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Module12 Help
Unit1 What should we do before help arrives?
Ms James: This morning's class is about first aid, or giving someone basic medical help. Let's imagine an accident. A boy is lying at the bottom of the stairs. He isn’t moving or making a sound. He is in pain. What can we do to help him?
Betty:First of all, find out what's wrong with him. Ms James: How do we do that? Betty: Ask him
Ms James: OK, But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. Lingling: Shout for help? Call 120?
Ms James: Good idea, but what should we do before help arrives? Tony: Make him comfortable. Ms James: And how can we do that? Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair?
Ms James: No, that could be harmful! You could drop him and hurt him even more. Betty, you must know! You did some basic medical training. Betty: Make sure he's warm. Cover him with a coat.
Ms James: That's such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!
Module12 Help
Unit2 Stay away from windows and hervy furniture Read the passage and check your answer to Activity 2. What to do in an earthquake
Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake, so here is some advice. Inside
l. Do not jump out of high buildings.
2. Hide under a table. Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. Keep clear of fires.
3. Leave the building quickly when the ground stops shaking, but do not use the lift.
4. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people. Be brave and be helpful. Outside
1.Move away from buildings, because parts of a building may fall on you.
2. Do not stand near street lights or under lines.
3. Stay away from bridges and trees. If you are in a bus or car, stay in it. 4. In the mountains, be careful of falling rocks.
5. On a beach, run away from the sea and move quickly to higher ground. In short, follow what you learnt in school. You can be safe and you can also help save others.