
2023-03-02 06:09:11   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《励志的英语美文》,欢迎阅读!



Life doesn't always give us the joys we want. 生活并非总是如你所愿。

We don't always get our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way. 我们的希望和梦想有时会落空、破灭,我们不能一切随心所愿。

But don't give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time.

但不要放弃希望,因为事物并非一成不变;不同时间,不同场合,你会呈现不同的面貌。 Look for the beauty around you--in nature, in others, in yourself--and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind.


You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it.

一个微笑,援助之手,关心的举止,友善的世界,无不传达着爱。爱无所不在,如果你有寻找的话。 Give love, for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience, and understanding.

奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍耐和理解。 Believe in the goodness of others and remember that anger and depression can be countered by love and hope.


Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference. 哪怕生活中挥之不去的不快和困难将你重重包围,让你力不从心,但你仍可以尽力而为。累积点滴努力,最终你将扭转乾坤。

I will know that only those with inferior ability can always be at their best and I am not inferior.There will be days when I must IN THE WORLD constantly struggle against forces which would tear me downThose such sa despair and sadness are simple to recognize but there are others which approach with a smile and the hand of friendship and they can slso destroy me.Against themtoo.I must never relinquish control.


And with this new knowledge I will also understand and recognize the moods of him on whom i call I will make allowances for his anger and irritation of today for he knows not the secret of controlling his mind.i can withstand him arrows and insults for now I know that tomorrow he will change and be a joy to approach.


No longer will I judge a man on one meetingno longer will i fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today.this day he will not buy gold chariots for a pennyyet tomorrow he would exchange his home for a tree.My knowledge of this secret will be my key to great wealth.

我不再只凭一面之交来判断一个人,也不再因他今日的可恶而明日不给他打电话。今天不肯花一分钱买金蓬马车的人,明天他也许会用全部家当换一颗树苗。知道了这个秘密,我可以获得极大的财富。 Henceforth I will recognize and identify the mystery of moods in all mankindand in me.From this moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day.I will master my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I will control my destiny.

我从此领悟到人类和我自己情绪变化的奥秘。对于自己千变万化的个性,我不在听之任之,我将积极主动的控制情绪,从而掌握自己的命运。 I will become master of myself. 我将成为自己的主人。

People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records of the past. Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and the history books? Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations of statesmen and the campaigns of armies?


Because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen. And because, sometimes, past records, correctly interpreted, can give us warning of what to do and what not to do.


If we are ever to create enduring peace, we must seek its origins in human experience and in the record of human idealism. From the story of the fortitude, courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations of youth. From stories of the ancient cave dwellers right down to today's environmental activists, history records people's success, intelligence and strength. Surely from these records there can come help to mankind in our confusions and promote and in our desires for peace.


The supreme purpose of history is a better world. History gives a warning to those who would promote war. History brings inspiration to those who seek peace. In short, history helps us learn. Yesterday's records can keep us from repeating yesterday's mistakes. And from all these records, we can see the progress of mankind.

