
2024-04-07 18:06:33   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《专心致志做某事英文【专心致志的英文短语】》,欢迎阅读!


1. Delegates sat in rapt silence as Mrs Fisher spoke. 费希尔夫人发言的时候,代表们都一言不发专心致志地听着。

2. I knew that concentration was the first requirement for learning. 我知道专心致志是学习的首要条件。

3. My father buried his head in his newspaper. 我父亲专心致志地看他的报纸。

4. Their dogged single-mindedness is almost heroic. 他们不屈不挠专心致志的劲头简直是一种壮举。

5. She is dedicated to her job. 她对工作专心致志。 6. She“s wedded to her job. 她专心致志于工作

7. He was intent on the job he was doing. 他专心致志于正在做工作. 8. Instead of wasting time, she employed herself in reading. 她专心致志地看书,不白白浪费时间. 9. He is bound up in his work with old people. 他专心致志于老年人的工作. 10. He addressed himself to the task of doing his homework. 他专心致志地做他的家庭作业.11. The student is engrossed in his book. 这名学生正在专心致志地看书. 12. She was absorbed with the mathematical problem. 她专心致志地演算数学. 13. I admire her dedication to the job. 我佩服她对工作专心致志. 14. He devoted his life to literature. 他专心致志于文学. 15. He was involved in working out a plan. 他专心致志地制订计划. 关于专心致志的相关例句 他专心致志地工作

He is intent on his task. 你应当专心致志地做你的工作 You should concentrate on your job. 这名学生正在专心致志地


The student is engrossed in his book. 他专心致志于研究生物学。 He devoted his attention to the study of biology. 你应当专心致志地做你的工作

You should concentrate on your working. 新来的职员工作专心致志。

The new comer applied his mind to the job.老是看时间等下班的人决不会专心致志地工作

Clock watchers can never concentrate on their work. 专心致志研究癌症的起因。

Be absorbedly attentive to research into the cause of cancer. 专心致志于老年人的工作

He is bound up in his work with old people. 她只有专心致志,终能业有所成。

She will never succeed until she bends her mind to her work. 于专心致志的双语例句 你越专心致志,就工作得越好。

The more you apply the better you will work. 我要专心致志对抗眼前的挑战,我的行动会使我忘却其它一切,不让 家事缠身。 I will concentrate my energy on the challenge of the moment and my actions will help me forgetall else. 总是被邮件、警告和其他信息提醒的情况下理解得不如那些能够专心 致志的人。

People who are continually distracted by emails, alerts and other messages understand less than those who are able to concentrate. 专心致志地把柠檬水瓶的盖子拧开,喝了一大口,然后心不在焉地 着桌面。

I concentrated on unscrewing the lid of my lemonade. I took a swig, staring at the table without seeing it. 他们所共有的、专心致志的见识和能力,导致他们两人的心灵跳跃! 从而改变了物理学化学历史进程。Their shared insight and ability to concentrate led to


