【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《初中英语有哪些常用教学方法》,欢迎阅读!

一般教学、情境教学与戏剧教学设计的对比步骤 一般教学 情境教学 戏剧教学 听前 Now, let’s do some listening. And try to finish exercise 2a and 2b. Look at the
picture. Where are they? What are they doing? They are in an English club and they are discussion how to study English. Please listen and finish exercise 2a and 2b. People say one of the good ways of learning English is to join an English club. Why?
Because you can learn many good ways to learn. Suppose this is the English club you are going to join. Today you are visiting it and listening to their discussion. Please listen and find out what questions they raise.(3a) Also listen for the answers to the
questions. (2b) 听中 Listen and check the answers: read aloud the answers Listen and check the answers: read aloud the answers Listen and check the answers: you and your friends are very
interested in learning English. So both of you want to
take notes on the questions and answers the club
mention has mention. Let the students show the answers by making conversations. 听后 略 Which way do you think is the best and why? After listening to the discussion, please tell us whether
you will make the decision to join the club or not. 1.设置情景教学法
教师可以在课堂中模拟具体的交际情境,通过讲解- 练习-点评的方式加深学生的理解和记忆。随着课程内容的深入,逐渐出现动词的时态和语态等语法现象,这些语法对英语交际的效果具有直接的影响,因此,指导学生在情境中操练它们的用法非常有必要。如“I am opening the door.”、“I have opened thedoor.”、“I will open the door.”这样把语法现象和具体生活的情境联系起来,学生必然能够学得快、记得牢,还能引发学生学习英语的兴趣,在课外试着去使用英语。这样,以后在类似情境下,学生必能脱口而出地说出相似的句子来。
归纳是指从大量具体现象中总结、提取出其中的规律。在实际教学中,我们可以先列举出几个的例子,让学生接触一系列的语言现象,然后,在此基础上总结出一定的语法规则。初中大多的语法句子先是在课本中出现,并逐渐增多,再作归纳总结,并辅之以大量练习。教学实践证明,归纳教学法是一种适合我们中国学生特点的教学法。本人认为,在归纳教学法的基础上,适当结合演绎法,对加深学生的记忆是种不错的方法。 3、句型对比教学法。