
2022-06-01 08:52:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《一句话双语新闻》,欢迎阅读!

【一句话双语新闻】NBA停摆结束,老板球员达成初步协议,新赛季缩短,圣诞节开打。NBA owners and players have reached a tentative deal to end the lockout and hope to open a shortened season on Christmas Day.【词汇】reach 达成 tentative deal 初步协议 lockout 停摆 圣诞节果然有奇迹!

纽约(New York): 大苹果(Big Apple)

费城(Philadephia): 博爱城(City of Brotherly Love) 费城(Philadephia): 博爱城(City of Brotherly Love) 芝加哥(Chicago) 多风城(Windy City) 底特律(Detroit): 汽车城(Motor City; Motown)

#24节气#立秋Autumn begins. 处暑Stopping the heat. 白露White dews. 秋分Autumn Equinox. 寒露Cold dews. 霜降Hoar-frost falls. 立冬Winter begins. 小雪Light snow. 大雪Heavy snow. 冬至Winter Solstice. 小寒Slight cold. 大寒Great cold 立春Spring begins. 雨水The rains. 惊蛰Insects awaken. 春分Vernal Equinox 清明Clear and bright. 谷雨Grain rain. 立夏Summer begins. 小满Grain buds. 芒种Grain in ear. 夏至Summer solstice. 小暑Slight heat. 大暑Great heat.



to beat ones brain out 字面意思 把自己的脑子打出来 也就是说 绞尽脑汁 式俚语 比如:Rocky has been beating his brains out trying to figure out a way to make the proposal better. Rocky绞尽脑汁想着该怎样把方案写得更好。

to get a move on 赶紧 赶快 David asks Rocky to get a move on to finish the copy. DaviRocky赶紧把文案赶出来

to stand ones ground 坚守阵地 坚持立场 比如:Michael encourages Rocky to stand his ground. Michael鼓励Rocky坚持自己的立场。

falling out 闹翻 绝交 动词原型是 to fall out 比如: Rocky and Peter had a falling out. 或者Rocky fell out with Peter. RockyPeter闹翻了。

to tear someone a new one 狂骂某人 威胁某人你会揍他 非常口语的说法 比如:Youd better stop looking at my girlfriend before I have to tear you a new one! 你别老盯着我的女朋友看,不然我会揍你!

nothing get past sb 瞒不过某人 例句 David is confident about his judgement because nothing get past him. David对他的判断力很自信,因为没有什么事能瞒得了他。My boss caught me absent-minded on monday because nothing get past him.

to cut someone some slack 放某人一马 slack adj. 松弛的, 懈怠的, 萧条的 n. 松弛的部分, 松散, 淡季 v. 变松弛, 逃避工作 比如:David asks Michael to cut Da Qing some slack. DavidMichael放大庆一马。Since you can't cut me some slack,I turned into""

to wear oneself out 把某人累得筋疲力尽 比如:Dont wear yourself out. 别把自己累坏了。

to put someone on the spot 让某人为难 比如:To whom giving the seat for really puts David on the spot.on the spot 还有 立即 当场 的意思,比如: The thief was caught on the spot. 小偷被当场抓住。

diabetes 糖尿病 be flush with 量的。例句 China is now flush with diabetics.

happy-go-lucky 消遥自在 字面意思就洋溢着浓浓的洒脱感和幸福感 例:David is a happy-go-lucky one who never be an accommodationist and just enjoys the rustic life. David消遥自在,决不妥协,他只享受采菊东篱下,悠然见南山的生活。 这样的境界是很多人返璞归真想要追求的吧


to tick sb off 同义词:to piss sb off 是惹某人生气的意思 是很口语的说法 例:The annoying repeated words from roommate just tick Xiaoming off.唠叨的室友实在是惹小明生气。

1 to be in deep water 字面意思 在深水里 其实是指 陷入困境 比如:Rocky has landed himself in deep water. Rocky陷入困境了。

2.to be in someones shoes 字面意思 穿某人的鞋子 也就是说 有相同的经历 例:Weve all been in Rockys shoes before. 我们都有过跟Rocky相同的经历 3.to skim through something 浏览 略读 例:Rocky skimmed through the book. Rocky把书浏览了一遍。

4.procrastination procrastinate Rockys procrastination is affecting his work. RockyRocky has been procrastinating lately. Rocky最近一直在拖延

1.to fine-tune sth 意思指微调 例:David is going to help Daqing fine-tune the copy. David要帮大庆自习修改文案。


老板有没有眉头紧锁,百般挑剔,反复跟你确认工作?有时候He sounds like a broken record! 有木有?!to sound like a broken/stuck record字面意思是听起来像坏了的唱片一样 也就是说反复讲同样的话。

My lips are sealed. 字面意思是 我的嘴巴被封起来了,也就是说 我会保守秘密

Pick one's nose 挖鼻孔 /Snivel & nasal nucus 正式用法

Snot ----hey, your snot is dripping down. /感冒时---I have a running nose.

打喷嚏---sneeze I sneeze every nearly 5 minutes

Sneeze at ...不屑一顾 You shouldn't sneeze at your boss.

搽鼻涕---blow one's nose / wipe your nose.

He is a film buff. (他是电影爱好者)film buff 影迷 电影狂热爱好者


