
2023-04-23 16:02:21   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《七下Unit1-2知识点》,欢迎阅读!

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?


1. sing -现在分词singing- 歌手singer 2.swim 现在分词swimming 3.dance- 在分词dancing 4. Story复数 stories 5. write —现在分词writing-- 作家writer 6. piano 复数 pianos 7. make 制作--被动语态 made 8. teach-三单teaches- teacher教师 - Teachers Day 教师节 9. music 音乐 - musician 音乐 10. want-被动语态wanted 二、重点短语

1. play chess 下棋 2.play the guitar/ violin/ piano 弹吉他/ 拉小提琴/弹钢琴

3.speak English 英语 4.tell stories 讲故事 5.swimming club 游泳俱乐部 6. story telling club 讲故事俱乐部 7. sports club体育俱乐部 8. be good at sth擅长…… 9. in the school music club 在学校音乐俱乐部里 10. at the old peoples home在敬老院里 11. be good with sb 和某人相处的好 12. talk to sb跟……说 13. play games with 和……玩游戏 14. make friends 结交朋友 15.English-speaking students英语的学生 16. Students sports center 学生体育中心 17. On the weekend= on weekends 在周末 18.help with 在……方面帮助 19. Call sb at 电话


1play & play the play 与球类,棋牌类搭配。 Play soccer play cards play chess play the 与乐器类搭配Play the guitar play the piano

2help 的用法 help sb + do/to do sth. This help them to live/live.

help with sth/doing sth. He helps with my math.= He helps me with studying math. 3need + to do 不定式We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. 4be good with & be good at 区分!

be good with sb和……相处的好 后跟人 I am good with old people. be good at 擅长 be good with sth/doing sth I am good at English. I am good at swimming.

5want 的用法。 Want + to do 不定式 I want to join the music club. 6

7Can 情态动词。 Can+do原形。 I can dance and sing. 8

9Like 的用法。Like+ to do/ doing sth. I like to draw/drawing.

10too also either的区别 also 放在句中 I can also sing.

too 用于句末,前加逗号I can sing, too.either 用于否定句末尾。I cant sing


9. Students wanted for School Show.= we want students for the School Show.

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?


1. brush -三单形式brushes 2.tooth 复数teeth 3.good(形容词)- well(副词)-best 最好的(最高级) 4. 15 minutes = a quarter一刻钟;30 minutes =half an hour半小时;60 minutes = an hour/one hour 一个小时; 5. quick 快的;迅速的—quickly 很快地;6. lots of = a lot of 7. Life 生活生命-lives(复数形式) 8. Four- forty 四十 9.fun 趣味,有趣的 - funny 滑稽 10. exercise-现在分词exercising 11. always (反义词)never


1. get up 起床 2.get dressed 穿衣服 3.brush teeth 刷牙 4.take a shower 淋浴 5.eat/have breakfast 吃早餐 6. go to school去上学& go home 回家 7. do ones homework做作业 do their homework 8. go to work 去上班 9. on school days 在学校上课日 on school nights 在上学的晚上 at night 在晚上

10. go to bed 睡觉 11. clean the room 打扫房间 12. walk=take a walk 散步 13. be late for=arrive late for 迟到 14. at a radio station 在广播电台 15.on weekends = on the weekend 在周末 16. either……or 要么……要么 17. From 2:00 to 4:00 2点到4 18.eat quickly 吃得快 19. for half an hour 长达半小时 20.be good for对……有好处。Be bad for 对……有坏处 三、重点语法知识点 -

1时间表达法 顺读法:使用数字。如:720 seven twenty

逆读法:当分钟数≤30分钟时,使用past 分钟数+ past 小时数910 ten minutes past nine; 当分钟数>30分钟时,使用介词to(60-分钟数) to (小时数+1) 11: 40 twenty minutes to twelve. 注: 30分钟可以使用half代替;15分钟可以使用a quarter代替。如:5: 30 half past five; 9: 45 a quarter to ten

2many & much 的区别

many+可数名词复数 many apples much+不可数名词 much milk 3 It tastes good 4work job 的区别 |

Work是不可数名词 job 是可数名词 a job

5That's a funny time for 是做……有意思的时间。

Thats a funny time for breakfast. 四、作文

My name is Tommy, now let me tell you about my day. I usually get up at six oclock, and then I brush my teeth. At around seven oclock, I eat breakfast. I go to school at seven ten. School begins at eight oclock. At about four thirty, I play soccer with my friends. I go home at five oclock, and I eat dinner at around six. After dinner, Ido my homework. I go to bed at around nine oclock. This is my busy but happy day!

