
2022-04-12 20:08:36   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《基数词和序数词》,欢迎阅读!


一. 表示数目多少的词叫基数词:


1-10 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

11-19 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eightteen 19 nineteen

20-90 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety



a/one hundred; 1000

a/one thousand; 1,000,000 a/one million; 1,000,000,000

a/one billion(美)

a/one thousand million()

二. 表示顺序的数次叫序数词:


1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth

11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth

20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth 25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 27th twenty-seventh 28th twenty-eighty 29th twenty-ninth

30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 60th sixtieth 70th sevenyieth 80th eightieth 90th ninetieth 100th one hundredth 1,000th one thousangth 1,,000,000th one millionth 100,000,000th one billionth

注意: Hundred thousand million

1. 其前有具体数字时,用单数: There are thousand students in this in this school.这所学校


2. 前无数词,模糊数字+s+of短语: Hundreds of people come to see our play.Its so great.

成百的人来看我们的戏剧,它太成功了。 3. 基数词变序数词口诀:

基变序,很容易,结尾加上th 一二三特殊记,结尾各是t,d,d 八去t,九去e,f来把ve替,


三. 基数词的用法:

1. 基数词在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语和同位语。 主语: Four of them went to the factory. 他们四个人去了工厂。 宾语: I want two. 我要两个。

定语: There thirty classrooms in our school. 我们学校有30个教室。 表语: My classmate is eighteen. 我的同学18岁。

He is only three,and he cant dress himself. 他只有三岁,不会穿衣服。 同位语: We three will go there together. 我们3个一起去。


The road is 16 meters in width. 这条路十六米宽。

18 American students came to our school yesterday. 昨天有18个美国学生来到我校。 四.序数词的用法:


主语: The second is what I really need. 第二个是是我真正需要的。 宾语: He chose the second. 他选了第二个。

定语: We are carry out the first plan. 我们将执行第一个计划 表语: She is the second in our class. 在我们班她是第二名。


1. The nine students are in Class Five.这九个学生都是五班的。 2. The ninth student is in Class Five.第九个学生是五班的。 3. 序数词前用不定冠词的常见情况: 序数词前加“a”表“再一次”

May I have a second try?我能再试一次吗?

Now tell me why you took a second arrow. 告诉我,为什么你手里拿着另一支箭? 在名次中排“第几”

You should try to get a first or a second in the examination.你应力争在这次考试中得个第一、二名。


We dont allow a third to have a hand in this matter. 我们不允许第三者插手此事。 当“分数词”用表示“几分之几”

A third of the students failed in the exam. 三分之一的学生在这次考试中没及格。 五.时间表达法:

1.顺序法 seven five 7:05 seven fifty-two 7:52 seven thirty 730

2.先分钟后时刻法:整点用oclock,半点用half.30to,<30past.1545分钟用quarter(0.25 15分钟) 8 oclock 八点

half past eight a.m. 上午八点半 a quarter to twelve 差一刻12 twenty-nine to eight 29分八点 twenty-nine past eight 8:29


in one 合为一体 one and the same 同一个 on one hand 一方面 by twos 成双成对

in two 一分为二 second to none 首屈一指

five-star 一流的;五星的 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 ten to one 十分之九 a hundred and one 许多

in twos and threes 三三两两;稀稀拉拉 It takes two to do something 双方均有责任。 Two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮


①日、月、年 5 Jane 2005 ②月、日、年 Jane 5 2005

in the 1990’s (nineteen nineties) 20世纪90年代 724B.C.=seven four two B.C. 公元前724 2000A.D. 公元2000


一个十七岁的女孩 a 17-year-old girl a girl 17 years old a girl of 17 a girl aged 17


416房间:Room 416 1公共汽车:Bus 1

幸福大街81号:No.81,Xingfu street

电话号码256-9905Tel.No.two five six nine nine(两个9也可表示为:double nine)0()five 邮政编号100056;Postcode/Zip code one 0()0 0 five six 5.078:five point zero seven eight 1/3:one-third 3/5:three-fifths 8%:eight percent

Page120 120

倍数表达法:三次以上用“基数词+times,两倍用twicedouble The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的四十九倍。 算式加减乘除表示法:

加、乘算式中,谓语动词即可用单数也可用复数,但减、除算式中,谓语动词只能用单数。 5+6=11 five and/plus six is/are/makes/make/equal/equals eleven. 25×4=100 Twenty-five times (multiplies) four are one hundred. 127=5 Twelve minus seven equals five. 16÷4=4 Sixteen divided by four is four.

一加一等于几? How much is one plus one? Its two. Hold on my own 坚持住。

Gold speed my love. 上上帝助我突破层层障碍。 201198日星期四 9:40 邓翰生于家中

