系统解剖习题 第二部分 颈部

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第二部分 颈部

一、选择题: (一)单项选择题


A、位颈筋膜中层与深层之间 B、位于椎前层与脊柱颈部之间 C、位于椎前筋膜与内脏筋膜之间 D、直接与咽后间隙相通 E、直接与气管前间隙相通 2、甲状腺的静脉有(

A、甲状腺上、下、最下静脉 B、甲状腺上、中、下静脉 C甲状腺上、下静脉 D、甲状腺中、下静脉 E甲状腺上、中静脉 3、副神经的行程是(

A、胸锁乳突肌后缘中、下1/3交点处进入枕三角 B、胸锁乳突肌后缘中点处进入枕三角 C、胸锁乳突肌前缘上、中1/3交点处进入枕三角 D、胸锁乳突肌前缘中点处进入枕三角 E、胸锁乳突肌后缘上、中1/3交点处进入枕三角 4、锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞处常为(

A、锁骨外侧上方 B、锁骨内侧上方 C、锁骨中点上方 D、锁骨中点下方 E、锁骨内侧下方 5、颈丛皮支阻滞麻醉穿刺处为(

A、斜方肌前缘中点 B、胸锁乳突肌前缘中点 C、胸锁乳突肌后缘中点 D、胸锁乳突肌前缘上、中1/3交界处 E、胸锁乳突肌后缘上、中1/3交界处 6、甲状腺腺鞘又称(

A、真被膜 B、纤维囊 C、假被膜 D、甲状腺外膜 E、甲状腺悬韧带 7、锁骨下静脉在颈根部行于(

A、前斜角肌前面 B、前斜角肌后面 C、中斜角肌前面 D、中斜角肌后面 E、前、中斜角肌之间 8、下列哪一结构不属于颈根部的内容(

A、胸膜顶 B、锁骨下动脉 C、臂丛 D、颈丛 E、膈神经 9、胸膜顶高出(

A、锁骨外1/3上缘23cm B、锁骨中1/3上缘23cm C、锁骨内1/3上缘23cm D、肺尖23cm E、第一肋23cm 10、下列哪一结构不属于气管前间隙(

A、小儿胸腺上部 B、甲状腺下静脉 C、颈静脉弓 D、头臂干和左头臂静脉 E、喉返神经 11The muscle which separates the submandibular triangle from the paralingual space is the

a) Digastric, posterior belly b) Hyoglossus c) Mylohyoid d) Stylohyoid e) Styloglossus

12A 46-year-old female patient comes to the emergency department complaining of pain in the area just below her mandible on the right side of her face. She says that the pain is particularly severe when she eats. The area of the submandibular gland is tender and swollen, as is the area in the floor of her mouth lateral to the tongue. You suspect a stone in the submandibular duct, and a plain film radiograph shows a density in that region consistent with a stone. In order to remove the stone, the duct must be incised in the floor of the mouth. What nerve, that loops around the duct, is in danger in such an incision?

a) Chorda Tympani b) Glossopharyngeal c) Hypoglossal d) Internal branch of the superior laryngeal e) Lingual 13 The layer of encircling cervical fascia that splits to enclose sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles is the

a) Superficial fascia b) Superficial layer of deep fascia c) Infrahyoid fascia d) Prevertebral fascia e) Visceral fascia 14Following thyroid surgery, it was noted that a patient frequently aspirated fluid into her lungs. Upon examination it was determined that the area of the piriform recess above the vocal fold of the larynx was numb. What nerve may have been injured? a) External branch of the superior pharyngeal b) superior laryngeal superior pharyngeal c) Internal branch of the d) Lingual e) Recurrent laryngeal

15In repairing a defective right subclavian artery, the surgeon notices and protects a large nerve passing around to the posterior surface of the artery. This nerve, which would not be expected on the left side, is the

a) Phrenic b) Vagus c) Recurrent laryngeal d) Sympathetic trunk e) Ansa cervicalis 16These structures are all located in the superficial fascia of the neck EXCEPT

a) External jugular vein b) Platysma muscle c) Cervical branch of the facial nerve d) Omohyoid muscle e) Transverse cervical nerve

17An abcess was surgically removed from the middle of the posterior triangle on the right side. During recovery the patient noticed that her shoulder drooped and she could no longer raise her right hand above her head to brush her hair. Which nerve has been cut? a) Accessory (XI) b) Ansa cervicalis c) Facial (VII) d) Hypoglossal (XII) e) Suprascapular (二)多项选择题


A、颈前区 B、胸锁乳突肌区 C、颈外侧区 D、颈后区 E、项部 2、颈部皮肤的特点是(

A、较薄 B、较厚 C、移动度较大 D、移动度较小 E、皮纹横向 3、关于面神经颈支,下列叙述那些正确(

A、自腮腺上端穿出 B、自腮腺下端穿出 C、入颈阔肌深面 D、在颈阔肌前面下行 E、支配颈阔肌 4、关于颈筋膜,下列哪些叙述是正确的( A、位于浅筋膜和颈阔肌的深面 B、围绕颈、项部诸肌和器官

C、在血管、神经周围形成筋膜鞘及筋膜间隙 D、可分浅、中、深3E、浅层形成腮腺的腺鞘 5、颈筋膜形成的间隙有(

A、胸骨上间隙 B、锁骨上间隙 C、气管前间隙 D、翼下颌间隙 E、咽下间隙 6、关于甲状腺囊鞘间隙,下列叙述哪些是正确(

A、为真被膜与纤维囊之间的间隙 B、为假被膜与真被膜之间的间隙 C、间隙内有甲状旁腺 D、间隙内有疏松结缔组织 E、间隙内有甲状腺组织


A、皮肤、浅筋膜 B、颈筋膜浅层 C、颈筋膜深层 D、舌骨下肌群 E、气管前筋膜 8、关于胸导管,下列叙述哪些正确(

A、沿食管颈部左缘上升 B、平第4颈椎高度形成胸导管弓 C、平第7颈椎高度形成胸导管弓 D、注入右静脉角 E、注入左静脉角


A、又称右侧斜角肌淋巴结 B、胃癌或食管下部癌转移时,常累及该淋巴结 C、肿大时,可在胸锁乳突肌后缘和锁骨上缘处触到 D、肿大时,可在胸锁乳突肌后缘和锁骨上缘的交界处触到 E、又称左侧斜角肌淋巴结 10、关于环状软骨,下列的叙述哪些是正确(

A、位于甲状软骨的上方 B、位于甲状软骨的下方 C、为喉与气管、咽与食管的分界标志 D、可作记数气管环的标志 E、平对第6颈椎 二、填空题

1 二腹肌前腹的神经支配为( ),二腹肌后腹的神经支配为( )。

2 颈鞘的结构排布关系,位于前外的是( ),前内的是( ),二者之间后方的是( )。 3 甲状腺大部分切除时,结扎甲状腺上动脉的原则是( );结扎甲状腺下动脉的原则是( )。 4 枕三角内有( )神经通过,该神经支配( )和( )。

5 椎动脉三角的内容有( )动脉、静脉,( )动脉、交感干及( )神经节等。 三、名词解释

神经点、静脉角、锁骨上大窝(锁骨上三角)、斜角肌间隙、Sibson筋膜(胸膜上膜)、气管前间隙、咽后间隙 、椎前间隙、颈袢、颈动脉鞘 1. 2. 3.

甲状腺鞘 甲状腺悬韧带 Virchow淋巴结


1 甲状腺的位置﹑形态及毗邻关系? 2 颈动脉三角的构成及内容? 3 椎动脉三角的构成及内容?

4 颈袢的构成﹑走行及其支配的肌肉?

