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【摘要】情态动词在英语中反应了说话者的态度,具有不同的感情色彩。法律英语作为专英语,有着其不同于一般日常英语的特点。在法律英语中使用的青苔动词也有着不同的特点。该文基于香港法律语料库,运用平行语料检索软件Paraconc软件对其中的情态动词进行统计词频,旨在研究情态动词在法律英语中的运用。 【关键词】香港法律英语 语料库 情态动词

AbstractModal verbs show the speaker’s different attitude. Legal English differentiate from daily spoken English with specific features. Modal verbs used in legal English also have symbolic characteristics. This paper conducts research on the modal verbs based on the legal Hongkong English corpus by using Paraconca parallel corpus search software to conclude the use of modal verbs in legal English.

Key wordsLegal Hongkong English Corpus Modal verbs

【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089201609-0084-01 一、引言

语料库是指经科学取样和加工的大规模电子文本库。借助计算机分析工具,研究可开展相关的语言理论应用研究。语料库可分为单语语料库、双语语料库和多语语料库。而双语语料库和多语语料库按其语料的组织形式,还可以下分为平行对齐语料库和比较语料库。双语语料库的语料构成译文的关系,多用于机器翻译、双语词典编撰等应用领域,而多语语料库则是将表达同样内容的不同语言文本收集到一起,多用于语言对比研究。而法律语料库是用于法律动和法律语言研究的语言信息库, 语料库所包含的信息资源可以用来解决法律活动中的诸多问题。其中,英汉平行语料库能够展示出中西法律文化的差异对语言选择信息结构的影响力。 二、研究方法

语料库的使用能够提供一个定量和定性分析的接口。语料库的分析立足于词语的出现使用频率, 须把定性分析和定量分析两种分析方法结合起来, 既要依赖于词频分析, 也要依赖于词语检索的手段。”[1]本文使用的检索工具是Paraconc,它的设计的目的在于减轻研究者的劳动量。此软件主要用于检索双语、多语平行语料,支持对UnicodeUTF8ANSI等编码的纯文本语料检索,支持多个国家的平行语料检索,例如汉语、英语、法语、俄语、韩语、日语、泰语等。

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情态动词是一种自身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形和其被动语态一起使用,给谓语动词增加感情色彩,表达说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等用法。情态动词又称情态助动词, 表示说话人对所说动作或状态的看法, 或表示主观设想。”[2]情态动词在不同的语境下往往具有不同的含义。而法律英语中的许多法律法规、合同法律文件等均是通过情态动词的使用来完成的。比如法律英语法律的授权、强制和禁止的意思表达也都需要使用情态动词来达到表述的目的。” [3]


1.The superintendent of a school shall be responsible to the Director for the conduct of the school and if the superintendent is absent for a period of more than 24 hours he shall subject to the approval of the Director nominate in writing a senior member of the staff to carry out his duties. 2.The superintendent of the school shall subject to the directions of the Director determine the duties of members of the staff of the school other than the medical officer. 3.The superintendent shall keep the following.

4.If a detained person absconds the superintendent shall forthwith notify the Director and the officer in charge of the police station in the district in which the school is situated.

5.Every detained person shall be provided with a separate bed and supplied with such clothing as the superintendent shall determine.

通过以上几个例子发现,“Shall”法律英语中并不表示一般情况下将要,计划,打算意思,而是带有强制的意义。在以上五个例句中,shall均表示义务或规定,应,必须,一 经常用于正式文件如法律规则中,带有明显的强制性与规定性。

1.Separate case records of every detained person in such form as the Director may prescribe. 2.Every detained person shall be provided with varied food based on such dietary as the superintendent may decide on the advice of the medical officer.

3.Detained persons may correspond with their parents or guardians and for such purpose shall be provided with stationery and postage stamps and may also correspond with friends Provided that the Director may by order in writing require the superintendent to censor any such correspondence

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including correspondence with parents or guardians and to delete therefrom any matter which in his opinion is objectionable.

4.Subject to such requirements as may be imposed by the superintendent detained persons may receive such visits as are approved by the superintendent.

5.A detained person may be punished where the superin?鄄tendent considers punishment necessary for the wellbeing of the detained person or for the maintenance of discipline in the school and such punishment may take one of the following forms but no other.

而在以上几个例子中,通常而言,“may”虽然和“shall”同为情态动词,但它的语气相对而言较弱,表示可以,可能,也许会发生或者出现,并不带有强制性。但是用于法令条款中,如上述五个例句,却表示必须,得 四、小结

基于语料库的应用研究与外语教学和外语学习实际相结合, 是中国语料库语言学学者自觉的选择, 也是中国外研究发展的一种必然。”[4]通过对香港法律语料库进行抽样分析情态动词在法律英语中的运用,不难发现,情态动词在法律文本中的意思和一般使用情况有着很大的区别,尤其作为法律文本,讲究极其高的精确性。在法律文本的翻译中要特别关注这一点,不然会造成严重的后果。 参考文献:

[1]胡丹.基于法律英语语料库的情态动词的研究[J].山东外语教学20111):23-27. [2]章振邦.新编英语语法[M].上海:上海译文出版社,1986.

[3]李剑波,种夏.法律英语中情态动词shall may的翻译[J].US-China Foreign Language 2006,(4):23-25.

[4]杨惠中,卫乃兴.中国学习英语口语语料库建设与研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2005. 作者简介:


