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bear是什么意思翻译 bear的意思翻译 vt. 结果实,开花(正式) vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑 n. n. (Bear)人名;()贝尔 bear的英文例 Senator Lodge continued. “A literacy test will bear very lightly, if at all, upon English-speaking immigrants or Germans,Scandinavians and French. And when you have an optimal substructure and the local solutions overlap, that“s when you can bring dynamic programming to bear. 当你得到一个最优子结构,但局部解决方案有重跌时,你就可以引入 动态编程,来解决这个问题了。

and it"s going to be followed by a significant bear market 然后接下来会是个很大的熊市, Last week, the government lost its case against two managers at Bear Stearns, the first investment bank to fail last year. The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed. 先知书则是诗歌型和神论似的著作,预言家被认为是完成这部作品 的人。

You can walk among the large rocks known as Bear Rocks and pick blueberries and huckleberries from low-growing bushes. And we bring that prejudice to bear on our interpretation of the line, then that is a constructive way into the circle according to Heidegger and Gadamer. 我们把我们的先见带入了我们对诗句的解读,按照海格德尔和伽达默尔的意思就是,良性的循环。

A few years later, he drew pictures for the first "Little Bear" books, written by Else Minarik. This seems a little weird, but bear with me for second, in fact, I"ve given you a little piece a code to do it, which is the next piece of code on the hand out. 这看起来有点奇怪,但是先

听我说,实际上我给了你们一段做这件事 的代码,就是发给你们的纸张的下一段。

The genetic map,or genome, of the panda is the first for a member of the bear family. And one indeed may bring that particular system to bear on reading a poem. 我们也会把这种思想,带入读诗的过程中。

bear英语例句 Werner Herzog"s movie "Grizzly Man" tells about the bear expert Timothy Treadwell who lived with and studied bears in the state of Alaska. To the lion it is the lioness which is made to be loved;

to the bear the she-bear. 雄狮在雌狮面前,陷入爱情;,公熊会在母熊面前这样。

In Faulkner"s story called "The Bear" a group of men are talking after the day"s hunt. Bear this in mind as you are reading the book, because it is easy to kind of forget who"s talking and what they represent. 当你们在阅读本书时务必仅记这点,因为读者很容易就忘,谁在说 话及他们各自代表的意涵。

I just love a man so hard I can"t bear not to get him. VOA: special.2010.04.24 There is a kind of goofiness at the center of it, "God is Pooh Bear." 在这段中间有一句疯癫的句子,上帝是小熊维尼“Noah Lennox is Panda Bear. Brian Weitz is Geologist and Josh Dibb is Deakin. I"d like to go by climbing a birch tree, And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more, But dipped its top and set me down again. 我真想去爬白桦树,沿着雪白的树干,爬上乌黑的树枝,爬向那天心, 直到树身再支撑不住,树梢碰着地,把我放下来。

I could not bear the bees should come, I wished they"d stay away In those dim countries where they go: What word had they for me VOA: special.2010.07.18 Then,the whole thing blows up and all the

