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although globally renowned designers are still crowding the runways with outrageous styles at prices that only a few can afford,new designers are showing fashions that reflect what is taking place on the streets,in the political arenas,in the entertainment field and in movements to protect the environment
Although fabrics were being …………be treated to a new generation of fashion
虽然面料的产生比从前任何时候都要快 但是直到第一台缝纫机的发明整个服装时代才被认为进入了一个新的时代
As a result,one spinner could simultaneously produce eight threads instead of producing one thread at a time
A design should both fit into a general fashion trend and satisfy the customer's desire to be unique and fashionable. again,how these requirements are met varies greatly for different customers
at one extreme,the designer may never see the final product because all production procedures are separate from the design room.at the other extreme,the deaigner may be responsible for making the production pattern and supervising the grading and marker making.
During this time,the western word witnessed…………as fine clothing
就在这个时期 西方世界见证了中产阶级的成长,这些中产阶级通过贸易和工业这些途径繁荣起来要花钱来买像高级时装这样的奢侈品
for example,anyone interested in fashion knows the name of such contemporary designers as Donna Karan,Ralph Lauren and such past legends as Chanel,Balenciaga and Dior,but who can name a well-known patternmaker,sewer or trimmer?Although the former group steals the fashion headlines,the designers alone do not create fashion
Fed by the magnificent textiles and………………as the world`s leading center for conture 由于里昂有非常优秀的纺织业装饰业,巴黎很自然的成为世界服装中心
For straight-leg trousers draw lines down from x and y to line…………and outside seams on any style
对于直角裤,从X和Y点做直线到边缝线。着会是裤子很宽,尤其是大腿的尺寸,但是可以通过逐渐变窄做成适合个人的样式 多数可以从大腿处逐渐向下,但是任何款式内外侧缝都要等量裁剪。
fabrics beyond usual price range are important because the designer can use an inexpensive fabric as alining or an expensive fabric as a trim in a limited area
information on color trends for the coming season usually comes from fiber companies and professional color services like pat tunskey
It is often a good idea to make up the …………in the even of alterations
这是一个好主意 把这个裤版做成短裤版 这样它就可以在裤子改动的时候减少浪费,把机织物的板用作针织物的板 那么就会给人一种合体的假象
lists travel extensively,visiting markets to select styles that will fit the company's line,bather than just copy it the originals the stylist generally translates,each style to fit the manufacturer's needs
ordering of piece goods for stock cutting is usually handled by the manufacturer after the number of confirmed sales and the number of projected sales for the item have been calculated
once the customer has selected a garment to try on,the chance of selling that garment
improves.Now the way the garment looks on the customer's figure is crucial. the customer wants the garment to fit and make her look taller and more slender.
Many trousers do not fit because of an inaccurate crotch length.to take this measurment,sit on a level chair and,with a tape measure,measure from waist,around hip curve,to chair.
Mark the central point of the back waist.………………the difference is approximately 2.5.this is necessary dart size.
most cutomers will examine a garment to see if it is well made.easy care,particularly
wash-and-wear.is an important part of making a satisfactory garment,and a satisfactory garment is one that performs well and looks beautiful
. 大多数客户将审查一件外衣,看它是否好穿.护理方便是重要组成部分,特别是免烫洗可穿性.作出满意的服装,得到了比较满意的服装是表现出色,看起来很漂亮
Retailers,manufactures and designers…………are satisfactorily achieved
零售商 服装制造商 设计师总是希望获得的尽可能多的信息 这样就能达到短期和长期的目标
the world of fashion offers challenging exciting and financially rewarding,career opportunities,the variety of activities involved in fashion results in diverse jobs that attract people with different backgrounds
the first step in creating a new ling is to research fashion and consumer trends。Generally,the designer will begin by investigating color trends.
the garment should obviously be good value for its price.if the price is too high,the customer will probably
not try it on,even if she likes the style
this chapter discusses the business of selecting fabrics and how the textile producer and manufacturer must work together to get textiles into the marketplace in appropriate garments 这一章讨论的生意如何选择面料和纺织品生产和制造商必须共同努力,得到纺织品进入市场在适当的衣服
textile science (the identtification of fibers and textile constructions,dyestuffs,print techniques and so on) is discussed only as it relates to the actual ordering of fabrics
the cardinal rule for a designer should be this :see all the textile representatives you possibly can during a season:judge their products' relevance to the designs you are planning;and be flexible,yet practical
the designer selects samples on the basis of price,aesthetics,fashion and the fabric's suitability for the line.frequently,a beautiful cannot bu used because it is too similar to another fabric in the line
the fabrics in a line should have a price range.the lower-priced fabrics can be made into more complicated styles.higer-priced goods should be reserved for simple silhouettes