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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《《美丽心灵》经典台词》,欢迎阅读!
为了我的细细品味,把原本的精彩台词收集了回来: 1NashAlicia求婚的一幕

??? Nash??Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment?Cause I??need? some kind of proof, some kind of verifiableempirical???data.?

???? Alicia I'm sorry, just give me a moment... to redefine my girlish ?notions of romance. A proof? Verifiable data. Um... okay. Well, how??big is the universe? ???? Nash? Infinite.

???? Alicia How do you know?

??? ?Nash? I know because all the data indicate it.

???? Alicia But it hasn't been proven yet???????????????????????????????? ???? Nash? No.

???? Alicia You haven't seen it. How do you know for sure? ???? Nash? I?don't, I just believe it.

???? Alicia Mmm. It's the same with love, I guess. Now, the part that you don't know... is if? I want to marry you. ????中文翻译如下:


??? 艾莉西娅:你等等,给我一点时间,让我为自己,对爱情的见解下个定义,你要证明,和能做为依据的资料,那么,告诉我宇宙有多大? ??? 约翰纳什:无限大。 ??? 艾莉西娅:你怎么知道?

??? 约翰纳什:因为所有的资料都是这么指示的。 ??? 艾莉西娅:可是它被证实了吗? ??? 约翰纳什:没有。

??? 艾莉西娅:有人亲眼见到吗? ??? 约翰纳什:没有。

??? 艾莉西娅:那你怎能确定呢? ??? 约翰纳什:不知道,我只是相信。

??? 艾莉西娅:恩,我想这和爱一样。其实你所不知道的部分,是我愿不愿意嫁给你。 2Nash在医院治疗,医生跟Alicia说的一段(我自己的翻译)。 ??? You?see,?the?hightmare?of?schizophrenia...?is?not?knowing?what?s?ture... ??? Inmagine...

??? If?you?know?suddenly?learned?that?the?people?and?the?places????

??? and?the?moments?most?impotant?to?you? were?not?gone,not?dead... but?worse... had?never?been.

??? What?king?of?hell?would?that?be?

??? 你想想,精神分裂症患者,是分不清楚什么是真的什么是假的。想象一下,如果你突然间意识到那些对你很重要的地方,人,甚至那些最珍贵的时刻,他们没有离去,没有消失。但,更糟糕的是,他们从没有出现过……


?? You?want?to?know?what?s?real? ?? This?

?? This ?? This ?? This?is?real ??


???You?need?to?believe?that someting?extraordinary?is?possible...... ?? 你想要知道什么是真实的? ?? 这个(Alicia摸着Nash的脸)

?? 这个(AliciaNash的手摸着自己脸) ?? 这个(AliciaNash的手贴在自己的心上) ?? 这些是真实的

?? 可能从梦幻中醒来的部分,不是在脑海里,而是在心上。 ?? 你需要去相信,生命中有些特别的东西,是可能存在的…… 4Nash跟幻想的大学好友Charles道别

???CharlesJohn?now?you?can?t?ignore?me?forever? ??????JohnCharles,?you?ve?been?a?very?good?friend?to?me. ??????????? the?best.

??????????? But?I?won?t?talk?to?you?again?. ??????????? I?just?can?t ??????????? Good-bye......


????? JohnCharles,你曾经一直是我的好朋友,最好的朋友。但我不会再跟你说话了。我真的不能了,再见。

?? (失过恋的人应该知道这种滋味,要跟曾经相伴自己一起的美好,道一声再见,是很痛很痛的,刺心的死去活来的痛。) 5Nash最后领奖台上的演讲 ??? Nash: Thank you.

I've always believed in numbers in the equations and logics that lead to reason. But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask, "What truly is logic? Who decides reason?" My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional -- and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.

I'm only here tonight because of you his wife, Alicia. You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you. 纳什:谢谢大家!

我一直以来都坚信数字,不管是方程还是逻辑都引导我们去思考。但是在如此追求了一生后,我问自己:逻辑到底是什么?谁决定原由?我的探索让我从形而下到形而上,最后到了妄想症,就这样来回走了一趟。在事业上我有了重大突破,在生命中我也找到了最重要的人:只有在这种神秘的爱情方程中,才能找到逻辑或原由来。今晚我能站在这儿全是你的功劳,你是我成功的因素,也是唯一的因素。谢谢你! ?6、公园里,Nash曾经的同窗跟Alicia的一段对白: ?? Nash的朋友:So Alicia, how are you holding up?

???????AliciaOften what I feel is obligation, or guilt over wanting to leave. Rage against John, against God.He’s transformed into someone I love.There’s no point in being nuts if you can’t have a little fun.

?? Nash的朋友:Alicia,你是怎样撑过来的?

?????? Alicia:我经常想的就是义务,或者我如果就这样离开的负罪感。令人讨厌的John,令人讨厌的上帝。他又变成了我生命中深爱的人,他现在只是病了,我想象着他变成了我深爱的那个他,我自己也成了那个深爱着他的我。

? 这段非常非常难找,而且是我自己的翻译,很难翻译。然而奇怪,就是这段最令我动心。因为我认为,这些就是爱情的定义。)

