
2022-06-04 03:02:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《端午节英语手抄报内容:端午节随想》,欢迎阅读!



"The rice dumplings, incense kitchen. Wormwood incense, incense mantang. Peach sticks inserted in the door, go out a look at wheat son yellow. Dragon Boat Festival here, where the Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival everywhere." 这是奶奶在端午节时教我的歌谣。记得爸爸常跟我说起他童年的往事,在他的故事里,端午节对他是一个充满好奇而又充满期待的节日:在初夏那个节日的晚上,剥开一个粽子,满屋飘香,大家围在一起,小孩缠着大人讲那个熟悉但却百听不厌的故事:两千多年以前,古老的中国战火纷飞,在农历五月初五的那一天,有一位忧国忧民的爱国诗人看到自己的国家面临着亡国危运,而他心中的抱负却无法实现,他悲痛欲绝怀抱着石头投向波涛滚滚的汨罗江,他就是屈原;渔民划着船,四处寻找他们爱戴的屈原,他们为了让水中的鱼儿不吃掉屈原的身体,就把糯米裹在散发着清香的竹叶里,投到了江里……每当故事讲到这时,大人们总会指着天空说:“你看,天空中那颗最明亮的星星,就是屈原化成的。”而小孩子们便会抬起头遥望着那深邃的天空,寻找那颗最明亮的星星。

This is my grandmother taught me during the Dragon Boat Festival. I remember my father often tells me about his childhood, in his story, he is one of the Dragon Boat

Festival is full of curiosity and anticipation in the summer holiday the night of the festival, ripping a zongzi, full house fragrance, everyone gathered together, the child pestering adults about the familiar story but I two

thousand years ago, the ancient China in the flames of war, on the day of May in Chinese lunar calendar, a patriotic poet

youguoyoumin see their country faces the subjugation of his heart and dangerous, but can not achieve the ambition, his heart to embrace the stone rolling waves of the Miluo River, he is Qu Yuan; fishermen row the ship, looking for their beloved Qu Yuan, they in order to let the fish in the water do not eat Qu Yuan's body, the fragrance of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, into the river...... Whenever the story talked about at this time, people always pointing to the sky said "you see, the sky in the heart of the brightest stars, Qu Yuan is the formation of." And the

children will be looked up at the dark sky, looking for the brightest stars.


Dumplings and fragrance to a year, whether you for the Dragon Boat Festival has been looking forward to it? Eating rice dumplings, whether to eat rice dumplings in that story? The sky look into the distance, across the shrouded misty industrial fog, whether it can look to see the stars in the sky shining?


Tall buildings, and from the ground, large fields of

wheat disappeared, at the edge of the city, we have very hard to see "go out and see the son Huang" scene of the. Yes, the

transformation of time and space, the Dragon Boat Festival whether in the steel and concrete extrusion Vietnam go farther?? the hustle and bustle of the city, carrying too many people desire, the joy of their parents whether they

have been immersed in the city of neon lights flashing in the? 我们已经不能理解父辈们少时的期待了,只要我想,随时都能够吃到各式各样的粽子,而粽子的味道似乎也越来也乏味,而我们感兴趣的是笑容可掬的麦当劳叔叔,那慈眉善目的肯德鸡爷爷;我们也对那古老的故事也缺乏兴趣了,只要我想,我随时能够在网上看米老鼠和唐老鸭!对奶奶教我的歌谣,我也觉得有些老土,只要我想,我随时能够在我的MP3播放器中录制各类摇滚歌曲!

We have fewer parents can not understand the expectation is, as long as I want, will always be able to eat all kinds of dumplings, and rice dumplings taste seems to be becoming boring also, and we are interested in is the Ronald McDonald smiling, that benign grandfather KFC; we are also the oldest story that is also a lack of interest, as long as I want, I can always see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck online! To my grandmother taught me the songs, I also feel a little old-fashioned, as long as I want, I can always in my MP3 player to record all types of rock songs!

不过,我们没有感到缺少了一些什么吗?我们似乎缺少了一些快乐,缺少了一些向往,缺少了一些责任。在喧闹中,我们正在迷失方向! However, we do not feel lack of something? We seem to lack a number of happiness, the lack of some yearning, the lack of some responsibility. In the bustle, we are losing our way.!

