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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《关于简短的英文诗歌精选》,欢迎阅读!

文学是一种语言艺术,诗歌又历来被视作文学的最高形式。学习语诗歌不但有助于开阔视野,陶冶性情,而且对于英语学习有很大帮助。店铺整理了关于简短的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读! 关于简短的英文诗歌篇一

《洗儿戏作》 苏轼

人皆养子望聪明,我被聪明误一生。 惟愿孩儿愚且鲁,无灾无难到公卿。 The Washing of the Infant Su Shi

Most men, bringing up sons, wish for them intellect; But I by my intellect have had a lifetime of failure.

I would only desire that my child should be simple and dull, That with no ill fortune and no trouble he may attain to highest office.


《雨中游天竺灵感观音院》 苏轼 蚕欲老,麦半黄, 前山后山雨浪浪。 农夫辍耒女废筐, 白衣仙人在高堂。

In the Rain, Visiting the Temple of the Compassionate Goddess of Mercy

Su Shi

Silkworms grow old, wheat is half yellow; On hills ahead, hills behind, rain sluices down.

Farmers must leave their plows, mulberry girls their baskets; The white-robed goddess keeps to her high wall. 关于简短的英文诗歌篇三

《夜直》 王安石

金炉香尽漏声残,翦翦轻风阵阵寒。 春色恼人眠不得,月移花影上栏干。 Night Duty Wang Anshi

The golden bowl's incense burns to ashes, the sound of the water-clock fades;

Snip, snip goes the light breeze with its gusts of chill. Spring's hues tease me, and I cannot sleep,

While the moon moves the shadows of the flowers up the balustrade.


《郊行》 王安石

柔桑采尽绿阴稀,芦箔蚕成密茧肥。 聊向村家问风俗:如何勤苦尚凶饥? Walking in the Countryside Wang Anshi

Tender mulberry leaves picked so clean green shade is sparse; On reed beds silkworms grow into corpulent cocoons. Casually I ask the villagers of local ways,

And why after all their hard labour they still go hungry. 关于简短的英文诗歌篇五

《好事近·渔父词》 朱敦儒 摇首出红尘, 醒醉更无时节。 活计绿蓑笠, 惯披霜冲雪。 晚来风定钓闲, 上下是新月。 千里水天一色,

