
2022-09-26 04:08:18   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《马克吐温教案》,欢迎阅读!
Better Known as Mark Twain


This period we will continue our lesson: Better Known as Mark Twain. Before we learn this passage, let‟s first run back over his whole life that we learned in the course of Foreign Literature and some of his remarkable works. Firstly,

Status: The first paragraph tells us about Mark Twain‟s status in the world literature and his achievements, (问题)can you find out this part?

(答案)In spite of his twelve-year education, he became the most famous literature figure of his generation. He received honorary degrees from Oxford University and Yale University. People speak of him as the best-known humorous writer of all times. He also brought realism and western local color to American fictionNext,

Times: The second paragraph tells us the his times, 问题)then find out the background of his times in this part. (答案)(He was born in 1835 and died in 1910. At that time, Andrew Jackson was the president of the country; the first railroad had been built seven years before; the Industrial Revolution was at hand; the economic collapse of American prosperity, called the Panic of 1837, still lay ahead; this was also the literary period later called the “New England Renaissance”) Then,

Working Experience: After his father‟s death, Mark Twain left school and began his work experience. (问题)Find out what kind of work Mark Twain did.

(答案)(printer‟s apprentice; printer; river-boat pilot; soldier; miner; editor; miner again; full-time writer and lecturer) Last,

Works: There have mentioned some works of Mark Twain in this passage, (问题) could you find out them?

(答案)(The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙,

Innocents Abroad傻子国外旅行记, Tom Sawyer汤姆·索亚历险记,


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court亚瑟王朝中的康涅狄格扬基佬)


As we have learned so much about Mark Twain, let‟s begin with our first reading—try to scan the passage, and get the general idea of it. Now let‟s begin.

(板书) Do you know how he became such a remarkable writer?

Ok, have you finished? Ok, here are some T/F questions for you to check your first reading. Turn to page 31, decide whether each of the following statements is true or false…

Ok, now look at the blackboard. There is a question: do you know how he became such a remarkable writer? To get the answers of the question, you‟d better go over the passage again. During your reading, try to summarize the main idea of each part, organize which parts has described the Mark Twain‟s work experience, and in the meanwhile, find out some difficult phrases or sentences in the text. Now, let‟s begin our second reading...

Have you finished? The text has told us the whole life of Mark Twain. There are some questions for you to line the text up.

(问题) Did Mark Twain receive much education?

No. He left school at the age of twelve when his father died.

(问题) What did he become then?

His mother sent him to a printing house where he worked as an apprentice.

(问题) Did he stay long at the printing house?

No. He grew tired of Missouri and started out to see the world.

(问题) Where did he go and what did he do there?

He worked as a printer in St. Louis, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia.

(问题) How did he get the idea to go to the upper part of the Amazon River? From reading a book.

(问题) Did he reach the Amazon River?

No. He spent up all the fifty dollars he had when he got to the Mississippi.

(问题) What did he become then?

He decided to become a river-boat pilot on the Mississippi.

(问题延伸) The Mississippi River affect Mark Twain‟s life so deeply. Though he was a pilot on the river for only fifteen months, he got to know the people and their life on the Mississippi as well as the river itself. When he became a full-time writer, he wrote his masterpieceswhich were based on his early experience that river. (问题) What are they?

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

(问题) How did he become a miner?

The Civil War broke out, and he joined the army. Shortly after that, his company was disbanded. Then he followed his brother west to Nevada and mixed up with the


Ok, as we have lined up the paragraphs with those questions, now look at the text. At the beginning of the class, we have learned the first two paragraphs which tells us about Mark Twain‟s status in the world literature and his times.

(问题) Then what does the third tell us? …

(答案)(family, four brother and sisters, eight people lived together, life was very hard) (问题)what does the next two mainly tell about? …

答案)(his colorful childhood, mainly his humor inherited from his mother and the

Mississippi river influenced his after works, such as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry


In these two paragraphs, there are two sentences you should pay attention to… Then comes to the most important part of the text, from the sixth to the tenth. Working experience

We have found out the jobs which Mark Twain did at the beginning…First a printer‟s

apprentice. Then when he was tired of Missouri, he worked as a printer in St. Louis. Here (板书) be tired of sth. means „losing interest in doing sth.‟.

Second, as a result of reading a book, he decided to go to the Amazon River, but he ran out of money before he got there. Here (板书) as a result means „because of‟, (板书)run out of means „use up‟. Here is a sentence…

Next he followed his new profession, (问题)what? … (答案)A river-boat pilot. (问题)What does this sentence mean? …

Then the Civil War broke out, he joined the army.

In 1861, he became a miner, soon an editor, later in San Francisco a miner again.

Only after his short story, The Celebreated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, made him known all over the country, he became a full-time writer and lecturer)

That‟s for Mark Twain‟s working experiences. The following paragraph tells his marriage and the influence that brought him. (问题)Which sentence could show the main idea? …what does this sentence mean?…

Then comes to the last two parts. Though Mark Twain made vast profits from wring and lecturing, finally he lost his entire fortune in business. Here‟s a sentence… (板书) have a (strong, good) influence on sb. means influence sb. strongly.

Now let‟ s come back to the question on the blackboard… (问题) do you known how Mark Twain become a remarkable writer?…Try to answer it in simple and clear English…(答案)He brought realism and western local color to American fiction. As a writer, Mark Twain benefited greatly from his varied experiences with the people. Besides his humor, he used to speech of ordinary people including their slang. That makes him a popular writer and people speak of him as the best known humorous writer of all times.


The text has mentioned five of Mark Twain‟s works, we listed them at the beginning of

our class. I‟d like to recommend you some of his other works to read in your spare time as your supplementary reading material.

(板书) The Gilded Age 镀金时代

The prince and the pauper 王子与贫儿 Pudd’nhead Wilson 傻瓜威尔逊


Ok, we have finished the passage. Now let‟s check the answers of the multiple-choices questions. Turn to page 31… I‟ll find someone to give his answers…


That‟s for today. Now look at the blackboard, in this period, we learned about the world famous writer—Mark Twain‟s life, his colorful working experiences, works, help you go through the questions of this text.

Homework for today

Your homework today is to go over the new words and expressions of this text, in particular, pay attention to the phrases written on the blackboard.

