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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《童话故事三个【三个经典童话故事】》,欢迎阅读!


三个经典童话故事 经典童话故事:符艾相争 One day, the peachwood charm against evil hung on the door turned its face upward to curse the figure made of Chinese mugwort: “Who do you think you are to dare to set yourself over my head“ The figure of Chinese mugwort, unwilling to be outdone, looked down and retorted: "It is summer now. You have only half a year to go, and can"t live long. Why squabble over who is higher or who is lower" The peachwood charm was beside itself with rage, and answered back sarcastically. Both sides refused to give in, and squabbled endlessly with a stream of abuse against each other. At this moment, the deity of the door came to mediate: "It is only because we have no ability that we have to attach ourselves to the door of others. What"s the point of quarrelling with each other" 一天,挂在门上的桃符仰起了脸,大骂艾草人:你这个艾草人算什 么东西,胆敢高踞在我的头上!” 艾草人不甘示弱,低头还嘴,说道:现在已经是夏天了,你只有半 年了,活不了多长时间了,还争什么高低呢桃符怒不可遏,反唇相讥。它们互相不服气,彼此骂不绝口,争吵不 休。

这时候,门神出来劝解说:我们都是因为没有什么本事,才依附 别人的门下,还争什么强,斗什么气呢经典童话故事:蛤蟆夜哭 In the past, there was a man named Ai Zi who was fond of sailing on the sea. One night, Ai Zi had his boat moored near a small island Around midnight, he seemed to hear someone weeping or talking under the water. So he listened intently, and soon he heard someone say: "Yesterday the Dragon King issued an order that all living

creatures with tails in water are to be beheaded. I am an alligator and have a tail. I am very frightened of being slaughtered, so I am crying. You are a toad and don"t have a tail. What are you weeping for" After a while, Ai Zi seemed to hear someone answer: "Though I have notail now, I am afraid that I may be traced back to the time when I was a tadpole with a tail then, so I am weeping." 从前,有个叫艾子的人,喜欢在海上航行。

一天晚上,船停泊在一个小岛的附近。大约半夜时分,他仿佛听到水 底下有人发出哭泣的声音,又好像有人在说话。于是,他认认真真地听了下去。

一会儿,他听到有人说:昨天龙王下了命令,水中的动物凡是有尾巴的都必 须斩首。我是鳄,有尾巴,非常害怕遭到杀戮,所以哭了起来。你是蛤蟆,又没 有尾巴,哭什么呀一会儿,他仿佛又听到有人回答说:我现在虽然没有尾巴,但是我 害怕会追究到我蝌蚪年代的事情上去,因为那时候我是有尾巴的,所以哭泣。经典童话故事:忘乎所以 The gorillas in the valleys in the south often lived together in groups of several tens. They were fond of drinking wine, and even fonder of imitating man"s behavior. People knew very well their habits and often put wine or distiller"s grains on the roadside together with many straw sandals connected together with ropes. The gorillas knew this was a trick to lure them into traps and cursed:"Humph! Do you think we don"t know your tricks We"ll never be taken in!" So they called one another, turned round and left. But they had already smelled the aroma of the wine, and couldn"t bear to part with it. Even after they left, they would turn their heads to look back. When they saw no one there, they would turn back;

and after they turned back, they were afraid of being deceived, and left again. After muchhesitation, they finally said to themselves: "Just for a taste of the wine. It won"t matter as long as we don"t get

drunk." Shortly afterwards, they agreed to come back to drink the wine. When they got drunk, they forgot everything. Every gorilla put on the straw sandals and imitated the way man walks. As a result, they fell down one after another and were all caught alive by people. 南方山谷里的猩猩,常常数十成群地生活在一起。它们喜欢喝酒,更 喜欢模仿人的行为。人们掌握了它们的习性,经常把酒或酒糟放在路边,旁边又放着许多 草鞋,草鞋用绳索连接起来。

猩猩知道这是人们引诱它们上当,便破口大骂:!你们以为我们不 知道吗我们决不上你们的当!” 于是,互相招呼,回头就走。 但是,它们已经闻到了酒香,总有点恋恋不舍,就是走了,也要回过 头来望望。回头望不见人,便又转过来;转过来了又怕上当,再返身回去。犹豫 了好久,它们最后自言自语地说:去尝尝味道,不喝醉就不碍事。不一会儿,大家同意了,都回来喝酒。等到喝醉的时候,它们一切都 忘记了,一个个穿上草鞋,学着人走路。 结果,一个个都跌倒了,统统被人活捉。

