【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《资产类科目英文名称》,欢迎阅读!
现金:Cash and cash equivalents 银行存款:Bank deposit
应收账款:Account receivable 应收票据:Notes receivable 应收股利:Dividend receivable 应收利息:Interestreceivable 其他应收款:Other receivables 原材料:Raw materials
在途物资:Materials in transport 库存商品:inventory
存货跌价准备:provision forthe declinein value ofinventories 坏账准备:Bad debt provision 待摊费用:Prepaid expense
交易性金融资产:Trading financial assets 持有至到期投资:held-to-maturity investment
可供出售金融资产:Available-for-sale financial assets 短期投资:Short-term investment
长期股权投资:Long-term equity investment 固定资产:Fixed assets
累计折旧:Accumulated depreciation 在建工程:Construction-in-process
固定资产减值准备:provision for the decline in value of fixed assets 无形资产:Intangible assets
累计摊销:Accumulated amortization 商誉:Goodwill
递延所得税资产:deferred tax assets (DTA )
固定资产的相关单词 常见的固定资产 building 建筑物 plant 厂房 machinery 机械 equipment 设备 vehicles 车辆 fixture 固定设施 Acquisition cost 购置成本
acquire v. 获得,取得 purchase price 买价
installation cost 安装费用 tax 税金等
historical cost:原始成本 fair value 公允价值 market value 市场价值
transportation cost 运费
depreciation n. 折旧,损耗(有些资产) amortization 摊销(无形资产)
accumulated depreciation 累积折旧 depreciation expense 折旧费用 depreciation base 折旧基数
book value /carrying value 账目价值(=historical cost – accumulated depreciation) estimated residual value/ estimated salvage value 预计净残值
estimated useful life 预计使用年限(No.of years)/(No.of production units) useful life 使用寿命,使用年限 固定资产提折旧的方法
a.straight-line method 直线折旧法,平均年限法
Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧法:
b.units of production method 工作量法
c.double-declining balance method 双倍余额递减法 d.sum-of-the-years' digits method 年数总和法 journal entry 与折旧有关的会计分录 Dr.depreciation expense 折旧费用
Cr.accumulated depreciation 累计折旧