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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《建筑文本》,欢迎阅读!


1、雕梁画栋、飞檐异角,亭台轩榭、廊苑楼阁构成了中国古典建筑的重要成分。 Richly ornamented building, flying cornice, pavilions hin terrace, little buildings with exquisite cells make up the most important parts of Chinese classical building.


“Fitting to the terrain, changing by the geography, inlaid decent” are main ideas on Chinese ancient buildings.


Pursuing the perfect fusing between human and nature is our traditional construction concept. Building pavilions among the mountains and tall buildings along a river make the mountain as well the water livelier and more charming.


Combined with Confucian ethics of benevolence ,righteousness, virtue, and formality; together with Taoist view of nature :harmonious fusing between human and nature,


Chinese classical buildings own the features of unity of form and sprite, respect of natural law, harmony between human and nature, gain by contrast, brilliance from jewelries, and multiple gestures.


1、牌坊,又名牌楼,Memorable torii, also called decorated archway .

2是一种门洞式的、纪念性的独特建筑物,Its a kind of special door-opening commemorative architecture

3、多建于宫苑、寺观、陵墓、祠堂that always be built in palatial garden ,Taoist temple ,tomb , clan hall,

4、和街道路口等地方or at the intersection of the street and so on .

5、在封建社会是为了表彰功勋,科第,德政以及忠孝节义而立的, In feudal society, memorial arches are set to cite someone who has notable exploits grades the candidates in the imperial examinations or does the benevolent rule and who has loyalty, filial piety, chastity, and righteousness.


According to its construction intention. There are four different types of memorial arch: flag square; virtues workshops; Virgin Square; and mark imperial achievement.

7、牌坊,建筑结构自成一格,别具风采,或秀丽精巧或凝重粗犷。Memorable torii, with suigeneris architectural structure, is pretty and ingenious , either or imposing and rough. 8、牌坊集雕刻、绘画、匾联文辞和书法等多种艺术于一身,

It is combination of arts of engraving, painting, plaque of diction and handwriting, 9、融当时的社会生活理念、传统道德观念、民风民俗于一炉,

also of life philosophy , traditional morality ,and folkways in that time . 10、具有瑰丽的艺术魅力、很高的审美价值和丰富而深刻的历史文化内涵。

It has glorious artistic charm, high aesthetic value and profound historical and cultural



. Every memorable torii, so to speak ,is a fine handicraft article. 檐角:


The flying cornice is one of the most important construction performs in Chinese traditional buildings.


It means the rising part of eaves, appearing on the corner of roof of many buildings, like pavilions, terraces, towers, palace as well as temples. This special mode makes the roof spread to the sky in four directions, like the spreading wings of a bird, enlivening and lighting the roof eventually, so it is also named as flying cornice and rising eave.


In the mean while, by using this special method and creation, the roof gains much more area of sunlight selecting , and becomes more efficient to drain the rain off the roof, too; this also makes the building more dynamic as it looks like a bird about to fly upward.


And adding with various gestures of little lively animals, the ancient Chinese buildings give out their sublime quality and particular aroma of dynamic.


104:17 (时间,下省)

It is common to see a certain number of small animals on the eave corners of Chinese ancient buildingsas ornaments. These animals are named Roof Beasts.

中国古建筑的檐角上常排列着一些数目不等的小动物作为装饰,它们叫做屋脊走兽. 204:30

They were initially used to pin the frontal tiles on the eave corners, and were gradually transformed into animal figures. These figures were given meanings about ranking and were used as decorative means.

原是用来固定檐角最前端瓦片的瓦钉,后来逐渐美化成动物形象,在实用功能之外被赋予装饰和标志等级的作用。 304:45

Roof Beasts are the important part of the art of ancient Chinese architecture. They become the symbolic mark of regional and national culture by their specific forms and the profound connotations.

屋脊兽是中国传统建筑艺术的重要组成部分,它以其特定的形式和深刻的内涵,成为地域文化、民族文化的象征性符号。 405:03

For example ,their forms mostly reference in the creature from Chinese Fairy Taleslike dragon and phoenix.



Today , the Roof Beasts which gathered skill and wisdom of Chinese people have already become a symbol of the ancient Chinese architectrue.

如今,凝聚了人民技艺与智慧的屋脊小兽,已成为了中国古建筑的象征之一。 亭子:

1、自古民间有在交通要道筑亭为旅途休憩歇息的习俗。From time immemorialthere is a custom of building pavilions on main roads for travelers to have a rest. 2后来亭子更是用来点缀园林景观的园林小品。Afterwards, pavilions become garden features that adorn garden scenery.

3、亭子的美,远观在其美丽多姿的轮廓,The beauty of pavilions lies in the beautiful outline from afar

4、入内则在其周围景物,,as well as the scenery around .

5、而亭子的顶部飞檐高翘,犹如羽翼舒展。At the top of pavilions,the cornice upwarp, stretching like wings.

6、晶莹剔透、金玉满堂的琉璃瓦亭面,Glittering and translucent, the surface of glazed tiles 7配上朱红色的亭柱,堂皇而庄重。 is magnificent and superb together with vermeil column. 8、简单大方的方亭、秀丽的圆亭、Simple and easy square pavilions, comely circular pavilions, 9、六角亭、八角亭都是常见的,hexagonal and octagonal pavilions are common

10,还有扇面亭、梅花亭等形形色色较为少見。while other kinds like fan-shaped and plum flower pavilions are rare.

11、山巅、水涯、湖心、Mountaintop, waterside, middle of the lake, 12、松荫、竹丛、花间 shade of pine, bamboo grove and flowers

13、都是幽景集结的极妙所在,are wonderful places to build pavilions where deep and quiet views centralize.

14、也有在桥上筑亭,Bridge is also a good home for pavilions.

15、桥亭结合,自成佳趣,The combination of the two is fantabulous.

16、加上水中倒影,扶摇欲动,With inverted reflection in water gently shaking, 17、更增添诗情画意。 we can see how elegant and poetic it is . 18亭子的作用就在于能把外界空间的景象吸收到这个小空间里来,The function of pavilions is to absorb the scenery of outside space to the small space,

19、突破有限,进入无限. breaking through the limited space and creating limitless space. 20在中国园林的意境中起到很重要的作用.Pavilions play significant roles in artistic conception of classical Chinese garden.

