【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《stay的过去式和用法例句》,欢迎阅读!

stay的各种时态: 过去式: stayed 过去分词: stayed 现在分词: staying stay的用法:
stay的用法4:stay可用在祈使句中,通常表示“站住”“停止”。 stay的用法5:stay的现在进行时可表示按计划、安排或打算等将要发生的动作,这时句中常有表示将来时间的状语或时空的上下文。
stay的用法6:在口语中常用stay and to/- v 代替stay to- v 。 stay的过去式例句:
1. That was the first time Elliot stayed out all night. 那是埃利奥特第一次彻夜未归。
2. Henry generally stayed ahead of the others in the academic subjects.
3. A small group of youths stayed behind to heckle and shout abuse.
4. Government employees and officers also stayed away
from work during the strike.
5. He mostly stayed at home tucking up the children. 他主要待在家里,帮孩子们盖好被子睡觉。
6. I saw other indistinct shapes that stayed out of vision. 我看见另有一些模糊的影子晃了一下就不见了。
7. They stayed, safe and happy, within their own social milieu. 他们幸福无忧地呆在自己的社交圈子里。
8. So what if sometimes they stayed rather late, it doesn't mean anything.
因此,即便有时他们熬夜到很晚,那也说明不了什么。 9. Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming. 据亨明先生所说,菲利普住在旅馆里。
10. I stayed obstinately in my room, sitting by the telephone. 我执意呆在房间里,坐在电话机旁边。
11. They were as good as their word and stayed away. 他们信守诺言,离得远远的。
12. The fish stayed 50 yards offshore, well out of range. 这种鱼生活在离岸50码的地方,完全钓不到。
13. He stayed on until the dissolution of the firm in 1948. 他一直呆到1948年公司解散。
14. I often stayed up until two or three in the morning. 我经常凌晨两三点才睡。
15. The log cabin stayed empty, except when we came. 除非我们到来,要不然那间小木屋一直都是空的。