牛津译林版英语8B Unit 4 A Good Read单词学案

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8B Unit4 单词学案

1.read n. 读物 A good read is like a great read. v. 阅读 read books/ newspapers

2.cooking n. 烹饪,烹调 cook 动词 做饭 名词 厨师 cooker 炊具)

My mother is good at cooking. / Have you cooked the meal? / My sister wants to be a cook in the future. 3.novel n. 小说 I like reading novels and plays.

4.Germany n.德国 I am reading a book about Germany in World War II.

German adj. 德国的;德国人、语的;德国文化 This is a German book. I cant read it. German n. 德国人,德语 Germans come from Germany. They can speak German. 5.knowledge n.知识(不可数) History books can improve my knowledge of the past.

get/gain knowledge of ...学到...知识 We go to school to get/gain knowledge of many different things. 6.spare adj. 空闲的,多余的 What do you like to read in your spare time(=in your free time)? v. 留出;匀出 No matter how busy you are, you should spare time to read.

7.French adj. 法国(人)的 The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great. N. 法语 Can you speak French?

France 法国 Frenchman 法国人 (复数 Frenchmen) Frenchmen come from France. 8.writer n.作者,作家 (动词 write 过去式 wrote 过去分词 written Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer who wins the Nobel Prize in literature. 9.ugly adj. 丑陋的 反义词(beautiful, good-looking, pretty)

10.touch v. 感动,触动 The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me. v. 触摸,碰 Please dont touch anything in the room.

11.against prep. 紧靠,碰,撞 After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could. Bill is standing against the wall now.

prep.反对;与...相对;逆 Are you for or against our plan? They sailed against the wind. 12.be tired out 筋疲力尽 John was tired out after a hard days work.

By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out. 13.tie v. 捆,绑 (现在分词 tying 过去式tied 过去分词 tied tie sth to sth ...拴在... Mr Green tied his horse to the tree. My arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground! tie n. 领带,领结 I wear a shirt and tie at work.

14.over prep. 从一边到另一边 The boy climbed over the wall. 15.stomach n.腹部,胃(复数 stomachs)

on ones stomach 趴着 The children lay down on their stomachs stomachache 胃疼 If you have a stomachache, you can take this medicine. 16.until conj. 直到...为止=up to the time when

until 用于肯定句中时,主句的谓语动词常为延续性动词,表示该动作一直持续到until 所表示的时间 I will wait for him until he comes back.

until 用于否定句中时,主句的谓语动词常为非延续性动词,not...until直到...... I will not leave until he comes back.

until prep. 直到...为止 She worked until 11:30 p.m. She did not go to bed until 11:30 p.m. 17.finger n. 手指 He was the same size as my little finger! 18.tiny adj. 极小的 Who was this tiny person?

19.fall over 摔倒 I shouted at them the loud noise made them all fall over. fall down 跌倒 The boy fell down to the ground.

fall off ...摔下来 Bob fell off the bike when he was crossing the road.


20.continue v.继续 You can continue your homework after supper.

continue doing/ continue to do ... After a short rest, he continued reading/ to read the book. However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body. 21.either adv.(否定句中) I did not know what to say either. 区别:My brother also likes playing football.

=My brother likes playing football as well. =My brother likes playing football, too.

My brother does not like playing football either.

conj. 或者 He either watches TV or reads books in the evening. pron. (两者中)任一个 You can choose either of these two rooms.

22.manage v. 设法完成;管理 manage to do sth. 设法做成了某事 I have managed to give up smoking. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.

23.lift v. 举起,抬高,提高 When I lifted my left hand into the air, the small men began to shout. lift up 举起,抬起 The stone is very heavy. I cant lift it up. lift n. 电梯=elevatorTake the lift to the fifth floor.

24.army n. 大批,大群 I looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people. an army of 一大批,一大群 There are an army of young people in the street. n.军队 He joined the army three years ago.=He has been in the army for three years. = He has been a soldier since three years ago. 25.must 情态v. 应该,必须,一定 You must finish your homework first. 26.unable adj. 不能的,不会的(反义词 able)

be able to+v.=can+v. be unable to +v.= can not+v.

He is unable to do such a difficult job now.=He _______ _______ such a difficult job. Ann was able to speak French last year.=Ann __________ __________ speak French last year. 27.shoulder n.肩膀 A tiny man climbed onto Gullivers body and stood on his shoulder.

28.hand v.交,递,给 hand in 上交,递交 By the way, can you tell me when to hand in our book report? hand out 分发,发出 Can you help me to hand these books out? hand n. The boys hands were dirty.

give sb. a hand 帮助某人 on the other hand 另一方面

29. and so on ...等等 She spends her day doing housework, watching TV, reading and so on. You can write anything about your book--what the book is about, what you think of it and so on. 30.review n.评论 You should read some reviews about the book before writing. reviewer n.评论家

31.return v.归还=give sth. back

32.on time 准时 You must return the books on time.

区分:in time 及时 If you come back on Saturday, you can be in time for the sports meeting. 33.renew v.续借;更新;重新开始 I need to renew these two books. retell (复述) rewrite(重写) reuse( 再使用) rebuild(重建) 34.series n. 一系列;系列节目 Suzy plans to read the Harry Potter series. a series of ...一系列的... The reporter asked him a series of questions.

35.publishing house n. 出版社 I want to know more about that publishing house.

36.refuse v. 拒绝 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 His mother refused to go back into the hospital 37.publish v. 出版 All the British publishing houses refused to publish it. His first book was published in 1982. publisher n. 出版商,出版社

38.so far 到目前为止=by now/ up to now/ until now (一般与现在完成时连用)


