
2023-03-25 01:06:29   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高中英语课堂写作教学设计》,欢迎阅读!

Unit 3 Understanding each other (Module 6) “读写整合七步教学模式”写作教学设计


语言学家克鲁姆说:成功的外语课堂教学应该是创造更多的情景,让学生有机会运用自己学到的语言材料。 在适宜的教学情境中,才能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,引发学生的思维,更好地参与活动,从而更便利快捷地完成教学任务,全面落实“知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度与价值观”三个维度的目标。 二、设计目的

Learning Objectives

After this period, we will be able to

1. describe the activities in the Spring Festival;

2. write a passage about holiday activities by appreciating a sample.

Task: Write a letter about the Spring Festival and our activities to a foreign friend. 三、教学过程. 第一步:写前热身——Brainstorming 目的是激发学生的学习兴趣,Interest is the best teacher.

Last Tuesday many girls and women were very happy because they received roses or chocolate. Do you know what special day it was? 学生热情很高,马上想到上周二214日)是情人节,于是有很多学生答道:Valentines Day. It is a traditional Western festival. It is similar to a traditional Chinese festival. Do you know? ---Double Seventh Day (七夕) can you list some more traditional Chinese festivals? 学生热情高涨,很多中国传统节日脱口而出,the Spring Festvial, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival.


有如下几个目的:1. 阅读获取信息2. 阅读获取语篇知识,(语篇分析)3. 阅读获取语言知识,(语法分析)4. 阅读获得写作技巧

这一环节,我趁热打铁,接着问:if you are supposed to introduce the Mid-autumn Festival, what would you like to say? 学生会马上想到moon cakesChange等词汇。Now lets read a sample aloud and write down the outline of the passage in three minutes.

Mid-autumn Day, a traditional Chinese festivalis celebrated on August 15 of the lunar calendar. All family members, whatever they do or wherever they are, will get together for a family reunion dinner.

Never will I forget this Mid-autumn Day, when all my family were sitting around a big table under the tree in the open air. We celebrated the festival by enjoying moon cakes with the bright full moon hanging in the sky, absorbed in the warmth and the happiness of getting together, which I think is one of the most valuable things in the world. After dinner, I made a wish that every person in the world would stay with his family, sharing love from the family forever.

Such was my unforgettable Mid-autumn Day, which I will always treasure and it will always remind me of the saying “East or west, home is the best”. 学生读完写完后,展示学生答案,适当点评。 Outline of the passage:

Paragraph 1: Brief introduction to the festival. Paragraph 2: Activites of the festival. Paragraph 3: Feelings of the festival.

这个环节,学生对文章的篇章有了整体印象。接下来问:Which sentences impress you most? Why? 学生会很快找到一些句子,如Never will I forget this Mid-autumn Day, when all my family were sitting around a big table under the tree in the open air.这个句子用到了倒装和非限制性定语从句。 第三步:读后/写前讨论——说 目的是:1处理和转移,内化阅读获取的信息2激活与写作内容相关的先前知识(观点和语言) 3、获取和学会获取写作资源策略。 写前讨论解决写作的观点和支撑观点的论点(思想内容),解决写什么和用什么语言写的问题。 这个环节要求学生把上一环节布置要找的好句说出来。 第四步:写前技能点拨——学 目的:1、布置写作任务,提出写作要求(写作评价自测表)2、激活或讲解相关文体写作篇章知识;3、指点写作技巧,如学习和操练衔接、过渡手段等 写作技巧指导主要解决用什么语言写和如何写(语篇构建)的问题。 假设你是李华,你的外国朋友Mike想了解你是如何度过春节的。请你按照以下要求写

一封不少于120词的英文回信。 要求:1. 简要的介绍春节;

2. 描写你在今年春节期间印象深刻的传统活动(不少于两个)

3. 简要谈谈你的新年愿望或打算。 第五步:学生写作——写 学生(小组)作文这一环节我设置了几个问题1. What are the traditional activities in the Spring Festival? 2. What traditional activities did you take part in this Spring Festival? Share your experiences with us in details.3. What are your plans or expectations for the new year? 先要学生分组讨论传统的春节活动有哪些并写出来在投影上展示,给出正确的表达,如: 春联、福字、剪纸 、年画 paste/stick/put up the Spring Festival couplets /the reversed Fu / paper-cuts /New Year painting; 团聚get together/have a get-together; 吃团圆饭have a family reunion dinner; 吃年夜饭 enjoy the dinner on New Year's Eve; 观看中央电视台春晚 watch

the Spring Festival Party/Gala on CCTV; 燃放烟花爆竹 set off fireworks/firecrackers; 拜年 visit relatives ; pay New Year's call; 收压岁钱(红包)receive lucky money/red packet;包饺子 make dumplings;守岁stay up; 观看舞狮、舞龙;watch lion dance and dragon dance; 吃年糕 eat rice cakes/New Year cakes

接下来分组讨论第二个和第三个问题,并写成段落。 第六步:写后互改——改、议 小组推荐文章用投影展示,其他同学自荐上台来改并给出评价。 第七步:修改成文——展、评 我布置作业,要求学生在互相修改的基础上进一步修改成文后上交批改然后在全班展出。


