2022年 《刑责年龄拟降至12周岁》优秀教案

2022-07-01 07:51:30   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

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Law to prevent juvenile crimes 刑责年龄拟降至12周岁

Chinese lawmakers are mulling over lowering the minimum age at which a minor can be convicted to 12, in individual cases under specific circumstances. The proposal was made in a draft amendment to the Criminal Law, which was submitted Tuesday to the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


If a juvenile who has reached the age of 12, but is under 14, commits intentional homicide or inflicts an injury that leads to death under flagrant circumstances, he or she shall bear criminal responsibility upon attestation and approval of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, according to the draft. Currently, minors under the age of 14 do not bear any criminal responsibility in China. However, some high-profile cases involving violent crimes committed by underage youths in recent years have sparked a heated debate on the minimum age of criminal liability.

1013日提请十三届全国人大常委会审议的刑法修正案(十一)草案二审稿拟规定,已满12周岁不满14周岁的人,犯成心杀人、成心伤害罪,致人死亡,情节恶劣的,经最高人民检察院核准,应当负刑事责任。目前,我国14岁以下的未成年人不承当任何刑事责任。但是近年来一些备受关注的未成年人暴力 案件引发人们对有关最低刑事责任年龄问题的剧烈讨论。 重点词汇 1mull over 仔细考虑


/kən'vɪkt/ /kənˈvɪkt; ˈkɑnvɪkt/ vt. 证明…有罪;宣告…有罪 n. 罪犯


/əˈmendmənt/ /əˈmendmənt/ n. 修正案;改善;改正

4National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会


/ˈdʒuːvənaɪl/ /ˈdʒuːvənl/ adj. 青少年的;幼稚的 n. 青少年;少年读物


/ˈhɒmɪsaɪd/ /ˈhɑːmɪsaɪd/ n. 过失杀人;杀人犯 7inflict

/ɪnˈflɪkt/ /ɪnˈflɪkt/

vt. 造成;使遭受〔损伤、痛苦等〕;给予〔打击等〕


/ˈfleɪɡrənt/ /ˈfleɪɡrənt/

adj. 明目张胆的;公然的; 骇人听闻的;不能容忍的;非常的;臭名远扬的;恶名昭著的

9procuratorate /'prɒkjʊə,reɪtərɪt/ n. [] 检察院


/ˌhaɪ ˈprəʊfaɪl/ /ˌhaɪ ˈproʊfaɪl/ adj. 高调的;备受瞩目的;知名度高的

11criminal liability /ˈkrɪmɪnl ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/ [] 刑事责任

