
2022-08-28 16:06:11   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《冥想的正确方法》,欢迎阅读!
Meditation isn't just for yogis or New Age gurus it's a scientifically proven stress-buster that anyone can learn to do. 冥想不只适于瑜珈行者或新纪元修行人 - 这是经科学证实的解除压力良方,任何人都可以学。

You Will Need您将需要

* Comfortable clothing 舒服的衣服 * A quiet place 一个安静的地方 * An empty stomach 空腹 * Focus 集中精神 * Consistency 持续性

* A mantra一段咒语(六字大明咒啦,准提咒啦,甚至南无阿弥陀佛啦)

How To Meditate: Wear comfy clothing Step 1: Wear comfy clothing 1步: 穿舒适的衣服

Wear loose, comfortable clothing. 穿着宽松舒服的衣服。

How To Meditate: Find a quiet spot Step 2: Find a quiet spot 2步: 找一个安静的地方

Find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed. 找一个安静的地方,你不会受到干扰。 Try to meditate in the same place every day. 尝试每天在同一个地方打坐。

How To Meditate: Choose a good time Step 3: Choose a good time 第三步: 选择好时间

Choose a daily meditation time. 选择一个每日冥想的时间。

Yogis say the best time to meditate is between 4 am and 6 am, but it's more important to practice at the same time every day than at the ideal time.

瑜珈行者说,最好的冥想时间是早上4点到6点,但每天在同一时间冥想比理想的时间段要更重要 Always meditate on an empty stomach.


Research shows that digestion interferes with the positive physiological effects of meditation. 研究表明,消化会干扰到冥想带来的积极生理效应。

How To Meditate: Get into position Step 4: Get into position 第四步:就位

Find a comfortable chair or bench and sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.


You may sit with your legs crossed, lotus-style, if you like, but it's not necessary. 你要是喜欢可以双腿交叉坐,莲花坐,但不是必需的。

Place your hands on your knees, palms up; tilt your head forward slightly, and close your eyes. 将手置于膝盖上,手掌朝上,头略向前倾,闭上眼睛。

If you feel yourself nodding off, open your eyes halfway.Maintaining good posture also will help you stay awake. 如果你觉得自己开始打瞌睡,就半睁开眼睛。保持良好的坐姿也可以帮助你保持清醒。

How To Meditate: Begin deep breathing Step 5: Begin deep breathing 第五步: 开始深呼吸

Close your mouth and begin inhaling deeply and exhaling gently, making sure your belly expands as you breathe in. 闭上你的嘴,开始深深吸气,轻轻呼气,确保你的肚子在吸气时扩大。(也就是腹式呼吸了。我想说虽然超简单但腹式呼吸非常定心……我个人而言,每次赶时间怎么算都要迟到了但还要很远才到目的地心里很急又没别的办法的时候,就在出租车上清除杂念关注腹式呼吸不去管外面红灯啊堵塞什么的,然后每次!每一次!都会奇迹般地很通畅及时赶到)

How To Meditate: Focus on one thing Step 6: Focus on one thing 第六步: 置心一处

Clear your mind by focusing on your breathing how it feels, doing it correctly, and so on.

用专注于呼吸来清除掉其他的杂念,- 辨认呼吸时候的感觉啊,确认自己正在有条不紊地呼吸啊,等等。

Some people find that having a mantra a word or phrase that they can repeat over and over helps them block out thoughts.

对有些人而言,念咒 - 可以重复念诵的一个词或短语 - 能帮助他们屏蔽掉乱七八糟的想法。


How To Meditate: Be consistent Step 7: Be consistent 第七步: 坚持

Try to build up a daily 20-minute meditation, but aim first for consistency. 尝试建立每天冥想20分钟的习惯,但首要的目的是一致性。

It's better to meditate just for a few minutes every single day than to do it for 20 minutes sporadically. 每天只冥想几分钟的效果,好过三天打鱼两天晒网每次二十分钟。


什么神奇殊胜人天感应law of attraction能量涌动梦感梦兆之类也不好多说,大家去翻佛经都告诉你全心全意念咒好得不得了。我相信至少一大早就念财神咒的人会比较有赚钱的信心,念文殊咒的人学习也会比较钻研,至少如此。

