
2023-03-05 18:01:12   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《below的反义词和例句优秀3篇》,欢迎阅读!

below的反义词例句: 篇一

The glider was soaring above the valley. 那架滑翔机在山谷上空滑翔。

Applicants must be above the age of 18. 申请者的年龄必须超过18岁。 The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到地平线上。

The bird is flying low above the water. 那只鸟在水面上低飞。

A captain in the navy ranks above a captain in the army. 海军的上校军衔高于陆军的上尉军衔。 The above bedroom is mine. 上面的房间是我的。

From the above statement, I think he is right. 从以上的陈述来看,我认为他是对的。 below的反义词

below英语例句: 篇二

His income is well below the average. 他的收入大大低于平均水平。

The class has dropped below ten students this year. 今年这个班的学生降到了10人以下。 Please do not write below this line. 请不要写到这条线下面。

The information below was compiled by our correspondent. 以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。

The captain told the sailors to go below. 船长叫水手们下到舱里去。

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He had a bruise just below his right eye. 就在他的右眼下面有一块伤痕。

The vegetables store well at temperature below 20℃。 这些蔬菜在20摄氏度以下能够很好地贮藏。

The total shipment will be invoiced to you at 10% below export list prices. 全部货物将按低于出口商品价格的10%开发票给你。 The Turban Basin in Xinjiang is the world's lowest-lying basin, the lowest pointbeing 154 metres below sea level. 中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。盆地最低点在海平面以下154米。

The flood has slipped below the warning stage. 洪水已降至警戒水位之下。

You should end up with something similar to what I have below. 作结束后,你应该会得到与下图相似的结果。

Notice that each level only communicates with the level above or below. 注意每个层次仅仅与它上面或者下面的过程传递信息

One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above. 有一架直升机在他们下面的海滩上降落,其余的直接降落在断崖上。

If you did everything right, it should look something like the picture below. 如果你的所有步骤都正确,那么它会看起来像下面这张图。 Listing 5 below shows you how to do it. 下面的 清单5 向您展示如何做到这一点。

However, we include it to prepare for an example below. 不过,我们在这里包含它是为下一个示例做准备。

I will discuss these below. 我将在下面来讨论这些。

Below is a summary of what we talked about and learned from one another. 下面是对我们所谈论的和从对方身上学到的知识的一个总结 As an example, compare the slide above with the one below. 作为例

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