【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《红色的英文怎么读英语音标》,欢迎阅读!

红色给人热情的感觉,而它的英文单词是red,你知道怎么读吗?以下是店铺给大家带来红色的英文单词与发音,以供参阅。 红色的英文单词与发音
红色的英文单词: red
红色的英文发音: 英 [red] 美 [rɛd] 红色的英文词组习语
better dead than red (或better red than dead)
1. (冷战口号)宁打核战,不要共产(或:宁要共产,不打核战) (as) red as a beetroot (北美 1. (尤指受窘)满脸通红 red in tooth and claw 1. (冲突,竞争)野蛮的,残忍的 野蛮残忍的自然界。
nature, red in tooth and claw. the red planet 1. 火星
(like) a red rag to a bull 1. 惹人恼火的事物(言行)
the refusal to discuss the central issue was like a red rag to a bull.
reds under the bed
1. 床下藏有赤色分子(指冷战中对同情共产主义者的恐惧) see red
1. (非正式)突然发怒,火冒三丈
the mere thought of Piers with Nicole made her see red. in the red
1. 赔本经营的;负债的 红色的英文例句
1. If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor.
2. His exercise books were full of well deserved red ticks. 他的练习本上尽是些红钩钩,都是他应得的。
3. Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out. 将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空。
4. The waiter offered him red wine or white wine with his meal.
5. The shooting-range is lit from underneath by rows of ruby-red light fittings.
6. My boyfriend and I robbed a store and were caught red-handed.
7. Moretti ran a hand through his disordered red hair. 莫雷蒂用手理了理他那一头凌乱的红发。
8. A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks. 合适的胸罩不会留下红色勒痕。
9. A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink. 一杯红酒有益健康。
10. A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill. 一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。
11. She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。