【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《中国环境标志产品认证范围》,欢迎阅读!

序 号
家用制冷器具 无铅车用汽油
1 2
HJBZ 1-2000 HJBZ 3-1994
Household Refrigerators Lead-Free Gasoline for Vehicles
1701 2704
3 HJ/T 205-2005
Products Made from Recycled Paper 2305
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HJBZ 7-1994 HJBZ 8-1999 HJBZ 9-1995 HJBZ 11-1996 HJ/T 209-2005 HJ/T 210-2005 HJBZ 15.1-1997 HJBZ 15.2-1997
无汞镉铅充电电池 洗涤剂 无汞干电池 防虫蛀毛纺织品 包装制品 软饮料 节能荧光灯
Hg-Cd-Pb Free Rechargeable Battery Detergents
Hg-free Dry Cells & Batteries Moth Resistant Woolens Packaging Materials Soft Drinks
Energy-saving Fluorescent Lamps
Energy-saving Low-mercury Double-capped Fluorescent Lamps
1100 1301 1100 1400 2200 4000 1900
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
HJBZ 15.3-1997 HJBZ 16-1996 HJBZ 17-1997 HJBZ 18-2000 HJBZ 19-1997 HJBZ 20-1997 HJBZ 22-1998 HJBZ 24-1998 HJ/T 206-2005 HJ/T 208-2005 HBC 18-2003 HJ/T 211-2005 HJBZ 30-2000 HJBZ 31-1998 HJBZ 32-1999 HJBZ 33-1999
节能电子镇流器 儿童玩具 低噪声洗衣机 节能、低噪声房间空调 节能、低排放燃气灶具 卫生杀虫气雾剂
Energy-saving Electronic Ballasts Toys for Children
Low-noise Washing machines
Energy-saving Low-noise Room Air Conditioners Energy -Saving and Low -Discharge Gas Ranges
Aerosol 1603 CFCs-Free Refrigerating Equipment for Industry and
Household Microwave Ovens Asbestos Free Building Materials Halon-free Fire-extinguishers Adhesives
Phosphorus Gypsum Building Materials Ecotypic Textile
Non-aluminum Pressure Cooker Safe Mothproof Agent Low Radiant Color TV
1707 1500 4000 1507 1500 1400 1707 2401 1707 4000 1703 1702 1707
家用微波炉 无石棉建筑制品 灭火器 粘合剂 化学石膏制品 生态纺织品 非铝质压力炊具 安全型防虫蛀剂 低辐射彩电
28 HJBZ 36-1999
Magnetic Electric Antiscale Hydrotreater 1200
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
HBC 17-2003 HJBZ 38-1999 HJBZ 39-1999 HJBZ 40-2000 HJBZ 41-2000 HJBZ 42-2000 HJBZ 43-2000 HJBZ 44-2000
人造板及其制品 低污染型摩托车 建筑用塑料管材 静电复印机
消耗臭氧层物质(ODS )替代产品 无CFCs泡沫塑料 气雾剂 再生塑料制品
Wood Based Panels and Finishing Products Low Pollution Motorcycle Plastic Water & sewage Pipe Copier ODS Substitute
CFCs —free Foamed Plastics Aerosol Products
Products Made from Recycled Plastics
1500 2700 1507 2000 4000 2200 4000 2900 2200、2303
37 HJ/T 202-2005
Disposable Food & Drink Container
38 HJ/T 204-2005
Fibrous Desiccants for Packaging 4000
39 40 41
HJ/T 182-2005 HJ/T 203-2005 HBC 10-2001
轻型汽车 飞碟靶 光动能手表
Low Pollution Light Weight Vehicles Clay Pigeons
Solar-powered Watch & Clock
Smokeless Convolve Mosquito-repellent Incense
2700 4000 2600
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
HBC 11-2002 HJ/T 201-2005 HBC 13-2002 HBC 14-2002 HBC 15-2002 HBC 16-2003 HJ/T 207-2005 HBC 21-2004 HBC 22-2004 HBC 23-2004
无烟盘式蚊香 水性涂料 金属焊割气 塑料门窗
微型计算机、显示器 卫生陶瓷 建筑砌块 干式电力变压器 家具 壁纸
2401 1800
Water Based Coatings Metal Welding & Cutting Gas Energy-saving Doors & Windows
Microcomputers and Displays
Sanitary Ceramics
Blocks for Architecture
Dry-type Power Transformers
52 HBC 24-2004
与食物接触的陶瓷、微晶玻璃和玻璃 餐具Ceramic ware , glass-ceramic ware and glass 制品
dinnerware in contact with food
53 54 55 56
HBC 25-2004 HBC 19-2005 HBC 36 — 2005 HBC 37 — 2005
鞋类 轻质墙体板材
打印机 传真机和多功能一体机
Lightweight Wall Boards
Printers、Fax Machines and Printer & Fax Combinations
Sanitizing Incenses