61. 发出信号yield a signal

62. 实现突破make a breakthrough 63. 激发乐观fire optimism

64. 证实存在verify the presence 65. 提出观点invent the idea 66. 修正观点tweak the idea 67. 倒磁带rewind the tape

68. 主持大会preside a conference 69. 开路chop a path

70. 谋生earn one’s living 71. 劫掠地球ravage the earth 72. 毒害水源poison the water 73. 污染空气foul the air

74. 支付费用cover the expense 75. 唤起记忆jog one’s memory 76. 引发思考provoke thought 77. 寻根seek roots

78. 迫于生计slave to the simple necessity of survival 79. 环抱take hold of 80. 编辫子braid the hair

81. 呈现take on the appearance of 82. 栖息于perch upon 83. 表达关切echo concerns 84. 表达祝福extend blessings to 85. 表达心情convey one’s mood 86. 轻轻扬鞭flick the whip

87. 加强民主strengthen democracy 88. 削弱民主weaken democracy

