【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《开心用英语怎么说?》,欢迎阅读!

1.(快乐; 舒畅) feel happy; rejoice; joyful; be delighted; have a grand time 短语和例子
2.(戏弄别人) amuse oneself at sb.'s expense; make fun of sb.; play a joke on sb
Rushton felt rather sick over this affair . 拉什顿因这件事很不开心。
2.We must spoil you a little before you go . 你走之前咱们得让你开开心。
3.She was glad that joanna was going way . 乔安娜要走了,这使她很开心。
4.She had been so happy in that life ! 那种生活她过得多开心呀!
5.How he'll chuckle over this news ! 听到这个消息他会多开心哪!
6.His wife looked up at him joyfully . 他妻子开心地抬眼望着他。
7.They were greatly diverted by the play . 这场戏使他们很开心。
8.It was all terribly distasteful . 这事简直太叫人不开心了。
9.He is a real laugh -- such fun to be with . 他真是个活宝跟他在一起真开心。
10.You have delighted us long enough . 你使我们开心得够久啦。