六一儿童节英文发言稿 儿童节英语演讲稿

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六一儿童节英文发言稿 儿童节英语演讲稿


Dear teacher, the classmates: 大家好!

Hello, everyone.

永久欢乐,永久甜蜜,永久温馨的“六一“国际儿童节来到了! Always happy, always sweet, always warm six one the international childrens day came! 六一是红领巾的节日!

The six one is the red scarf festival! 六一是世界上最稚嫩,最年轻的节日!

Six one of the worlds most young, most young holiday! 六一是全世界儿童共同期盼的美妙日!

Six one children all over the world look forward to the beautiful day!


Students, campus in June June sea of flowers, the campus songs Ruchao, June children in the warm look forward to tomorrow, June

youth in happiness and plan for the future.

六月是我们学习的大忙季节,六月是同学们奋斗的美妙时间。 June is our busy season, June is the class struggle in good time. 同学们,在我们饱含幸福的欢声笑语里,承载了长辈的亲切关心,长,教师的殷切期望父母的茹苦含辛,是他们付出了深情的爱。儿童是国家的盼望,孩子是民族的将来。少年智则国智,少年强则国强。同学们,我们肩负着时代的重任,寄予着祖国的将来。“谁言寸草心,报的三春晖。“滴水之恩,涌泉相报。“作为二十一世纪的新一代,我们要带着感谢去生活,要备加珍惜今日的幸福时间,不辜负祖国的重托,不辜负父母的期望,不辜负校长教师的教导。在家做个好孩子,在校做名好学生在社会位好公民。

The students in the US, full of happy laughter, the loving care of elders, the headmaster, ardent expectations of parents and teachers of the bear bitter hardships, they paid the love. Children are the hope of the nation, the children are the future of the people. Young Chi Chi, junior strong guoqiang. Students, we shoulder the important task of the times, the sustenance of the future of the motherland. Who made grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments. dripping grace, Yongquan phase newspaper. In twenty-first Century as the new generation, we should with a grateful to life,

to cherish time todays happiness, not to live up to the trust of the motherland, do not live up to the expectations of parents, not to live up to the principal teacher education. Be a good boy at home, at school to do a good student to do a good citizen in the society. 同学们,我们都是阳光少年,我们是荣耀的少先队员,我们以红领巾的名义宣誓:祖国至上,人民为先;诚恳守信,自律自强勤学好问,誓做栋梁,振兴中华,制造辉煌!

Students, we are the sunshine boys, we are proud of the young pioneers, we swear in the name of the red scarf: first, people first; honest, self-discipline nquisitive, striving to be the pillars, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, create brilliant! 同学们,世界的六一儿童节,让我们共同祝愿明天更美妙! The classmates, the world childrens day, we wish a better tomorrow!

