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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高中英语中的使动词及其用法》,欢迎阅读!
黉学英才高中校本教材 - 1 - 高一英语Book5(人教版)课时练

英语中,若动词有使、让等义的动词称为使动词。根据其用法和构成大致分为以下三类: 一是作为不完全意义的及物动词,只有和其后的复合宾语一起构成完整的意义,主要有:make, let, have, get, keep, leave等。

二是具有完整意义, 而且"the -ing form descibe the people or things that cause the feeling; the -ed form

tells us how people feel.", 主要有: interest, excite, worry, tire, bore, embarrass, amuse, surprise, amaze, disappoint, impress, satisfy, move, please, inspire, frighten, threaten 等等。

三是由“en+形容词形容词+en”, “名词+fy”构成的派生使动词,如:enlarge, enrich, enrage, harden, soften, classify, beautify, purify , simplify等。根据笔者多年的教学经验,现就各类使动词的用法作出分析。 . 不完全意义的使动词。

此类使动词用法极为复杂,它们除了使动用法外,还有自身的其他意义, make有制造成为等意义。另外它们作使动用法时用法各具特色。不过它们却真正体现了英语语言的特点, 所以培养英语思维要从这些小的常用的词汇开始。那么高考英语把它们作为考点甚至热点就不足为奇了. 这里我重点分析make, haveleave的使动用法。 1. make 的使动用法: 1make sb\sth + sth

Its beatiful beaches make this a highly popular area with tourists. 美丽的海滩使这里成为游客云集的地方。 We are trying to make our football team a success. 2) make sb\sth + adj.

His attitude made him very unpopular with colleagues.

The use of computers has made it possible for more people to work from home. The president has made it clear that he is not going to change his mind.

Over 80,000 people attended, making it the biggest sporting event in the area. 3) make sb\sth + do

I like him because he makes me laugh. Nothing could make me change my mind.

My parents always make me do my homewoork before I go out.

【注意】I was made to wait for hours before I was examined by a doctor. 4make sb\sth + done

She couldn't make herself heard above the noise of the traffic. 2. have的使动用法 1have sb\sth + do

I'll have Huson show you to your room. 2) have sb\sth + doing

Within minutes he had the whole audience laughing and clapping. She had me doing all kinds of jobs for her.

【注意】The teacher can't\ won't have his students arriving late all the time. 3) have sb\sth + done

Where do you normally have your hair done? Mullins had his nose broken in a fight. 3. leave的使动用法 1leave sb\sth + doing

I'll just leave the engine running while I go in. Don't leave tools lying about.

The accident left her feeling confused and hurt. 2) leave sb\sth + done\ adj.\ with sth

An explosion at a chemical plant has left one worker dead and four injured.

Attitude determines altitude. 态度决定高度

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黉学英才高中校本教材 - 2 - 高一英语Book5(人教版)课时练

He rose from the table, leaving his brandy untouched. The trial left many questions unanswered. I wish you'd stop leaving the door open. I was left with a ray of hope.

【注意】短语leave sb\sth alone, leave sb\sth behind 都是作使动用法典型例子 【考例】

1. His remarks left me _____ about his real purpose. (1999.6)

A. wondered B. wonder C. to wonder D. wondering 2. He insisted on the windows _____ open while he was sleeping. A. left B. being left C. leaving D. be left . 可以加上-ing-ed构成独立形容词的使动词

interest, excite, worry, tire, relax, exhaust, bore, embarrass, amuse, surprise, shock, astonish, thrill, scare, amaze, disappoint, impress, satisfy, move, touch, please, annoy, inspire, frighten, terrify, horrify, scare, frustrate, upset, concern, amuse, entertain, threaten, 等。 这类动词使用时有以下规律:

1sth + v(使动词)+ sb => sb + be + v-ed + 介词 + sth. --"Does that satisfy you?" --- "It does, Mister Peters." she said.

If someone looks very proud or satisfied with himself, we say he looks like the cat that ate the canary I was, for the first time, deeply satisfied with what life was giving me.

Having a healthy relationship with your supervisor usually means you 're satisfied with the work you do and have less stress . 因为和上司之间拥有健康良好的关系往往说明了你会对工作比较满意、受到的压力也较少。 I‘m frightened of walking home alone in the park.

It shocked me to hear that he would go to the USA to marry an American. 2) sth + make + sb + v-ed

His arrival made us exicited. 他的到来使我们感到很兴奋。

Its sudden disppearance made everybody present shocked. 它的突然消失让在座的每一个人感到震惊。 3) What + v(使动词)+ sb + is\ was + that 从句

What satisfied me most was that they completed the project ahead of schedule. 4)这些词可以加上-ing-ed变成独立的形容词

interesting/interested,exciting/excited,worrying/worried,tiring/tired,boring/bored,disappointing/disappointed 等, 这些形容词都有一定的规律:the -ing form descibe the people or things that cause the feeling;the -ed form tells us how people feel. 教学中,学生容易笼统地认为-ing form 用来描述人,-ed form 用来描述物。在一般情况下可以这样理解,但不能推而广之,不能以偏概全。如: Tom is disappointing. (What Tom said or did is disappointing.) Tom’s parents are disappointed. 【考例】

1. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ___. A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. to interest 2._____,he couldn't say a word.

A.Excited B. Exciting C. Being excited D.Excite

2.The ____ leader called on his people____ greater efforts to drive the enemy out of their country. A. inspired; making B.inspiring; to make C.inspiring;making D.inspired; to make 3.She told us such a ____ story that we were ____ to tears.

A.moving; move B.moving; moving C.moved; moved D. moved;moving 4.From his ____ voice on the phone I know he was ___ with the result.

A.satisfying; satisfying B.satisfying; satisfied C.satisfied; satisfied D.satisfied; satisfying . 派生使动词

派生使动词是由通过加添前缀-en或后缀-en, -ify, 以及-ize来构成的。 如:

The motto of the Olympics----Swifter, Higher and Stronger.

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