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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《二年级下册英语听力材料》,欢迎阅读!


Spring is green 春天是绿色的 Summer is bright 夏天是明亮的 Fall is golden 秋天是金黄的 Winter is white 冬天是雪白的

NEW WORDS新单词): season spring summerfall winter brightgolden


BillDo you like winter你喜欢冬天吗? Joy Yes.

Bill Why为什么?

Joy It’s white. I can wear my favourite coat .它是雪白的。我可以穿我最喜欢的大衣



It’s spring It’s spring !春天来了!We can plant trees in spring .我们在春天植树. It’s summer! It’s summer ! We can swim in summer. 我们在夏天游泳。

It’s fall ! It’s fall ! We can climb hills in fall. 我们在秋天爬山。 It’s winter ! It’s winter ! We can make a snowman in winter. 我们在冬天堆雪人。

New WORDS: plant swim climb make snowman



Angel: It’s spring! It’s spring!

Yaoyao: Let’s plant trees. 让我们一起植树吧

Joy: What’s your favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么? Lily: Spring. 春天。 Joy: Why? 为什么?

Lily: It’s beautiful! I can wear my red sweater. 它很美丽!我可以穿我的红色毛衣. Binbin: Do you like spring? 你喜欢春天吗?

Bill: Yes, I like it very much.是的,我非常喜欢它。 Binbin: Why? 为什么?

Bill: I can fly a kite in spring.在春天我能放风筝。 Andy: Look, the grass is green. 看,草是绿色的。 Lucky: Wow!

NEW WORDS: fly , kite




Is the elephant sleeping? 大象正在睡觉吗? No! No! No! Is the frog sleeping? Yes! Yes! Yes! Is the tiger sleeping? No! No! No! Is the snake sleeping? Yes! Yes! Yes! Is the panda sleeping? No! No! No! Is the fox sleeping? No! No! No! Is the rabbit sleeping? No! No! No! Are you sleeping? NEW WORD: sleep B项:MONOLOGUE ABCDEFG a, b, c, d, e , f g

s,p,r,i,n,g spring s,u,m,m,e,r summer f,a,l,l fall w,i,n,t,e,r winter

补充材料:(磁带和课本都无,但个人觉得较有趣,保留…… A项:CHANT

It is winter,time to sleep. Sleep frog sleep. It is winter,time to sleep. Sleep bear sleep. It is winter,time to sleep. Sleep snake sleep. It is winter,time to sleep. Sleep tree sleep.

It is winter,time to sleep,sleep,sleep……(表示越来越小声)



Lily: I’m Lily. I like summer. I can wear my blue skirt in summer. I can swim in summer.


Binbin: I’m Binbin. I like spring. I can wear my green sweater in spring. I can plant trees in spring. 我是Binbin我喜欢春天,在春天我可以穿我的绿色毛衣,我可以植树。 Andy: I’m Andy.I like fall.I can wear my yellow jacket in fall. I can pick apples in fall. 我是Andy,我喜欢秋天,在秋天我可以穿我的黄色夹克,可以摘苹果。

Joy: I’m Joy.I like winter.I can wear my red coat in winter. I can make a snowman in winter. 我是Joy,我喜欢冬天,在冬天我可以穿我的红色大衣,可以堆雪人。




Angel: Wow! It’s spring! Here are two seeds for you.这有两粒种子给你。 Mole: Thank you.

Mole l: Let’s plant them here.让我们把它们种在这里吧

Monkey: No, not me. I want to fly a kite.不,我不,我想放风筝。 Mole: It’s summer. Let’s water them.夏天到了,让我们给它们浇水吧 Monkey: No, not me. I want to go swimming.不,我不,我想去游泳。 Mole: It’s fall. Let’s pick our peanuts.秋天到了,让我们去刨花生吧 Monkey: No, not me. I want to eat peaches.不,我不,我想去吃桃子。 Mole: Look at all my peanuts. 看看我的花生.

Mole; I’m happy. The peanuts are very delicious! 我真开心,花生真好吃啊 Monkey: It’s winter. Oh, I’m hungry.冬天到了,我饿了。 Angel: No pain! No gain! 没有付出,就没有收获!

Unit10 weather



Man: It’s sunny in Beijing.北京阳光灿烂。 It’s snowy in Harbin哈尔滨是雪天。

It’s windy in Xi’an西安起风了。 It’s cloudy in Shanghai.上海乌云满天。 It’s rainy in Shenzhen.深圳有雨。

NEW WORDS weather, sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, Harbin, Xi’an, Shanghai, Shenzhen B项:MONOLOGUE

Woman: Picture1:It’s sunny. Picture2:It’s rainy. Picture3:It’s cloudy. Picture4:It’s snowy. Picture5:It’s windy 补充材料: A项:CHANT 1

Weather,weather, What’s the weather? What’s the weather today? Sunny,sunny, It is sunny. It’s a sunny day! . Weather, weather, What’s the weather? What’s the weather today? Rainy, rainy,


It is rainy. It’s a rainy day! (2)

Today is sunny. Today is sunny. It’s sunny in Beijing.

Today is snowy. Today is snowy. It’s snowy in Harbin.

Today is windy. Today is windy. It’s windy in Xi’an.

Today is cloudy. Today is cloudy. It’s cloudy in Shanghai. Today is rainy. Today is rainy. It’s rainy in Shenzhen..



It’s a cold, cold day.这是寒冷的一天,

It’s a cold, scarf and play.我戴上我的围巾去玩 It’s a cold, cold day.

It’s a cool, cool day.这是凉爽的一天, It’s a cool, cool day.

I take off my coat and play.我脱下我的大衣去玩。 It’s a cool, cool day.

It’s a warm, warm day.这是温暖的一天, It’s a warm, warm day.

I take off my sweater and play.我脱下我的毛衣去玩。 It’s a warm, warm day.

It’s a hot, hot day.这是炎热的一天, It’s a hot, hot day.

I put on my sunglasses and play.我戴上我的太阳镜去玩。 It’s a hot, hot day.

NEW WORDS: cold, cool, warm, hot, day, scarf, sunglasses, coat B 项:DLALOGUE

Angel: What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样? Lucky: It’s sunny.阳光灿烂。

Angel: Put on the sunglasses.戴上太阳镜吧。


Lucky: OK.好的。

NEW WORDS: like, today 补充材料 A项:CHANT 1

What the weather like today ? What the weather like today ? It’s a cloudy,cloudy day. Put on your coat and play. What the weather like today ? What the weather like today ? It’s a rainy,rainy day.

Put on your raincoat(雨衣) and play. What the weather like today ? What the weather like today ? It’s a hot, hot day.

Put on your sunglasses and play. What the weather like today ? What the weather like today ? It’s a sunny, sunny day. Take off your coat and play. (2)

It’s a warm, warm day. It’s a warm, warm day. I put on my hat (帽子)today. It’s a warm, warm day. It’s a cold, cold day. It’s a cold, cold day. I put on my coat today. It’s a cold, cold day. It’s a rainy, rainy day. It’s a rainy, rainy day. I stay at home today.我待在家里。 It’s a rainy, rainy day. It’s a hot, hot day. It’s a hot, hot day. I put on my sunglasses today.


It’s a hot, hot day. (3)

Sunny sunny day. Sunny sunny day.

We all play in the park.我们一起在公园里玩, On a sunny sunny day.在一个阳光灿烂的一天。

Cloudy cloudy day. Cloudy cloudy day.

We all cloudy cloudy day.我们一天都情绪低沉。

Rainy rainy day. Rainy rainy day. We all play at home. On a rainy rainy day.

Lesson 57


Yaoyao: What season is it?这是什么季节? Binbin:It’s spring.是春天。

Yaoyao: What’s the weather like?天气如何?

Binbin: It’s warm and windy. We can fly a kite.温暖并且有风,我们可以放风筝。 B项:SONG

Sunny,sunny,sunny day. It’s a sunny day today. Put on your sunglasses. Go out to play.

It’s a sunny day today. Windy,windy,windy today. It’s a windy day today. Take your kite.带上你的风筝。 Go out to play.出去玩 It’s a windy day today. Cloudy,cloudy,cloudy day. It’s a cloudy day today. Take your umbrella.戴上你的雨伞

Dad says it’s going to rain.爸爸说天要下雨了 Rainy,rainy,rainy day. It’s a rainy day today.


Put on your raincoat.穿上你的雨衣 It’s a rainy day today. Snowy,snowy,snowy day. It’s a snowy day today. Put on your scarf.戴上你的围巾 Go out to play.出去玩。 It’s a snowy day today.

NEW WORDS: raincoat,umbrella

Lesson 58


Lucky: Summer is coming.It’s hot!夏天来了。天气热了

Angel: Zero,five,fifteen,twenty,thirty! How hot it is 05152030,天气多热啊! Lucky: It’s all white in winter.It’s cold.冬天都是雪白的,天气寒冷。 Angel: Zero! How cold! Let me put on a coat.真冷啊,让我穿上件大衣吧! B项:MONOLOGUE HIJKLM h, I, j, k, l, m s,u,n,n,y sumy c,l,o,u,d,y cloudy w,I,n,d,y windy r,a,I,n,y rainy



Girl: It’s windy.Let’s plant trees.有风,让我们植树吧。

Girl: It’s sunny. They’re climbing hills.天气晴朗,他们正在爬山。 Boy:How cold! Let me put on a sweater.真冷啊!让我穿上件毛衣吧。 Boy: I like summer. I like to eat ice cream.我喜欢夏天,我喜欢吃冰激凌。 B项:

Woman: What’s the weather like?天气怎么样?

Lesson 60


Frog: Hello,Dirp! What a fine day!多好的天气啊

Drip: Yes,it’s a fine sunny day是的,这是阳光灿烂的好天气。 Frog: It’s hot now.现在热了。 Sun: I want a drink!我想喝饮料。


Dirp: I’m going up in the sky.我要升到天上去。 Another drip: Bye Bye.

Drip: Help! I’m turning into vapour.救命!我变成蒸气了

Drip: Hello, Mr.Cloud. Can I stay here?你好!云先生,我能待在这里吗? Cloud: Sure!当然!

Drip: It’s cold and dark here!这儿又冷又黑! Drip: It’s time to say goodbye!是说再见的时候了! Frog: Look! It’s raining.看,下雨了!

Unit 11 Lesson61

录音材料: A项:CHANT

1Jump.Kick, Play. Throw. Catch. Bounce.Go,go,go.跳,踢,玩,扔,接住,拍!快,快,

(2) Bounce.Catch.Throw.Play,Kick,Jump,Every day每一天 I can jump. I can walk. I can kick.I can talk. I can catch. I can throw. I can boumce. I can go .

I can swim. I can run. I can skate. With every one.和每一个人。

NEW WORDS: PE, class,can run,jump,throw,bounce,catch,kick,walk


Girl: I can bounce very well.我拍得很好。 I can run very well.

I can jump very well. I can throw very well. I can catch very well. I can kick very well.



Bounce the ball. Throw the ball. Kick the ball to me. Bounce the ball. Throw the ball. Catch it 1,2,3. (2)


I can bounce the ball. I can catch it ,too.

I can bounce and catch the ball. Then throw the ball to you . I can play football. I can jump rope.too. I can play a pingpong game. Can I play with you?

NEW HPRASES: play football, play pingpong, jump rope, throw the ball, bounce the ball, catch the ball, kick the ball


Joy: Can you play pingpong? Yaoyao:Yes,I can

Girl: Can you bounce the ball? Bill: No, I can’t. SONG

This is the way I bounce the ball, bounce the ball,bounce the ball. 我是这样拍球的,拍球,拍球,

This is the way I bounce the ball, Then throw the ball to you. 我是这样拍球的,然后把球扔给你。

This is the way I catch the ball, catch the ball,catch the ball. 我是这样接球的,接球,接球

This is the way I catch the ball, Then throw the ball to you. 我是这样接球的,然后把球扔给你。



Boy: May I join you?我能加入吗? Lily: Sure.Come on. 当然。来吧。 Joy: Can you jump rope?你会跳绳吗? Bill: Let me try. 让我试试吧

Girl A: Where is Yaoyao?

GirlB: She’s on the seesaw. 她在跷跷板上呢。 Andy: It’s very hot today. Bill: Let’s go swimming. B项:MONOLOGUE Girl: He can play football.


She can jump rope.

He can play pingpong. She can swim. She can skate.

He can bounce the ball well. She can climb well. He can throw the ball well.


录音材料: A项:CHANT

Line up,line up. 排队 Count off 1,2,3. 报数

Stand at ease,stand at ease! 稍息 Exercise with me. 跟我一起做操 Turn left,turn left. 左转 Count off 1,2,3. 报数 Turm right,turn right. 右转 Exercise with me. MONOLOGUE Line up. At ease. Attention. Count off. Turn right. Turn left. CHANT

Exercise,exercise. 做操

Attention,attention,please. 立定 Exercise,exercise.

Now you stand at ease. 现在稍息 B项:MONOLOGUE OPQRST O, p, q, r, s, t T,h,r,o,w throw C,l,I,m,b climb J,u,m,p jump W,a,l,k walk




Boy: The tiger can run.The fish can swim.The rabbit can jump. The monkey can climb.The bear can skate. The dog can catch.


Binbin: Can you jump rope? Yaoyao: Yes,I can.

Binbin: Can you play football? Yaoyao:No, I can’t.



Penguin: Oh,no! The rabbit can run faster than me.兔子都跑得比我快! Penguin: Ouch!哎呦! Panda: Be careful!小心!

Monkey:What a good jump!跳得真好啊

Penguin: I can’t throw the ball far.我扔不远球。 Monkey: I’m the best jumper.我是最好的跳高者。 Panda: I can bounce the ball very well. Penguin: I can’t. Cat: What a fast swimmer! Rabbit: You’re fast!

Unit12 Revision


A项:CHANT Spring is warm. Spring is green. Summer is hot. Summer is bright. Fall is cool. Fall is golden. Winter is cold. Winter is cold. Winter is white. B项:DLALOGUE Girl: It’s hot.

Boy A: What season is it ?


Boy B: It’s summer.



Girl: What season is it ? Boy:It’s winter.

Girl: What’s the temperature? Boy: It’s 0 degree. Girl: What do you wear?

Boy: I wear a coat and trousers. B项:DLALOGUE

Boy: What can you do in spring? Girl: I can……



Angel: What season is it ?

Lucky: It’s spring. I can fly a kite. Lucky: It’s summer. I can swim. Angel: Is it fall?

Lucky: Yes. I can climb hills.

Angel: Winter is my favourite seasom. I can make a smowman.



Lily: Hello,Mary! This is Lily speaking.

It’s summer in Beijing now. It’s very hot.I wear a dress. Mary: Hi, Lily!

It’s winter in Sydney. It’s cool. I wear a warm coat. B项: MONOLOGUE UVWXYZ U, v, w, x, y, z Spring is warm and green.



Lucky: It’s a very hot summer day. Angel: Yes.It’s going to rain. Lucky: Really?

Angel: Yes. Look at the ants.

Angel: Look at the swallows and dragonflies.


Angel: Look at the fish.

Lucky: It’s raining. It’s cool. Angel: Go home. Lucy:…… B项: DLALOGUE

GirlA: What season is it ? GirlB: It’s spring.

GirlA: What’s the weather like? GirlB: It’s windy.

Lesson 72


Elephant: It’s sunny day! Bird: Let’s play on the swing.

Elephant: I’m sorry. It’s too small for me. Bird: Can you slide? Elephant: No!

Bird: Come on ! Let’s climb monkey bars. Elephant: Oh,no! Bird: Let’s jump rope. Elephant: No, I can’t .

Bird: Can you play on the seesaw? Elephant: Sure! Bird: Ahhhhh……

Unint 13 Time Lesson73

A项: CHANT Tick,tock! 7o’clock.

It’s time for breakfast! Tick,tock! Tick,tock! 12o’clock.

It’s time for lunch. Tick,tock! Tick,tock! 6o’clock.

It’s time for supper! Tick,tock!


NEW WORDS: time, o’clock, breakfast, lumch, supper B项:

Boy: What time is it?



0 plus 10 is 10 minutes. 10 plus 10 is 20minutes. 20plus 10 is 10 minutes. 30plus 10 is 20minutes. 40 plus 10 is 10 minutes. 50plus 10 is an hour.

NEW WORDS: minute,plus,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty B项:DLALOGUE

Girl A: What time is it? Girl B: It’s 6:40.


A项:DLALOGUE Joy: What time is it? Man: It’s 7:30.

Andy: Look,it’s 12 o’clock . Boy: It’s time for lunch.

Yaoyao: Look! It’s 3 o’clock now. Lily: What time is it ?

Bill: It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for English class. Binbin: It’s 10 o’clock now. Joy: Oh,I see.

Binbin: Yaoyao, what time is it? Yaoyao: It’s 4 o’clock. Binbin: Let’s play. B项:

Girl: What time is it?



Sixty seconds in a minute!一分钟60 Sixty minute in an hour!一小时60 Twenty four hours in a day.一天24个小时 The time tick tocks away.时间就滴答滴答过去了 Sixty minutes in an hour!


Twenty four hours make a day. What time is it ? What time is it ? Time to eat and time to play. B项:MONOLOGUE

Woman: what time is it ?

It’s 12:00. It’s time for lunch.



Look at the yellow clock. It’s a circle.What time is it? It’s 9:00. It’s time for bed.

Look at the purple clock. It’s square. What is the time? It’s 6:30. It’s time for TV.

Look at the red clock. It’s a triangle. Can you tell me the time? It’s 7:30. It’s time for school.

Look at the blue clock.It’s a rectangle. Is it 12:00? Yes. It’s time for lunch.



Bird: Good morning!

Sum:Good morning! It’s 6 o’clock. Cat: What time is it ,please?请问几点了? Sun: It’s 7:50. It’s time for school. Lucky: What time is it ,please?

Sun: It’s 11:40. It’s time for lunch. Monkey:What time is it?

Sum: It’s 5:30. It’s time for supper. Tiger: What time is it ?

Sun: It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to go home. Elephant:What time is it?

Sun: It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for bed. Monkeytiger and cat: Good night! Moon: Good night! Sleep tight!

Unit14 My Day Lesson79


I get up and wash my face.我起床,洗脸 I brush my teeth like you.像你一样刷牙。

And I eat my breakfast,eat my breakfast,eat my breakfast,too


I go go school at 7 o’clock.7点去上学

I have English classes like you.像你一样上英语 And I eat my lunch.eat my lunch,eat my lunch,too I go home and eat my supper. I watch TV like you.

And I go to bed,go to bed.go to bed,too.

NEW PHRASES: get up, brush my teeth, wash my face. eat breakfast,go to school, eat lunch, go home, watch TV, go to bed

B项:SKIP PING RHYME Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Get up now.现在起床 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Wash your face.洗脸 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Eat your bread.吃你的面包 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Go to school.去上学 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Go to bed.去睡觉 补充材料: A项: SONG

Get up! Get up! Wash my face. Get up! Get up! Brush my teeth.

Get up! Get up! Eat breakfast,and now I go to school! Hurry up !Hurry up! Go to school. Hurry up !Hurry up! Eat my lunch.

Hurry up !Hurry up! Go home now.and I go to play. Okay! Okay! Watch TV! Okay! Okay! Go to bed. Okay! Okay! Sat goodnight!

It’s time to end the day.



Lily: When do you get up every day?你每天什么时候起床? Yaoyao: I get up at 6:50.

Lily: when do you go to school?你每天何时去上学? Yaoyao: I go to school at 7:30.


Lily: When do you go home? Yaoyao: I go home at 17:00. Lily: when do you watch TV? Yaoyao: I watch TV at 19:00. Lily: When do you go to bed? Yaoyao: I go to bed at 21:00.

NEW WORDS AND PHRASES: when, every day , at B项:DLALOGUE

Boy : When do you get up ? Girl: I get up at 6:00.



Dolphin: What do you do every day?你每天做什么? Cat: I wash ny face every day. Fish: I swim every day. Lucky: I play ball every day. Bird: I sing songs every day.

Panda: Stop playing, Monkey! It’s time for school! Monkey: What time is it ? Panda: It’s 7:50.

Boy A: When do you play football? Boy B: At 5:30, after school. B项:

Every day, I get up.起床

Every day, I get up, wash my face.洗脸

Every day, I get up, wash my face,brush my teeth.刷牙

Every day, I get up,wash my face,brush my teeth,eat breakfast.吃早饭

Every day, I get up,wash my face,brush my teeth,eat breakfast,go to school.去上

Every day I get up, wash my facebrush my teetheat breakfast;go to schooleat lunch.吃午饭

Every day, I get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, go to school eat lunch go home.回家

Every day, I get up,wash my face; brush my teeth; eat breakfast; go to school; eat lunch; go home; watch TV.看电视

Every day, I get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, go to school, eat lunch, go home, watch TV, And then I go to bed.去睡觉




Bee: I work in daytime. Sun: I get up in the morning. Stars:We get up in the evening. Moon: Me too.

Owl: I work at night. Sun: I get up in the morning. Owl: I get up in the evening. B项: DLALOGUE

Boy: When do you get up? Girl: I get up at 7:15.



Lily: I’m Lily. I usually go home at 5:00. I usually go to bed at 9:00. Andy: I’m Andy. I usually get up at 7:30. I usually go to school at 7:50. Bill: I’m Bill. I usually eat lunch at 12:00. I usually watch TV at 6:00. Joy: I’m Joy. I usually brush my teeth at 6:50. I usually eat breakfast at 7:10.



Lady Cat: Tomorrow is your birthday.We’ll have a party. Lady Mouse: There is a birthday cake.

Gentleman Mouse: It smells good. How can we get some Lady Mouse: Don’t worry. Let’s wait…… Lady Cat: It’s 6:00 now. Get up,Kitty. Lady Cat: It’s 7:30 . Let’s go to school.

Gentleman Mouse: It’s 7:40 now. I want to eat the birthday cake. Gentleman Mouse:Oh, it’s delicious! Lady Cat: Oh, no!

Unit 15 Day of the week



Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. We learn every day.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Thursday,Friday,Saturday.


Saturday,Sunday,Monday. We lean every day.

NEWWORDS: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, B项:MONLOOGUE

Yaoyao: Here’s Monday. 补充材料 A项: SONG On Monday.

We like to swim, like to swim, like to swim. On Monday, We like to swim.

And then we go to school. On Tuesday.

We like to jump, like go jump, like to jump. On Tuesday. We like to jump, And the we go to school. On Wednesday.

We like to kick, like to kick, like to kick. On Wednesday, We like to kick.

And then we go to school. On Thursday.

We like to bounce, like to bounce, like to bounce. On Thursday. We like to bounce, And the we go to school. On Friday.

We like to walk, like to walk, like to walk. On Friday, We like to walk.

And then we go to school. On Saturday.

We like to swing, like to swing, like to swing. On Saturday. We like to swing, And the we go to school. On Sunday.


We run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run,run. On Sunday, We run, run,run.

And then we go to school.



It’s Sunday! It’s one o’clock! Let’s go out and swim.让我们出去游泳。 It’s Monday! It’s two o’clock! Let’s go out and jump.

It’s Tuesday! It’s three o’clock! Let’s go out and walk.

It’s Wednesday! It’s four o’clock! Let’s go out and run.

It’s Thursay! It’s five o’clock! Let’s go out and climb.

It’s Friday! It’s six o’clock! Let’s go out and swing.让我们出去荡秋千 It’s Saturday! It’s seven o’clock! Let’s stay at home today. B项:DLALOGUE

Lily: What day is it today?

Binbin: It’s Wednesday. Let’s go and play football. Lily: Sorry. I don’t want to. NEW WORDS: don’t , want



Girl A: What do you want to do on Saturday?

GirlB: I want to have an English lesson on Saturday. Girl : What do you want to do on Wednesday? Boy: I want to go out and swim on Wednesday. Girl : What do you want to do on Monday? John: I want to play football on Monday. Boy: What do you want to do on Thursday? Girl: I want to sing songs on Thursday. Luck: Xiaohua,what do you want to do on Friday? Xiaohua: I want to play pingpong on Friday.

Ted: Nice to see you. Luck! What do you want to do on Sunday?


Luck: En……En…… I want to sleep on Sunday.我周末想睡觉。 Jane: Dongdong! What do you want to do on Tuesday? Dongdong:Oh, I like basketball.

I want to go out and play basketball on Tuesday. B项: DLALOGUE

Girl: What day is it?今天星期几? Boy: It’s Sunday today. Girl: What’s the weather like? Boy: It’s sunny and hot. Girl: What do you want to do? Boy: I want to go out and swim.



Joy:We have an English class on Monday.

NEW WORDS: Chinese. English, Math, PE, Music, Computer, Art. B项:MONLOLGUE

Boy: It’s Wednesday today.

Let’s go and play football.



On Sunday I go to the zoo. On Monday I go to the bookstore. On Tuesay I go to the playground. On Wednesay I go to the swimming pool. On Thursday I go to the supermarket. On Friday I go to the park.

On Saturday I stay at home and watch TV. B项:DLALOGUE

Boy: I like Monday. I play football on Monday.

GirlA: What do you want to do on Tuesday?你周二想干什么?

GirlB: I want to go to school and have English class.我想去学校上英语课。 Boy: Today is Sunday. I want to go to the bookstore.我想去书店。 Boy: What’s the weather like tody?

Girl: It’s hot and sunny. I want to go out and swim. Boy: It’s Saturday. I want to go to the zoo.


Woman:Jack is new in the class.Jack在班里是个新生。 Jake is sad.他很难过。


Jack meets(遇见) Pat on Monday. They swim.他们去游泳。 Jack meets Mary on Tuesday. They sing and dance.他们唱歌跳舞。 Jack meets Larry on Wednesday. They play football. 他们踢足球。 Jack meets Karen onThursday. They jump rope. 他们跳绳。 Jack meets Sam on Friday. They boumce the ball.他们拍球。 Jack meets Tam on Saturday. They go to the park.他们去公园。 Jack meets Lucky on Sunday. They run and run. 他们跑啊跑啊。

Pat and Mary and Larry and Karen and Tam and Lucky are at Jack’s birthday party. Jack is happy.



What do you do at 7 o’clock?(你在七点干什么?) What do you do at 10?

What do you do when the clock says 11? What do you do, my friend?

Do you eat lunch at 2 o’clock?(你在2点吃午饭吗?) Do you go home at 3? Do you watch TV at 6:30? Can you play with me?



Boy: Hi, Andy. What do you want to do on the weekend?(你周末想去干什么?) Andy: I want to go to the park and climb hills. Boy: Hi, Binbin .What do you want to do on the weekend? Binbin: I want to play football and swim.

Boy: Hi, Yaoyao .What do you want to do on the weekend? Yaoyao: I want to play pingpong and jump rope. Boy: Hi, Joy. What do you want to do on the weekend? Joy: I want to watch TV and fly a kite.



Mother Bear: It’s seven. Bear: It’s time for breakfast. Bear: I’m hungry. I like …

Mother Bear: Brush your teeth and wash your face. Bear: The cake is good. The apple is delicious. The … Mother Bear: Hungry up. It’s eight. It’s time for school.


Panda: What are you doing, Bear?

Bear: I’m hungry. It’s time for lunch.

Monkey: Bear, Bear. It’s four. It’s time for school. Panda: One plus four is …

Mother Bear: Bear. It’s seven. It’s time for supper. Bear: Great!

Mother Bear: It’s nine. It’s time for bed.

Bear: I can’t sleep. It’s time for a walk.(我睡不着,散步的时间到了。)


