初中英语人教版七年级下册9 2b

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Unit9 What does he look like? SectionB(2a-2c)


1Know the following key words and phrases: artist, crime, criminal, put, each, way, describe, differently, another, end, in the end, real;

2Understand the content of the passage and complete the tasks; 3Know how to get the meaning of the pronouns; 4Realize the necessity of describing others correctly. 2学情分析

学生在小学已经接触过本单元部分描述外貌的词汇。在学习本课之前,又通过Section ASection B第一部分中话题相关词汇及语法的学习及周末作业用思维导图总结整理描写人物的话题词汇等方式,学生对于人物外貌这个话题已有一定的认知和语言知识积累,所以本课时没有在人物外貌描述方面投入过多时间,而是从阅读文本中刑侦画像师这一职业入手引导学生关注工作内容和从事该职业需要具备的素质。学生平时阅读时积累了一定的阅读方法和技,为本课阅读也作好了铺垫。 3重点难点

1Find the English meaning of the pronouns in 2b.

2Understand 2b and know how to retell the newspaper article. 4教学过程 . 活动1.【导入】. 1Greetings.

2Tell the students Mrs. Browns daughter Sally got lost,look at her photo and help Mrs. Brown find her daughter. Ask the students:

A: What does she look like? From age, height, build,eyes,hair,face and wearing... 活动2. Show some pictures and ask the students to describe the persons. 活动3【活动】Prereading

Do 2a. Complete the chart with words of the opposite meaning (反义词). Then teache some new words by showing pictures.


1Describe the job of an police artist and teachthe new phrases: draw a picture of the criminal, put it in newspapers and on television to find him, see things the same way, describe the same person differently, don’t always remember well. 2Listen to the text and answer the question: Who is the real criminal? 3Do2c.

Read the article again and write what the words in bold refer to. Exercises: choose a lucky number 1)Fill in the blanks.

2)Match the phrases with the Chinese meaning. 3)Translate some difficult sentences. 7Listen and imitate(模仿). 活动5【作业】Homework 1Recite 2b.

2Write an article Lost.


