
2023-05-11 00:14:18   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高中英语高级词汇》,欢迎阅读!


举例:for examplefor instancetake…for examplesuch aslikeand so onso on and so forthand so on and on and on etc.等。 说明:that's to sayin other wordsnamely,等。

因果:soforthereforeas a resultthusbecausebecause ofthanks to…owing to…due to ……等。 递进:thenbesidesin addition furthermoremoreover what's more等。

顺序:firstly secondlythirdly finallyin the first placein the second place in the third place lastly to begin withthenfurthermorefinallyto start with next in additionfinallyfirst and foremost besides last but not leastmost important of allmoreoverfinally(以上为时间顺序) in the front ofin front of …before behind at the back of on the right/leftofto the right /left of…on the other side of …in the center of …in the middle of …at the beginning of at the end of …by the side of …on the top of …at the foot of …on the bottom of insideoutside upstairs downstairs(以上为空间顺序)

转折: nevertheless however although though buton the countryafter all oppositely等。

总结 in short in a word in general generally speaking finallyat lastas far as I knowin briefbriefly speaking in the end as a matter of fact in reality in fact on the whole in conclusion on account of this therefore等。

强调: really indeedcertainlysurelyfor sure above all等。 对比: in the same wayjust asin common with compared with on the one hand…on the other hand for one thing… for anothersimilarly等。 平行:andboth…and…as well asas wellneither…nor…oreither…or…not only…but also…等。

2、高级词汇(替换前面的简单词汇) through>in term of/via operate>manipulate offspring>descendant inevitabledispensable detail>specific explain>interpret

obvious>conspicuous hurt>vulnerable use>employ/utilize value>merit

provide>lend>offer true>accurate

leading to>contribute to/ conduce to/result in more and more>increasing/growing hardly>merely>barely well-known>outstanding large>miraculous/marvelous although>albeit/notwithstanding in fact>actually/virtually

want>intend to/tend to/be inclined to because>in that may be>probably

to sum>to summarize/in conclusion explain>interpret/illustrate change>alert



think>contemplate/muse/meditate/retrospect arouse>ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate limit>stress/hinder/hamper key>crucial/vital/consequential old>ancient

emphasis>accentuate devote to>dedicate to

character>trait/individuality/idiosyncrasy/personality expect>anticipate join>participate


bias>prejudice/discriminate/tendency thrive>palmy/floushing/prosperity clash>conflict/collision/rencounter publicize>propagandize

agree partly>agree with reserve proper>apposite want to>desire big city>metropolis lawmaking>legislation first>primarily

but>nonetheless/nevertheless child>juvenile

absorb>assimilate hand in>render

undermine>sap/enervate/debilitate get into chaos>with chaos ensuing

