
2022-11-03 12:07:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《[英语作文]我向往的乡村生活英语日记》,欢迎阅读!



A crowed, hence, the whole village chickens were awake, of play chirp, the families of the light phase on up. "Get up, get up to go to school!" "Lao li, to the city today, early up!" Choose a suitable text book is not for a moment, I heard the voice of the people to open the door, say hello, to eat. Country day began such fanfare. Daylight. Grandma took the big basin, to the river. The plate is the children's clothes are last night. The river ripples on the clothes... between a jilt a fall. Ah, how the waves? Old grannies are like a child playing with a water fight! You see, grandma li nearby willow branches broke off, a breeze to jilt toward the river, grandma's face he is water; Granny wang, edge "giggle" with a smile, a slap shot back side big splash to choose a suitable text book at noon, every family is filled with the aroma from the food. Grandma put meals on the bamboo basket, give grandpa who are working in the field. Throughout the morning, they worked in the fields, across the ridge to pull a few words of common. Now, sit by the side of

haystack, drink a mouthful of soup first, then taste of their own vegetables eggplant. (application)

Even since the speculation, they also said good, listen to grandma are straight. "School, school!" The cheers of the children to the village more added a few minutes lively. They go home a schoolbag, flew out: some ran to the mountains to dig a basket of bamboo shoots, some to the river a splash, others run to their own vegetable patch, while a green vegetables to choose a suitable text book the night with grandpa

The curtain falls. Interested in the old man went to a store watch TV

together, to talk to. Grannies play computer Mao Nong sat on the edge. Parents are migrant workers, home of the only old people and children, they still have their own happy and sweet

一声啼鸣,于是,全村的鸡就都醒了,此起彼伏的打鸣声中,家家户户的灯次第亮起来了。 “起来,起来上学!”“老李,今天要进城,早点起来!”„„不一会儿,就听见人们开门的声音、招呼的声音,吃饭的声音。乡村的一天就这样热热闹闹地开始了。 天大亮。奶奶们端起大盆子往河边走去。盆子里是孩子们昨夜换下的衣服。河面的涟漪就在衣服的一甩一落间荡漾开去。呀,怎么起波浪啦?原来奶奶们也像孩子似的在玩打水仗呢!

瞧,李奶奶折下身边的柳枝,朝河里一拂再一甩,王奶奶的脸上就都是水珠了;王奶奶呢,边“咯咯”笑着,边回敬了一巴掌大水花„„ 中午,家家户户弥漫着饭菜的.香味。奶奶们把可口的饭菜装上竹篮,送给正在田里干活的爷爷们。整个上午,他们在田里一边干活,一边隔着田埂拉几句家常。现在,坐在田边草垛旁,先喝一口汤,再吃吃自己种出来的青菜茄子。 (申请书 )

哪怕是炒煳了的,他们也说好吃,听得奶奶们直乐。 “放学啦,放学啦!”孩子们的欢呼声更给村里增添了几分热闹。他们回家一扔书包,就飞了出去:有的跑到山上挖一篮竹笋,有的到河边溅一朵水花,有的则跑到自家菜地里,和爷爷一起薅一把青菜„„ 夜 幕降临。有兴致的老爷爷就到小卖部一起看看电视、说说话。奶奶们就坐在边上打打毛农。 爸爸妈妈们都外出打工了,留守家乡的只是老人和孩子,他们依然有着自己的快乐和甜蜜


I yearn for rural life, each back to the public on Saturday, I will use the time to appreciate the beauty of the countryside, look, see a mu of the golden rice fields, sunshine in the paddy fields, immediately the golden rice fields appear very dazzling, sparrows chirping cried, white crane in the paddy field for the worm, when the breeze comes, the golden rice fields will swaying, as if in dancing, is really beautiful.

Has been very busy in the summer, the whole country, there are white crane fly to get the worm, and a sparrow in the chirping of call, is prepared to wait for farmers to receive rice, rice to eat the rest of the field, every summer, the village is like a bird's home, whenever, different kinds of birds welcome to come to visit every country of the ecological environment. Every summer, go to a trip there, as if already to a bird-watching trip, to revel in the bird world, while dancing the dance of "bird", while singing the "song of the birds," perhaps, this is the reason why I yearning country!!!!

Night in summer, cicadas keep call, also because of this beautiful song makes me fall asleep, beautiful melody echoed in my ear, cicada is like singer jay Chou. In the silent forest, hear cicada singing, very comfortable, but in the nature there is a sing sweet, frogs, cicada and frogs are friends, they play a "hold" live full, like artists, xiang, Aaron! Cicada and frogs are good partners in the summer.

Evening to mark the end of that, this is what I aspire to the countryside, very quiet, everywhere is full of everything, the air is very fresh, very carefree, I love the country!

