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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《视听说》,欢迎阅读!
Sweet Home Alabama

Idiot proof easy to do; difficult to make a mistake. Ball my eyes out to cry or weep.

Domestic dispute a fight in the family. Hoity-toity haughty, snobbish.

Take to the cleaners to take away all of someones money.

Hick a derogatory term for a white person from the country; uneducated and uncultured Piggly Wiggly the name of a supermarket famous in the southeastern US Sign papers sign your name on official documents

Redneck a derogatory term for a white person from the country; uneducated and uncultured

Responsible journalism journalists who write about the truth without interest in money, fame, or achieving an agenda

Electoral votes referring to the electoral college,the method vote to determine the president Skeletons in the closet a discreditable or embarrassing fact that someone wants to keep secret Take a walk down memory lane deliberately recall pleasant or sentimental memories Warrant government document allowing police ordo sth else in the pursuit of justice Door swings both ways its just as easy for you to visit them as it is for them to visit you. Cat dragged in a person who looks dirty or disheveled

Joint account one bank account that two people have together

Stopping by coming to visit Honky tonk country music Sweep it under the rug conceal or ignore a problem or difficultywill go away Coon dog a hound dog used for hunting raccoons Lightning bugs an insect that lights up at night Beauty pageant a beauty contest


Nickel and diming me to take away money Wipe your slate clean erase debt Get the shaft the worse end of a deal

Dont rock the boat/ Dont make waves dont cause problems Hold your horses wait a moment

Face the music face the consequences of your choices Bust you up to physucally beat someone up

Hookups to use a persons connections to gain an advantage. Wagers a term that means placing multiple bets,gambling

Keeping your eye on the ball a baseball idiom that means to keep your eye on your goal Eye-ball my woman to look intently at a woman that has been claimed by another man Wolfgang Suck a popular restaurant in America is called this. Put her out of her misery kill her

Oompa Loompa a character from the movie Charlie and thewith a skin color of orange

The kid

Exploit take advantage of someone;use someone Bewilderment amazement in a mean way to ones own advantage Crook corrupt person Frisbee a game played with a circular disk To blow over pass over sth Hallucinating seeing thing that are not really there Memorabilia memorable objects Image consultant someone who helps famous To be in a mood for want,feel like doing sth people with publicity problems Pandemonium commotion

someone To give it a whirl try doing sth

Possum rodent(animal) To be stressed out be nervous and worried To save my behind save ones reputation To stuff ones face eat a lot Tic twitch of a muscle To knock it off stop doing sth To bust ones chops criticize or complain about

Second hand lions

Diddly squat means nothing

Sissy an offensive term referring to a boy not act in a masculine way (who is timid,weak to fight,etc.) The Mafia a secret Italian criminal organization in the US,involved in gambling and other crimes. “The works means and everything else Private eye a detective that anyone can hire

A will a legal document that says what should happen to your property and money after you die Scouts honor refers to the honor of a Boy Scout. Boy Scouts have a reputation for any good. Weenie another derogatory term similar to sissy referring to a person who is not strong or not cool To kick off in this context it means to die or to pass away.

French Foreign Legion a famous part of the French army. It consists of foreign volunteers. Al Capone a famous American criminal (part of the Mafia) from the 1920s

Skeet shooting a sport where you try to shoot a clay plate as it flies through the air. State nuthouse a government run hospital for crazy people.

I see what youre trying to pull. I see through your deception; I know what you are trying to trick me into doing.


Screwed up confused, having a problem

Eat crow to be forced to accept a humiliating defeat

Underdog one who is expected to lose a contest or struggle, as in sports or politics Scratch to quit or drop out of a race

Kentucky Derby, Belmont, Preakness the names of the most famous, prestigious horse races in America Prohibition time period when it was illegal to buy alcoholic beverages

David and Goliath Term taken from a Bible story about a young boy who kills a giant using his slingshot Hands - the measurement of a horses height The sky is the limit endless possibilities

Odds the probability expressed as a number when making a bet;the odds against my horseon my horse winning are

Crackpot a person who is foolish or stupid Howdy hi,hello

Work em out to exercise or train a horse

Incorrigible an adjective describing a person or behavior that is bad and impossible to change or improve Sleek having a smooth, well-groomed look Touchy very sensitive or irritable

Hanker to have a strong, often restless desire

Down but not out down and out means having no luck, no money and no opportunities;soto give up Humble pie apologizing and showing a lot of contrition for sth one have done Infield the centre of a racetrack;the arearefers to this area Hoopla excited commotion

Rags to riches story a story about someone poor becoming rich Fledgling challenger an inexperienced competitor

Biggest purse in history a purse refers to the money the champion horse oener wins, sopaid for a race Blue-blood someone from the northern part of the US

On the warpath to look for someone you are angry with in order to speak angrily to them or punish them Shattered broken into many pieces

Back off/turn him loose ways to run a horse(to slow the horse downas fast as possible) Ruptured ligament an injury in the leg of the horse

Splint a support put around the leg to keep it from bending or turning

To make a comeback a return to a formerly enjoyed status or prosperity;to succeed again


Gullible Easily fooled EVE Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator Blight A disease; to destroy or ruin WALL-EWasteAllocationLoad LifterEarth-Class Inhabitant Living in one place Plight a sorry condition or state Deem To think or to believe Reverie a daydream Keepsake Something kept in memory of the giver Topple to fall forward Scour To clean by hard rubbing Remorse regret for ones past misdeeds Mortal A being that must eventually die Ravenous greedy; very hungry Elusive Difficult to catch or hold Acute alert; sharp and severe Vacate To leave Befuddle confuse Amiable Friendly Devastate to destroy Writhe to twist and turn in a struggle Authorize to improve, permit

The Island

Pathogen-free zone area free of any disease-producing agent, especially a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism

Proximity nearness in distance or time

Synaptic brain scan a procedure that looks at the nerve cells in the brain

Contamination/Decontamination dirty or harmful/to make clean or not harmful

Rig slang meaning to arrange or tamper with the results of something like a completion or the lottery God-complex A person is who is said to have a God complex, dose not believe he is a god, Bird on the pad slang expression meaning a plane on the ground ready to take off RN abbreviation for Registered Nurse

Quarantine to keep a person or animal apart from others for a period of time

Agnates (in this particular movie) adult clones engineered directly into adulthood Eugenic laws laws that govern the implication of methods of improving the quality Vegetative state characterized by, resulting from, or being a state in which there is total A tool slang expression meaning one who lacks the mental capacity is being used. Taking a dump a slang expression meaning someone is pooping.

Straight up a way of asking do you want your drink mixed with anything else or just by itself. Talk shop slang for talk about business get to the point of the reason for meeting Information directory similar to a phone and address book, in a certain area Amtrack train in America

John Hopkins famous hospital in America

Fugitives someone who is trying toavoid being caught by the police

Booked term meaning to hold a person at jail/prison for a specific reason. Hepatitis a disease of the liver that causes fever much more serious

